Chapter Nine

It was like a dream, she thought. She thought that she saw Jack walk across the cemetery and in the direction to go home.

Rose, though, was pretty sure that she saw Jack.

"Jack!" Rose yelled out from the cemetery.

Then, that moment, Rose knew that it wasn't a vision, or a dream. Jack turned around to see Rose, and his faced lit up.

"Rose!" Jack yelled back, and headed for the cemetery, where Rose was standing.

Rose and Jack started running towards each other, and then hugged each other tightly. Jack kissed Rose passionately, and started to cry, and Rose let go of her tears and cried also.

"Oh, Rose, you don't always have to be so brave," Jack said, leaning his head against Rose.

"Yes, I do," Rose said. "Yes, I do." And tears came down her eyes. Rose felt Jack's face with grace, as she touched it smoothly.

"Rose, what are you doing?" Jack said, as he touched her hands.

"Jack, every night I have dreams about you. Sometimes, I can actually feel you. I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't dreaming. That's how I went on with my life," Rose said, as she still touched her loved one's face.

"I love you, Rose," Jack said, crying still.

"Oh, Jack, I love you too," Rose replied, crying along too.

"Oh, well, I think we ought to pick up these groceries now, shouldn't we?" Jack said, chuckling.

"Yes, we should." Rose chuckled as she bent down, starting to pick up her groceries. Jack got down, and started to pick up groceries also. Jack looked at the groceries that Rose bought with her money.

"I love spaghetti," Jack said, taking the noodles, and putting them back in the basket. After they got done with picking up the groceries, they walked home hand in hand.

"Jack, did you know about your cat before you left?" Rose asked, starting up a conversation.

"No," Jack said, perplexedly. Then Rose opened the door to their home.

"Why don't you see what mother cat gave you for a coming home present," Rose said, pointing down to the floor.

The kittens came over to Jack and rubbed their heads against him.

"Well, it looks like mommy had a little too much fun when I was gone," Jack said, as he laughed.

Rose laughed, too, and said, "I guess so." She took her shawl off and laid down on the chair. Jack put the kittens down and went over to Rose.

"Why don't we go outside?" Jack asked, looking out the window.

Rose grabbed her shawl, and said, "Sounds wonderful."

Jack opened the door and Rose stepped out. Jack grabbed on to Rose's hand, and pulled over to the little dock. Jack got on it, and Rose followed. As Rose leaned against Jack's chest as they watched the sunset, they embraced each other.

"Jack?" Rose asked, breaking the silence.

"Hmm?" Jack replied, holding onto Rose.

"Is this Lake Wissota, the one with the thin ice that you fell through?" Rose asked.

"Yup, this is it. Greatest pond in Wisconsin for ice fishing," Jack said.

"You mean, even though you went through that icy water you still want to live by your nightmare?" Rose asked, looking down at the water.

"Well, I try not to remember about the past. It is over and done with, and you just have to get on with your life," Jack said.

"Would you like to go for a ride in the boat?" Jack asked.

"Sure, why not," Rose replied.

If Jack hadn't told her that you need to put your past behind you, and focus on the future, Rose would not have gotten in that boat. Jack helped Rose into the boat and they started to row towards the middle of the lake.

"How did you survive?" Rose asked.

"Well, after I got you on the lifeboat, I looked around for a way to get off. Then, I felt the ship move, and I decided that I needed to stay on the ship as long as possible. Well, that didn't go very well. I ended up getting chase by Elute, and I ended up going down into the ship. Then I was chased by water, and then I was able to get back on the boat deck. Then when the ship sank, I had no choice but to go in the ocean. I found a piece of debris floating near by, and was able to get out of the water from suffering from hypothermia. Only one boat came back to the millions of people, just one," Jack said.

Rose was shocked about the story that she had just heard about Jack's survival.

"Thank you," Rose said.

"For what?" Jack asked.

"For coming back, and for going through all that trouble you did on the Titanic," Rose said.

"You're welcome," Jack said, smiling, and he started to row out into the lake more. As Jack stopped rowing, he leaned over and kissed Rose.

"JACK DAWSON, YOU'RE ALIVE!" the voice of Kevin called out from the bank.

It broke the kiss, and Jack turned around to see Kevin and Teddy on the bank waving. Jack smiled, and he started to row back towards the shore. Jack helped Rose out, and Kevin and Teddy came running towards them.

"Jack, we thought that you were dead!" Teddy said, giving Jack a hug.

"Well, I'm not." Jack chuckled, and went over to Kevin.

"Hey, Jack, when were you going to come over and tell us you were still here, huh?" Kevin said, as he playfully punched him in the gut.

"I don't know. Maybe I would have just let you guys suffer," Jack said, playfully, punching him back.

"I take it that you guys have met Rose?" Jack asked, taking Rose's hand.

"Yup, we sure have," Kevin said.

"How are ya, Rose?" Teddy said.

"Fine, and you?" Rose replied.

"Fine, thank you," Teddy said back.

"Come, Teddy, let's leave them alone. Let them do what couples do," Kevin said.

"We'll see you later, Jack," Kevin said.

"Bye, guys," Jack said, waving, but keeping his eyes on Rose. They went inside, and had spaghetti, and then went to the stars.

Chapter Ten