Chapter Six

Jason Calvert

Rose picked up another picture. This one was of the young man who had taken her to the hospital. He was just standing in the corner, a baby bottle in his hand. Rose sighed deeply as she remembered how Jason had decided to just barge into her life, without her permission, mind you. He had refused to take no for an answer.


Rose sat up in bed, gazing at her son, who was peacefully sleeping in her arms when there was a slight knock on the door. She looked up to see the nurse and the young man who had driven her to the hospital.

"Ma’am, your husband’s here to see you and the baby." The nurse smiled.

"Well, actually…" the man began, but Rose interrupted him.

"That’s all right, nurse. He may come in."

The nurse nodded and turned to leave. "Congratulations on your son, sir."

The man just looked at her, stunned at the mistake. "I’m sorry about that."

"Don’t worry about it." Rose shrugged. "I’d like to thank you, Mr…"


"I’d like to thank you, Mr. Calvert. For all you’ve done. I’m sorry I was so forceful at the apartment. It’s just that I was in a hurry."

"That’s okay. I understand." The man nodded. "I’m just happy I knocked on your door at the right time. So, you have a son, huh?"

Rose nodded. "His name’s Jake Fabrizio Dawson. Fabrizio’s an Italian name, just in case you were wondering."

"It’s a nice name. How about yours? I can’t keep calling you ma’am, can I?"

"It’s Rose. Rose Dawson, waitress extraordinaire."

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Dawson. My name’s Jason. Jason Calvert, university student extraordinaire." The man offered his hand for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Calvert."

"Just call me Jason." Jason shrugged.

"Well, then, just call me Rose." Rose grinned.

Jason’s eyes again fell on the sleeping baby in her arms. "So, where’s Mr. Dawson?"

"Oh." Rose’s sunny mood dampened a little as she thought of Jack. He should be here with her right now. Not some university student she didn’t even know. "He’s…he died about a month before I found out I was pregnant."

"Oh. Oh, I’m sorry. You must have been devastated."

Rose just smiled, then changed the subject. She definitely didn’t want to talk about Jack. She’d been thinking about him during the two hours since Jake had been born. Now it was time to move on to other things. "So, you’re new here in Santa Monica?"

Jason nodded. "Just moved here from Philadelphia. I was on a grant in school there, but things got messed up somehow, so I headed on out here to California to start a new life."

"California seems to be a perfect place for that." Rose nodded. "Goodness knows, I should know from experience."

"So, Rose…I take it that you live by yourself in that apartment building. How do you support yourself?"

"I’m a waitress down at the café on the corner." Rose smiled. "It’s not the ritziest job, but it pays the bills and puts food on the table. And right now, that’s all that matters."

"But will it be enough to support little Jack there?" Jason asked, staring up at the ceiling.

"Excuse me?"

"Jake. I’m sorry. I meant to say Jake. It’s just that the name sounds so much like Jack…it’s an honest mistake," Jason stuttered.

"No. It’s all right. Don’t be sorry. It’s my fault." Rose looked down at the baby. "I guess that’s why I named him Jake. Because it was so close to Jack, and…"

"Jack’s the name of the father. Right?"

Tears in her eyes, Rose looked at the Jason and nodded. "He was an artist. He could draw the most plain-looking person and make them look like the most beautiful person on paper."

"How did he die?"

"You know, I think that’s enough about Jack. You know…he was just someone…listen, it’s getting late and it’s been a long day. Thank you for driving me here and everything, but I really do think you should go."


"I’ll probably see you again around the building when I return home. So, I’ll see you around."

"Rose…" Jason began, then thought better of trying to continue the conversation. She obviously didn’t want to talk about Jack, and he was going to honor that wish. "I’ll see you around. Maybe I’ll even stop by to see how you’re coming along."

"I’d like that." Rose smiled.

"Well, then, I’ll see you then." Jason waved before leaving the room.


That night, Rose found herself on the Titanic once again. It had been six months since she had last had this dream. She immediately knew where to go. The bow of the ship. This time Jake was with her, and Jack was waiting for them, his eyes sparkling with love.

"I brought your son." Rose smiled.

