Chapter Three

Letter to Claire
Present Day

Rose smiled to herself as she spotted in the picture what she was looking for. She had told Brock that she didn’t have a picture of Jack…but indeed she did. She had a whole collection of them. In each picture, Jack was there, standing behind her. A person just looking at the picture wouldn’t see him. But if one really stood and examined the picture…really examined it…they would see the faint image of a man…so faint that it almost wasn’t there, but it was there nonetheless, always reminding Rose that he was with her…through thick and thin. Rose remembered the first time she had noticed it. It was in the picture she had taken with Claire, and Rose had immediately written to Claire about it when she sent the copy to her.

Dear Claire,

I’m enclosing with this letter the picture we took together. You won’t believe what I’m about to say, but you’ll soon see that it’s the truth. That I’m not going out of my head, which I thought I was when I first noticed it. But, anyway, let me tell you how I noticed this detail in the picture.

I had picked the picture up from the film developer downtown here in Santa Monica and was looking at it. I mean, really looking at it. For some reason, I had the urge--probably from Jack--to really examine the picture up close. I could have died when I saw what I saw.

It was Jack, Claire. It was our Jack. He was with us that day. He was standing between us, arms wrapped around our waists. And he was smiling, Claire, his beautiful eyes full of pride.

Of course, if you just look at the picture, you can’t see him, but if you really examine it closely, you’ll see him. He’s so faint that you can barely see him, but he’s there, all the same. Oh, Claire, this makes me so happy. That means he’s with me…even now I can feel his presence. Always there…ready to come to me whenever I need him.

Enjoy the picture, Claire, and whenever you feel lonely or full of doubt, just look at that picture really hard and find Jack. Let his memory fill you and encourage you. I’ll send more pictures later, and of course when our baby is born I’ll send you a picture as well. Well, I’ll let you go now. Write back to the address on the envelope. I should be here in Santa Monica for a good while. I plan to visit that pier Jack talked about, drawing portraits for ten cents apiece.

I’ll write back soon.

Yours always,
Rose Dawson

Chapter Four