Chapter Two

Back in her room aboard the Keldysh, Rose brushed her hand along the top edge of the picture frames that lined her dresser.

Although no one else could see it, Jack was in every single picture with her. The photo she loved the most was taken at the Santa Monica Pier. She sat on a horse with the boardwalk in the distance behind her. Even now she could feel his arms wrapped tightly around her waist and his chin resting on her shoulder as they both stared into the camera. Turning off the light, she crawled into bed, said a short prayer, and closed her eyes to sleep. As always, whenever she fell asleep Jack's perfect blue eyes greeted her. Within minutes, she was standing on the first-class deck of the Titanic once again. As the doors were opened for her, a steward dressed in his first-class finery said, "We've been waiting for you, Rose. Welcome home, Mrs. Dawson." The dress she was wearing felt vaguely familiar.

She glanced down at it and saw that she was decked out in her dinner dress from eighty-four years ago when she was seventeen. This time it was pure white. A sense of deja vu engulfed her as she made her way to the Grand Staircase. She stole quick glances at various individuals she knew, some of whom survived the sinking, but most who went down with the "Unsinkable". She took a deep breath before ascending the staircase again. There he was. As before, his back was turned to her, facing the clock, this time he wore his third-class finest attire. When she reached the landing, he turned to greet her. In her lifetime, he had remained all of twenty years old, and she was seventeen again. He extended his hand to her and pulled her close as they drank each other with their eyes. Rose tracing Jack's left jaw line with her finger followed broad smiles of recognition. He took his cue to hold her as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed him. It had seemed they were the only ones in the room until a heavily thunderous applause filled the air. As they ended the kiss, he whispered in her ear, "Now will you marry me?" The words she waited four days for had taken eighty-four years, and she wasn't going to lose him again, heaven or not. "Isn't that what this is? The dress, the guests, and everything?" she asked, to which he nodded, before turning to greet the onlookers. That night Rose and Jack spent in her old cabin, never again having to hide from anyone. As he slowly and tenderly undressed her, she was relieved to discover that there was no corset underneath to hinder them. She loved him with more passion and experience than he had ever seen in her. Rose and Jack would now be able to love each other, as only they knew how, for an eternity with no one to come between them.

Recalling her last words to Lizzie, she whispered in his ear, "A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets."

The End.