"He’s beautiful, Rose. Just like his mother." Jack grinned, then looked back up at Rose, a serious expression on his face. "Rose…our son needs a male role model. He needs a man he can look up to."

"He will. I’m going to tell him everything he needs to know about his father…"

"That’s not good enough, Rose, and you know it. Our son needs a male role model that’s flesh and blood. And I sent you one. You just have to let him in." Jack stroked her cheek.


"Let him in, Rose. For Jake’s sake."

Rose sniffed back fresh tears. And Jack laughed. "What are you crying for? This isn’t good-bye, Rose. Not by a long shot. It’ll never be good-bye for you and me…don’t you know that by now?"

"But, Jack…I’m not ready. Doesn’t that mean anything to you?"

"You’re not ready for another romantic relationship. But how ‘bout a friend? You need one, Rose. One who’s close by, not hundreds of miles away. One that’s alive…not deceased." Jack sighed. "You may say that’s enough for you…but is it really enough for our son? Think about it, Rose."

"I will." Rose smiled.

"And don’t forget your promise. Live life to the fullest. Make it count."

"I will, Jack. I’ll make it count." Rose felt tears fill her eyes as she began to float away from Jack. "Jack, wait! I’m not ready!"

Jack didn’t answer. He just waved to her, tears in his eyes. She thought she heard him whisper that he loved her. Then he was gone, and she was back in the hospital room, her pillow wet from crying.

Two Weeks Later

Rose was rocking her sleeping son, singing Come Josephine to him as he slept peacefully, when there was a knock on the door. Placing the baby in his crib, Rose got up and opened the door to find Jason Calvert bearing a bouquet of roses and a teddy bear with a red bow around its waist.

"Hello," he greeted.

"Oh, hi." Rose smiled. "Come on in. I’m sorry the place is such a mess. It’s just that I haven’t had a chance to clean up since Jake was born."

"Yeah. The landlady mentioned that you came home a week ago with your baby. I was meaning to come over before now, but things kept coming up. But I’m here now, and I’ve brought some gifts for the new mother and her baby." Jason handed the roses and bear to Rose.

"Oh, thank you. You didn’t have to do this." Rose grinned.

"I wanted to. It’s also a peace offering for sticking my foot in my mouth the last time I saw you."

"Oh, yeah." Rose’s smile faded a little at the mention of their discussion about Jack. She remembered her dream about Jack and him telling her that he had sent Jason so she could have a friend nearby. That was when she had to ask. "Jason…what made you come here that night when you took me to the hospital?"

Jason was confused by the question. Why would she ask him that now? Should he tell her the truth? Of course he should. Something…someone insisted that he tell her the truth. "Don’t think I’m insane or anything, but a voice told me to knock on your door. That you’d be able to help me."

"A voice?"

"I know it sounds weird, but…that’s how it happened." Jason shrugged, looking at the roses.

Rose was dumbstruck. Jack had told her he had sent someone, but…she had never thought he’d be so blunt about it. Of course, she was having his baby at the time. "Was this voice belonging to a man…a young man?"

Jason simply nodded.

Rose just nodded. "Of course. Well, I’m glad you did stop by. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t."

"Rose…you don’t think I’m crazy, do you?" Jason asked uncertainly.

"Of course I don’t, Mr. Calvert. I had a similar experience six months ago. It’s quite understandable." Rose giggled. "Sit down and I’ll fix you some tea and tell you about it."

"You don’t have to," Jason quickly replied. He had a feeling that telling him would reopen an already festering wound, and he didn’t want to be the cause of anymore pain for her. "But I will take some of that tea."

"All right." Rose nodded, relief in her eyes. She was glad he had given her a way out of talking about Jack. His memory still hurt her so much…she looked forward to the day when she could look back on her time with Jack without the stabbing pain in her heart. She was determined never to love anybody like that again, except for her son. "So, Mr. Calvert, what have you been up to since I saw you last?"

"Getting used to the weather. It’s gorgeous here in Santa Monica. I can’t wait to go to that pier." Jason grinned.

Rose smiled. "That was one of the first places I headed to when I moved here. It’s fantastic, Jason. You’ll like it."

