Chapter Thirteen

"Tickets, please!" the baggage claimer said, as he opened up Jack and Rose's cabin to find the couple sound asleep. Yet, the baggage claimer's voice awoke them, and frightened them.

"No, I won't go on that lifeboat!" Rose yelled. And then opened her eyes to find herself next to Jack on a train.

"Rose, are you okay?" Jack asked her.

Rose nodded her head, and said, "Yes, just a bad dream. That's all. I'm better now." She smiled.

"Tickets, please," the baggage claimer said, reminding the couple.

"Oh, here you go," Jack said, taking the tickets out of his pockets.

"Thank you. Enjoy your sleep," the baggage claimer said, and closed their door. Jack and Rose laughed at the man's remark, and Jack looked out the window.

"Look, Rose, there it is--Santa Monica," Jack said.

Rose smiled, and said, "It is wonderful. I heard the actors and actresses talking about it, but not this way."

Jack smiled, and said, "Well, here it is, in all of its charm and beauty."

"What's the place that we're staying at called again?" Rose asked.

"The Rainbow's End," Jack replied.

"It sounds wonderful," Rose said, looking at the clouds.

"It is," Jack said, looking at Rose. Rose caught Jack looking at her, and she blushed.

The engineer came, and started to shout out, "We will be stopping in ten minutes."

Jack looked at Rose, and said, "Well, we better get our things together."

Rose started to grab her things, and Jack helped Rose up from her seat. "Thanks."

Jack kissed Rose passionately, and the train stopped. It made Jack and Rose end their kiss, and they grabbed their suitcases to get off the train.

"Let's wait a while. If we go right now, we will be swamped with people," Jack said.

Rose nodded her head, and said, "All right."

They waited about ten minutes, and the corridors were not that deep with a crowd. Jack and Rose left their cabin, and exited the train.

"So, what do you do now?" Rose asked.

"Easy. Get a cab," Jack replied.

Jack was about to wave his arm out, when Rose stopped him. "No, let me do this," Rose said, put two fingers to her mouth, and whistled, getting everyone's attention, including one of the cabs, which slowed down, and stopped.

Jack smiled at Rose. "Now, who did you learn that from?" Jack asked.

"Jessica," Rose said, stepping into the cab.

"Jessica? Who's Jessica?" Jack asked, curiously.

Rose shrugged, and said, "I didn't tell you about Jessica yet? Forgive me. She is one of my closest friends. She and I both made it big as movie stars together. She has some feelings for Donald, too."

Jack nodded his head, and said, "Where does she live?"

"New York," Rose replied.

"Oh, I see," Jack said, nodding his head.

"Where do you two want to go?" the cabdriver asked.

"The Rainbow's End hotel," Jack said.

"Right," the cabdriver said, and he drove them to the hotel.

"How much?" Jack asked.

"Five," the cab driver replied. Jack gave him the money, thanked the cabdriver, and headed towards the hotel. As Jack and Rose approached the front desk, they could smell the scent of the sea calling them.

"Can I help you?" the clerk at the front desk asked them.

"Yes. Reservations for Dawson," Jack replied.

"Dawson. Dawson," the clerk said to himself, taking his pencil and looking down the list.

"Ah, yes. Dawson. Room thirteen," the clerk said, and rang the bell. A bellhop arrived, and took the keys from the clerk. "Room thirteen, and don't mess up this time. You understand?" the clerk told the bellhop.

The bellhop sounded tired, and exhausted, and said, "Yes, sir." The bellhop then took Jack and Rose's luggage. They started to follow the bellhop to the elevator.

As they approached the elevator, Jack stopped him, and said, "Listen, you don't have to do this. We got it." The bellhop looked perplexed.

"Are you sure?" the bellhop asked.

"Yeah, we got it," Rose said, giving the bellhop a tip.

"Thank you. Have a lovely stay at The Rainbow's End. If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know. My name is Charlie," the bellhop replied.

"Actually, there is something you can do. Where is the nearest place that you can rent horses to go on the beach?" Jack asked the bellhop, making sure Rose didn't hear.

"Pass the Fairbanks restaurant. There is a stable where there are horses. You can't miss it. Tell them Charlie sent you," Charlie said, whispering back.

Jack smiled, and said, "Thank you."

Rose looked curious, and said, "What was that about?"

"I was asking Charlie where the best place to have a romantic dinner with my new beautiful wife is," Jack said.

"Oh," Rose said.

Chapter Fourteen