Chapter One

Rose Calvert, wearing nothing more than her long, flowing nightgown, slowly counted the steps from her room aboard the Keldysh to the stern of the ship. She tightly gripped something in her hand and could feel its imprint forming on her skin. As she climbed the barricade, she felt her hands being caressed in Jack's as he steadied her when they were "flying." She closed her eyes and opened them. This time, instead of the lonely darkness, she saw the breathtaking sunset of this night eighty-four years ago. As she blinked again, she was once again in the present. She held out her hand and was ready to drop the article she held. It was The Heart of the Ocean in all its arrogant beauty. Somehow, the diamond chain seemed glued to her fingers, as to say its duty was still undone. She had just narrated Jack's secret, the story of her escape from slavery. Wasn't that enough pain for her to endure? Now it was time for their intimate memories to begin. Rose clearly saw the love she and Jack shared, displayed in each facet, as though the experiences were recurring in reality once more. Their stares across the decks, Jack saving her from falling into the icy water after she attempted suicide, their dreams they made of a life together, ignorant of society, and the spitting lesson in front of her mother. The dashing gentleman who escorted her to that horrendous dinner, their party below decks in steerage, and "flying" on the bow, slowly brought a smile to her aged lips. Perhaps the most awkward test they endured was when Jack drew her in her cabin. The ultimate salvation Jack offered her, their time spent in the Renault, was all she could have asked for.

The most difficult task he laid on her shoulders was being able to completely promise him with all her heart that she would pick up the pieces of her life and go on without him. Now that she was alone with him once more, she did not bother to fight back the tears that always accompanied the memory of his death. Finally, as if on cue, the necklace slipped from her fingers and she leaned across the railing to watch its two and a half mile descent into the North Atlantic, over the place where she kept all things Titanic frozen in time. The beautiful jewel that once symbolized her slavery to high society now became proof that her only true love Jack Dawson was more than a haunted memory. Was it simply her imagination, or did she really see Jack catch the jewel as it landed in his open palm?

Chapter Two