Jason smiled at the lovely woman sitting before him. Rose Dawson was indeed lovely, but her green eyes shone with a certain knowledge of tragedy that no person her age should have. But he wasn’t going to pry. Then he heard that voice again…the voice that had once again led him to her door.

"Ask her to the pier."

Jason knew there was no resisting. He had tried that a number of times, but the voice’s insistence and his own desire to see the lovely redhead again had won out. "Would you like to join me when I go? Since you’ve been there already, you can show me around."

Rose’s eyes widened with surprise. He wanted to take her to the pier…the pier that had belonged to her and Jack alone. If it was anywhere else…she would say yes, but she felt she’d be betraying Jack if she went to the pier with anyone but him.

"I-I’m sorry. But I can’t. I have work, plus Jake here to look after…it just wouldn’t be a good idea." Rose lowered her gaze to the floor, trying to push away the feeling that she was somehow disappointing Jack by refusing Jake’s offer.

"Oh. Okay."

Once again, the voice spoke. "Invite her to dinner. She can’t say no to that."

"Well, how about dinner at that little restaurant a couple of blocks from here? Maybe we can take in a play while we’re out. Just two new friends getting to know one another." Jason threw in the last couple of sentences.

Rose bit her lip. Jack wanted her to go on with her life. She knew that. In fact, he might somehow be setting this up…but how could she go out with anyone when she still loved him so much? When all she could do was remember the way his eyes had shone with amusement when they had walked around the deck of the Titanic…or how he had smelt of charcoal when they had made love in the Renault?

"Just as friends?" Rose asked, her voice uncertain.

"Just as friends." Jason nodded.

"Well, then, I don’t see why not." Rose shrugged. "But just as long as you know this isn’t a date."

"I know, Rose. Just two friends going to dinner and a play. It’ll be fun." Jason smiled enthusiastically, his blue eyes sparkling in such a way that Rose could almost swear that those eyes belonged to her lost love, not her new friend.

"I’ll see you at eight, then." Jason grinned from ear to ear.

Rose just nodded and followed him to the door. He waved one more time before heading into his room, right across the hall. Rose closed the door and closed her eyes tightly. What was she doing? Why was she going out with a man who wasn’t Jack?

"Because it’s what I want for you, Rose," Jack’s voice spoke into her ear.

"Oh, Jack." Rose clamped a hand over her mouth and ran into the other room in tears. How could Jack be so cruel as to make her promise to go on with her life? How did he expect her to survive without him? Well, if that was what he wanted, that was what he was going to get. Rose got up off her bed, this time determined to forget Jack Dawson…even though he was the father of her baby, but that didn’t make a difference. She was going to try her hardest to forget about the young man who had turned her life around for the better.

Four Hours Later

Rose and Jason had just gotten back from the play they had gone to see after dinner. They were standing outside his door, preparing to say good night. At least, Rose was, anyway.

"Want to come in?" Jason grinned.

"Isn’t that improper?"

"Not when we’re in the living room having a couple of cocktails." Jason smiled and took her hand. "Besides, we’re just friends. What’s going to happen?"

Rose smiled and nodded, accepting his offer.

He excitedly pulled her into the apartment and shed his coat on the couch. "Sit. Make yourself at home. I’ll be back. I have to get out of this suit and tie. It’s killing me." Jason laughed, disappearing through the door that led to his bedroom.

Rose sat back and thought to herself. She was quite proud of herself. She hadn’t thought about Jack once that evening. She hadn’t thought about how his hair shone in the sunlight or how his cheeks had turned red when he had drawn her portrait in her stateroom.

"Stop it, Rose!" she hissed, pushing the thoughts from her mind and getting up to look at the photographs that Jason had set up on his mantle. They were quite interesting, capturing bits and pieces from his life. She smiled as she spied a picture of Jason with his arms wrapped around an attractive girl with blonde hair. She wondered if she was his sweetheart back in his hometown. Somehow, the pictures looked somewhat familiar, like she’d been to some of the places they had been taken.

Everything became clear when she saw the next picture…one that stood out among the rest and brought her hand up to her mouth in surprise and shock. It was a picture of Jason and…Jack! Both boys were standing in front of what looked to be a lake, holding a fish hooked on a line between them. Both boys smiled happily as they held up their trophy for the world to see.

