Chapter Fourteen

Rose took a beautiful white and yellow dress out of her suitcase, which lay on top of her bed. The bathroom door came open, and Jack stepped out of it newly dressed. Yet, Jack was not wearing a suit since he liked being casual. Rose felt agreeable with this concept since Jack was from the woods, and suits weren't his style. Rose really didn't like dresses that much since half of the time she had to be careful not to trip over them. If pants became part of a woman's wardrobe, Rose would have them on in a lightning strike.

"Very handsome," Rose said, holding her dress and shoes.

"Thank you," Jack said, and kissed his newlywed bride.

"I'm going to go and change," Rose said, and went towards the bathroom.

While Rose was changing, Jack slid Rose's wedding present into his coat pocket. Rose then came out of the bathroom, and Jack was stunned to see Rose. She absolutely glowed in that dress, and Jack smiled at her.

Rose smiled back and said, "Is there something wrong?"

Jack shook his head, saying, "Rose, you look absolutely beautiful, and you continue doing that almost everyday. I'm always amazed how you can do that."

Rose blushed, and said, "You know what? I think the same about you."

Jack smiled and said, "Are we ready?"

Rose nodded her head and said, "Yes we are."

Jack held the door opened for Rose, and he closed the door behind her. "Where's the key?" Jack asked. Rose opened her purse and took the brass key out. "Thank you," Jack said and locked the door giving the key back to Rose.

Jack and Rose decided to walk to the restaurant since it was very close to their hotel. Jack opened the restaurant door for Rose, and some other people who were entering the hotel. Rose laughed as she looked back to see Jack holding the door for them. Jack caught Rose laughing at him, and he smiled back and closed the door when all of them were inside.

"Sorry," Rose said as Jack stood beside her. Jack chuckled, and the waiter escorted them to a seat, and handed them their menus.

"The special tonight is clam chowder," the waiter said. Yet this was practically an Italian restaurant, it was quite common for them to have a soup special that consisted from the sea.

The waiter then walked off. Rose stared at the menu looking. Jack stared at her heavenly. Rose lifted her head up to see Jack staring at her, and she blushed.

"What are you getting?" Rose asked.

"Probably the fettuccine alfredo. How about you?" Jack replied.

Rose looked back at her menu and said, "I think I'll take the spaghetti."

Jack nodded his head, and the waiter came back with chilled champagne. Rose gasped, and looked at Jack.

"Compliments of Jack Dawson," the waiter said and he poured them each a glass.

When he walked away Rose said, "Jack, this is wonderful. First a perfect husband, then marriage, then this wonderful honeymoon, and now champagne. What could possibly be next, ridding horses in the surf? Riding the roller coaster until we throw up? Drinking cheap beer?"

Jack smiled and said, "As a matter of fact yes."

"What?" Rose asked.

"Remember when I was talking to the bell hop? Well I was asking him where to find a place where we can ride horses at, and where the cheapest beer is. It's been a while since I have been here before."

Rose chuckled and said, "I love you."

Jack smiled and said, "I love you too. A toast, to our newlywed marriage. That our hearts will be filled with as much joy as right now."

Jack raised his glass, and Rose did too saying, "Here, here."

They clang their glasses together and took a sip. A bar was close to where Jack and Rose's table was, and they could hear the talk of intoxicated men. Jack and Rose started to listen to what they were saying and they caught someone saying "Hey Cherine!"

"Yeah Alfred."

"Play that song that I love."

"All right." After that, they heard the women singing "Come Josephine in my flying machine..." and then they heard the whole bar sing together, but off key "and it's up she goes, up she goes!" Rose and Jack started to laugh at them.

"Have you figured out what you wanted yet?" the waiter asked.

"Yes, I'll have the fettuccine alfredo," Jack said and the waiter wrote it down.

"You miss?" the waiter asked.

"The spaghetti please," Rose said, the waiter wrote it down, and he left.

"This is good," Rose said after chewing her spaghetti.

"Yes it is. There is one type of food that I will never get tired of, and that's Italian," Jack said.

Rose smiled and wiped her face with her burgundy colored napkin. Rose's hair was half way up, and she wore a beautiful laced yellow dress. Jack thought that she looked absolutely marvelous...yet he thought that she looked marvelous in ANYTHING. Rose giggled and took a sip of her champagne. It was only a little bit later when Jack and Rose were dancing to tunes played by the women on the piano. Rose and Jack twirled around and as they stopped Rose fell into Jack's arms.

"That makes me dizzy!" Rose said.

An hour later, Jack and Rose decided to go back to the hotel. Jack had on his long black coat, and Rose had on her long white coat. Rose looked at Jack and giggled. Jack raised one eyebrow and looked over at Rose while they walked.

"What?" Rose asked, still giggling.

"I don't know, you tell me," Jack said. Rose gave Jack a silly look and suddenly tripped over a crack in the cement. Jack caught her just in time, and Rose was still giggling.

"You all right?" Jack asked.

Rose giggled and she said, "Yes, I'm fine." She looked up at the stars. "Wow, don't the stars look magnificent tonight?" Rose asked Jack.

Jack laughed and said, "Yes, perfect for traveling."

Chapter Fifteen