Chapter Four

The Pier

Smiling, Rose laid that picture down and moved on to the next. The picture of her on a horse, riding in the surf with the roller coaster towering behind her. Of course, when Rose looked really hard at the picture, she saw the faint image of Jack sitting behind her, his arms around her waist. He smiled into the camera again, his eyes full of pride.

She caressed the picture lovingly. This was one of her most precious memories…the time she really felt she had accomplished something.


It was a beautiful summer day. It had been a month since Rose had left Chippewa Falls. Rose had found a steady job as a waitress at a local café that overlooked the pier. Each day, she would look out the window and long to be out there among the churning crowd, doing all the things she and Jack had talked about doing together. Or she imagined Jack sitting on a bench with his portfolio in hand, sketching portraits for ten cents apiece. Maybe that would’ve been what he would’ve been doing right now if he had lived. She, of course, would have been working here, and he would have been out there sketching portraits for ten cents apiece, maybe even twenty, with inflation on the rise.

"Oh, Jack." Rose sighed to herself.

"No regrets for what could’ve been, Rose. Remember your promise. Live for both of us," a voice spoke into her ear.

Jack. He was with her, even now while she worked. Keeping her company.

"I love you, Rose."

The next day, Rose had the day off, and she made that the day she went to the pier. It was time to fulfill her and Jack’s dreams. First things first. The roller coaster.

She stood in line for fifteen minutes, and when it was her turn, she took the ticket and slid into the car. She could feel Jack next to her all the time, holding her hand, telling her not to be nervous, that it would be like flying aboard the Titanic, only faster. Rose screamed and held up her hands as the car went faster and faster, speeding around the curves and plunging down the tracks. Finally, it was over, and Rose immediately ran to some bushes, where she threw up.

"I did it, Jack!" She laughed. "I rode the roller coaster ‘til I threw up! Mission one completed."

"I’m proud of you, Rose. I knew you would do it."

Rose smiled at his encouraging words. How would she get along without him? Just the fact that he was still with her after all that had happened was amazing. But would there be a time when she’d have to do without him? Would she be able to handle it if there was? Pushing that thought from her mind, Rose pushed ahead. She was determined to fulfill her promise to Jack.

Next was the horse. She wanted to ride one in the surf with one leg on each side. She found what she was looking for when she went down to the beach and found an old man walking a beautiful black mare along the shore.

"Excuse me, sir!" Rose ran down to the man. "Are you offering horseback rides?"

"Well, miss, it’s not actually a horseback ride, but I let you sit on her in the surf for fifty cents for five minutes. I walk her along the shore, or in the surf, mind you, for an extra ten cents. And I take a picture for an additional five," the man explained.

"I’ll take it." Rose smiled.

The man was surprised when the young lady hopped up on the horse and swung her other leg to the other side. Quite unladylike in his opinion, but he knew to keep his opinions to himself.

Rose relaxed as the man led the horse out into the surf, keeping tight hold of the reins. She sighed with pleasure as she felt Jack slip on behind her, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist.

"I’m right here, Rose. We’re doing this together."

She closed her eyes and smiled, relaxing even more. Jack was with her and she was safe. He’d never let anything hurt her.

"Ready for a picture?" The man’s voice interrupted her thoughts.

Rose nodded eagerly as he adjusted the horse’s position to take a perfect picture. The young lady was indeed lovely, smiling atop the horse with the roller coaster looming behind her.

"Smile!" The man took the picture.

Present Day

That day had been one of the best days of Rose’s life and her first real accomplishment as Rose Dawson. Jack had been so proud of her. She had felt his pride splashing over her like waves. She remembered not being surprised when she had noticed the faint image of Jack behind her on the horse with his arms wrapped around her waist, a big smile on his face. They had accomplished what they had talked about doing together, even when he was long dead.

Rose smiled at the picture. Such a wonderful memory. All of them such wonderful memories.

Chapter Five