"Ah…I remember when that picture was taken." Jason smiled, appearing behind Rose. "It was the winter of 1907."

"Who is he?" Rose asked dumbly. She knew who the boy Jason was with was. She just wanted to know who he was to Jason.

"My favorite cousin, Jack Dawson." Jason crossed his arms. "I remember that picture. It was a year before the fire that took his parents’ life, and we were out that morning after being told not to even think about going out until our chores were done. I, of course, had no intention of going out, but good old Jack…he was always wanting to be somewhere he wasn‘t supposed to be. He talked me into joining him on a trip down to Lake Wissota to do some ice fishing. That was when we caught the biggest fish around. Jack was so excited, he forgot about the trouble we were in and insisted on going to show Uncle Matt what we had caught. When Uncle Matt saw that fish, he forgot all about the whipping he was going to give both of us for disobeying. That night we had a grand old time dining on that big bass."

"Sound like you two were close." Rose smiled wistfully at the story.

"We were. As close as two brothers. If you saw us together, you would think we were. That’s how close we were." Jason smiled wistfully. "But sadly, Jack’s parents died the year after, and he left Chippewa Falls and hasn’t been back yet. He, of course, wrote me a couple of times. The last I heard, he was in Paris, trying to get some of his drawings he liked so well sold. Haven’t heard from him since…it’s been a whole year just about since that last letter."

"Jason…" Rose began , but was interrupted.

"You know, that’s not like him. He always kept in touch within a six month period, but he hasn’t written once…not one single time."

"I have to go." Rose pushed her way to the door, tears beginning to spill from her eyes.

"Rose, wait! What’s wrong?" Jason went after her. "Did I say something wrong? I’m sorry if I did."

"No, Jason, it’s not you…it’s…oh, never mind. I have to go." Rose rushed out the door and over to her apartment, shutting door behind her.

Jason was left looking both stunned and dazed. What had gotten into Rose? Why had she run away like someone possessed? He’d have to find out later. Right now, he was going to make a call on someone who was good at finding people. He was going to go in search of his long lost cousin…and hopefully bring him home.


Rose laid on her bed, looking up at the ceiling. Cousin. Jason was Jack’s cousin. No wonder Jason reminded her so much of Jack. Jack had led her to the person he was closest to.

"Oh, Jack!" Rose sobbed, burying her face in her pillow. "Why are you doing this to me?"


"Because I love you," a clear voice said beside her as a gentle hand ran through her hair. Rose darted up and looked into a pair of familiar blue eyes.


"Rose, don’t cry. I’m sorry if I upset you. I thought I was helping you by sending my cousin…I thought that you two could help each other. But I guess I was wrong." Jack bowed his head sadly. "I just hated seeing you so sad and so lonely."

"Oh, Jack…you didn’t upset me…and you did help me by sending your cousin. He’s the one who got me to the hospital in time to deliver your son." Rose smiled, tenderly touching his cheek.

"But you’re so miserable right now, Rose…"

"I know. But that can’t be helped. Not by anyone, no matter how close to you they were. Do you understand?"

Jack slowly nodded. "But if you don’t mind my saying so, I still say you two look good together. Jason’s a good man, Rose. He’ll take good care of you and our son. Whether you tell him about me or not."

"Should I, Jack?"

"I’ll leave that up to you, Rose. We’re a subject you’re going to have to be ready to share. I can’t tell you when or with whom to share it." Jack got up.

"Jack? Where are you going?" Rose sat up from the mattress.

"It’s morning, Rose. It’s time for you to wake up." Jack smiled lovingly down at her. "Wake up, Rose."

"Jack." Rose reached for him as he floated farther away from her.

"I love you, Rose. I’ll always be with you." Jack, too, reached his hand out to her, to no avail. He got farther and farther away.

"Jack, no! Wait!" Rose cried. "Jack!"


She bolted awake to bright sunlight streaming through her window and Jake’s hungry cries from his crib.

"Coming, Jake," Rose mumbled, forcing herself out of bed.

Chapter Seven