Chapter Two

Rose woke, and decided that this morning that she would take Chip for a walk. Rose got dressed, and found a Rose with a note attached to it. Rose picked up the flower, and read the note.

Meet me at the deck


Rose was thought a minute, J.D., I wonder...Jack Dawson! Surprised, she went down to get Chip, and she went to the boat deck to find Jack leaning on a rail. Jack started to chuckle, as Chip and Rose came closer.

"And who would this might be?" Jack said.

"This is Chip." Rose said. Jack leaned down, and petted Chip.

"Hello Chip." Jack said. Jack got up and Rose said "Thank you for the rose."

"Your welcome." Jack said.

"Well here I am, what was your intention to see me?" Rose asked.

"Just to talk." Jack said.

"Oh." Rose said.

Jack, Chip, and Rose started to walk.

"So how long have you been in the acting business?" Jack said.

"It has been going on 3 years." Rose said.

"What do you do for a living Jack?" Rose asked him.

"Well, I'm an artist, and I just got back from Paris. I was selling some of my paintings." Jack said.

"That’s right you told me last night didn't you?" Rose asked, Jack nodded his head and perplexed and said "Yup, almost all my life. My parents died when I was sixteen, so I've been on my own ever since. What did you do before you were an actress?"

Rose's heart stopped, she became nervous, and she was flashing back to that fateful night. Rose looked pale, and almost passed out.

"I,I,I was in finishing school." Rose said.

"Well, after that." Jack said.

Rose didn't know what to say, "Jack uh, why don't we sit down?" she pointed to the deck chair.

"Oh, sure." Jack said as he helped Rose sit down. "When I was seventeen, three years ago I was to be married to Caledon Hockley. I really had no comment n this, my Father is dead and the only thing my Mother wanted was the fancy society and money. My Mother thought that Cal was everything, but then again she never knew that he abused me. So, one night I had it, we were at the engagement gala. I told him I couldn't marry him, and ran away."

Rose had tears coming down her eyes. Jack saw them and wiped them away with his gentle hand.

"Good for you." he said softly.

Rose gave him a slight smile and said "Thank you."

Later that night...

Rose put her evening gown on. She felt better that she let out her dark secret to someone that she Jack. As she went out the door, she locked it and headed to the saloon. She went through the corridor, and took the lift down to C deck. As Rose entered the Grande Staircase, she notice Jack at the bottom. Jack looked star struck as Rose came down the stairs. Rose smiled at him at she finally reached the last step. Jack took her hand and kissed it softly.

"Are you okay Rose?" Jack asked.

Rose smiled "Yes, I'm fine." Jack smiled back and let out his arm for her to interlock. Rose interlocked arms with Jack, and they started there way down to the saloon.

"Thank you." Rose said looking at Jack.

"For what?" he replied.

"For asking if I was alright, that really meant much to me." Rose smiled. Jack smiled back and said "Your welcome, I'll always be there for you." Rose smiled back.

"Jack that won't be necessary." Rose said, as they went down the stairs.

"Rose, I can't loose you. I have feelings for you that I've never had for any other women for my entire life. I understood that your past life was unpleasant for you, but you gotta let go of it. Rose, where you go I go. I can't leave you without knowing that your gonna be ok." Jack said still walking with her. Rose's eyes began to swell with tears.

"Jack, I'm an actress. Please come to the real world, and step out of this dream world that you are in." as this conversation was going on, it was remarkable that they were not drawing a crowd.

"Actress' shouldn't have to travel on there own. Rose you the most amazing women that I've ever met. I've never seen any of your movies, and I've never heard of you before, until when I read you in the paper in France that you were visiting. If anything happened to you I would never forgive myself. I'm not leaving this ship without you, you jump I jump." Jack stopped as they were reaching the table.

"I've been an actress going on three years, and I've been fine. And I am fine, I'll be fine." Rose went over to the table, and pulled out her chair. Quickly, Jack helped her sit down and Rose smiled at him.

"Thank you." she whispered softly.

"I'll be here for you all the time." Jack said as he sat down. Rose was sitting next to Jack, and Molly.

"Rose, I would like to introduce you to Mr. Elute Intua. He just arrived from Cherbourg. Mr. Intua, I would like you to meet Rose DeWitt Bukater. Rose, Mr. Elute Intua." Molly said as she leaned over. Rose could notice that this man was unpleasant bye his cold hard harsh stare, and the sense that she was uncomfortable.

"Hello." Mr. Intua said, and Rose just nodded back giving him a un-emotional smile that had had nothing inside of it. This smile reminded her of the smile that she would give Cal every time. Jack could also tell that Rose was uncomfortable around him also. Rose could feel something inside of her that told her she had seen this French man's face before. As she closed her eyes to try and remember who this strange man was. Suddenly, she remembered that this man was there when she ran away from her problems. He was Cal's valet! She suddenly remembered while Cal was holding his bloody nose, that Mr. Intua tried to run after her, but stumbled over something and was unable to catch her. When Rose understood this, she gasped out loud. Everyone's attention was on Rose, and the excuse she gave was "Please excuse me." and everyone stood up. "No, you don't have to stand up." Rose said as she gripped her coin purse and started to leave the table.

