Chapter Eleven

The next day, Jack and Rose decided to actually get out of bed. They decided to go to Donald's place so Jack could meet him. As they approached his door, Jack seemed a little nervous.

"Jack Dawson, you aren't nervous are you?" Rose asked.

"No," Jack said, but Rose could tell that he was trying to hide it.

Rose knocked on the door, and waited for a reply. It wasn't long until Donald answered the door.

"Rose! Hi, honey, how are you?" Donald said, and gave Rose a hug.

"Wonderful, and you?" Rose asked, cheerfully.

"Fine," Donald said, looking at Jack.

"Oh, Donald, I'd like you to meet Jack Dawson," Rose said, putting her hand on Jack's back. "Jack, this is Donald, my manager."

"Pleasure," Jack said, shaking Donald's hand.

"Well, it is a pleasure to meet you, Jack. Rose has told me so much about you," Donald said.

Jack was confused for a minute, but just nodded his head and smiled.

"Come in, come in," Donald said.

Jack and Rose entered the room to smell the scent of tea.

"Excuse me, while I go and fix some tea. Make yourselves at home," Donald said, as he went into the other room.

"Don't worry, Jack, we won't stay that long," Rose said.

"No, there is no rush," Jack said, as he put his hand on Rose's hand.

Rose smiled, and looked at Jack. Then Donald came in with a tray filled with tea, muffins, and cups.

"So, you are an artist, Jack?" Donald asked.

"Uh, yeah," Jack said.

After they laughed, and got to know each other a little more, Jack and Rose decided it was time to go.

"Well, Donald, we better go," Rose said.

"All right, well, I'll talk to you later then," Donald said. "It was nice meeting you, Jack."

"Yeah, same with you," Jack said.

"Bye, Donald," Rose said, and she closed the door behind her.

"See, that wasn't bad now, was it?" Rose asked as they went down the boarding house stairs.

"No, not at all," Jack said.

"Don't worry, Jack, he'll grow on you. I felt the same way when I first met him," Rose said, and kissed Jack.

"Let's go home and put supper on the stove pa," Rose said, with a southern accent.

"All right, ma, I'll get the gun, you boil the water, so when I come back we'll have raccoon soup in no time," Jack replied, with a southern accent.

Rose laughed at Jack's remark and they went home to have spaghetti.

Chapter Twelve