"Excuse me." Jack said.

"Go get em kid." Molly said as he passed her.

"Thanks Molly." Jack said back. Jack saw exactly where Rose was going.

"Rose." Jack called out to her, as Rose turned around she felt wonderful to see him. Rose was coming into tears again, she was hysterical that her past was coming to her again.

"Oh Jack, that Elute man was Cal's Valet!" Rose said as he came closer.

"What?" Jack asked perplexedly, Rose closed her eyes and took a deep breathe.

"I forgot that after I punched Cal in the nose, he started to run after me but tripped over something, and lost his balance. Jack...I'm so scared, I'm so scared that Cal is still looking for me."

Rose stopped as tears came down her eyes.

"It's going to be alright Rose..." Jack could see more tears coming down his eyes.

"Come here." Jack said as he spread out his arms. Rose flew into them, and she felt loved.

"Oh Jack what am I going to do?" Rose said softly.

"Hey," Jack said, she looked up at him.

"None of this I business. I'm going to help you through this."

"You know, it's very hard to catch a person especially when that person is an actress." Elute said as he came closer to them, and then continued "But when I told Mr. Hockley that his fiancé' was traveling on the Titanic he paid the expenses for me."

Jack gave him a stare, "What do you want from her?" he asked.

"Oh it's not what I want, It's what Mr. Hockley wants." Elute said and looked at Rose.

"What does Mr. Hockley want then?" Jack asked.

"Rose, and I'm here to bring her back to Mr. Hockley." Elute said coming closer to them.

Jack could feel Rose tremble. "You tell Mr. Hockley that I wouldn't go back to him if he was the last man on this Universe!" Rose said as she stepped forward to the Valet. Then, Elute grabbed her by the arm, and said "It seems that your acting career has given you a bad mouth...and I'm sure Mr. Hockley wouldn't like that at all now would he?" Elute smiled evilly at Rose. Rose tried to get her arm out of the Valet's hand, but was unable to.

"Hey let go of her!" Jack said as he pushed him away, and slammed him against the wall.

"Jack, look out he's got a gun!" Rose said. Jack turned around quickly and saw the shinning silver gun.

"Now look who is God." Elute said as pointed to gun towards Jack.

"Listen, I'm not sure if you know this, but Mr. Hockley is not a nice guy. He beat Rose!" Jack said.

"Mr. Hockley wouldn't do such a thing. This women is filling your heads with silly thoughts boy! She is the one who is sick!" Elute said as he pointed the gun to Rose.

"Hey, if you want to point that gun I'm the only one you want to point that at to!" Jack said. Elute looked at him.

"Very well then, that can be arranged." and pointed the gun at Jack again.

"Mr. Intua," Rose said sternly. Getting his attention, Elute turned around.

"Yes Miss Rose." he said with a smile.

"I am an actress now. I have my own life, and I am not engaged to your boss Mr. Hockley anymore. And you tell him that if he wants me back that bad, to get here himself and not send his personal Valet after this anyway unclear?" Rose said. Mr. Intua shook his head.

"Crystal. In fact, why don't I send him a telegram." As Intua put his gun back in his gun, Rose ran over to Jack.

"Rose are you alright?" Jack asked as he put his gentle hands on her arms.

"Me? Are you alright?" Rose asked.

"I'm fine Rose, but really are you alright?" Jack asked seriously.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for helping me with everything Jack." Rose said as she smiled.

"Your welcome." Jack replied with a smile.

"Oh Jack what are we going to do?" Rose asked as she looked up at Jack.

"I don't know, but whatever we do, we gotta do it fast. I have an idea, follow me." Jack said as he started walking through the corridor. Rose followed without an idea where they were going. Rose still didn't know where they were when they got there.

"Excuse me Sir," Jack said. An officer turned around and said "Yes lad can I help ya?"

"Yes you certainly can, there is a man with a gun aboard this ship. He even threatened me and this woman." Jack said.

The officer looked surprised. "Where was this man going?" the Officer asked.

"He went to send a Marconi-Gram." Rose said.

"Thank you, I will go and take him under arrest." The Officer said as he grabbed his own gun.

"I must step outside." Rose said as she exited the Master at Arms Headquarters.

"Where is the door to the boat deck?" Rose asked Jack.

"Um, why don't we go up these stairs." Jack said pointing to a flight of stairs.

"Let's take the lift, it's faster." Jack said as they reached the top of the stairs. They took the lift, and went to out on the boat deck.

"Oh, much better." Rose as she entered the boat deck. Rose took a deep breathe in and twirled around.

"Don't you love sea nights, and just looking at the stars? There so endless, so luxurious." Rose said as she stopped twirling and leaned on the edge.

Rose yawned. "Maybe we should get some sleep, it's going on one o'clock in the morning." Jack said as he looked at his pocket watch.

"Jack thank you again for everything." Rose said sincerely.

"Your welcome Rose." Jack said. It was silent for a few minutes. Then Jack started to get closer to Rose so close that he could kiss her.

"I must get some sleep. Goodnight Jack. and Thank you." Rose said as she opened the Grand Stair Case door.

"Rose!" Jack said, but she didn't here her and he let out a sigh.

Chapter Three