Chapter Three

It was in the middle of the night when Rose heard her door open, and it was the third time this happened. She did not know who it was, but she was too tired and to sleepy to see who it was. She could tell that is was a man, but she did not know who it was. The man came over like he always does and petted her hair. It is he.

"Oh Rose, I wish you could see my face." the man always said. Then she woke up, and it was only a dream. She found her book that she was reading The Polar Bear King lying on her stomach. Rose turned on her lamplight and got up, and saw that it was one' o clock. She got up to get a drink of water. It is very awkward that I have been having that same dream for the last third night that I've had the same dream. Rose thought about this as she poured herself a glass of water. Rose took a sip of her water, and went back to bed.


Rose was very rested when she woke up to feel the sun shine down on her face. Rose decided to go and take Chip for a walk today. Rose turned over, in her bed. Rose loved the feel of satin against her, she couldn't help not agree without her satin. Rose heard a knock on the door, and groaned at the sound of it. Rose went got of her bed, and put her robe on. Another knock came from her wooden door.

"Thank you." Rose said "I'm coming, I'm coming." Rose said as she came closer to the door. Rose opened the door, but that was strange she thought that she locked it. As Rose opened the door she saw a steward standing there with an envelope.

"I'm sorry to disturb you miss, but this is for you." the steward said as he handed Rose the note.

"Thank you." Rose said and she closed the door. She stepped two steps away from the door and opened up the envelope saying:

Elute Intua has been arrested late last night, and is now in the Master At Arms content. Meet me at the boat deck for further details.


Rose decided to go, and talk to Jack. She really didn't get to talk to him last night after the little trouble. Rose put on her laced outfit, and went to get Chip, then headed for the boat deck. Rose saw Jack looking down in the water singing a song. Only Rose was able to hear these few parts of it "...we'll stay forever this way/my heart will go on and on..." Rose smiled as Jack held his artist pad, and looked down at the water.

"Did you make that song up?" Rose said making Jack jump.

"Well good morning," Jack looked down at Chip "Good morning Chip." and Jack chuckled.

"Did you make that song up?" Rose asked again holding Chip's leash with one hand, and the other holding her hat.

"I made it up, but I really wouldn't call it a song." Jack said. "It was beautiful whatever you would call it." Rose said smiling.

"Why thank you." Jack said smiling back.

"May I ask the details of what we learned about Mr. Intua's arrest?" Rose asked.

"Yeah I do, but The Master At Arms wants to talk to us personally. I got a message from him this morning, and was told to tell you." Jack said. Rose nodded her head and said "Well, I would like to know what the charges are on him."

Jack nodded his head "Well how about we go and head down there, then we can eat lunch together." Jack said. Rose smiled and said "Well what a wonderful idea Mr. Dawson." Rose said in a British accent.

"Well thank you Miss. DeWitt Bukater is I do say so myself." Jack replied back in an British accent. They both chuckled and headed down there. When they got settled in the chairs they began to ask there questions, and the Master at Arms asked his. After there questions were answered, they went to go have lunch.

"Mmm, Jack these sandwiches are wonderful, don't you think so?" Rose asked taking a sip of her tea.

"Yes they are." Jack replied eating another one.

"Jack, I'm curious. How do the lyrics go?" Rose asked as she stirred some sugar into her tea.

"Well come on I'll show ya." Jack said as he got up from his chair and grabbed Rose's hand.

"Jack where are we going?" Rose asked perplexed. "To go play the song." Jack said. Rose was shocked.

"Jack no, Jack wait, wait Jack oh I couldn't possibly Jack." Rose said as they got to where the band was playing.

"Excuse me, I would like to play a song." Jack said.

"What's the use, no one ever listens to us anyway, go ahead." the pianist said. The music stopped and Jack sat down at the piano.

"You can sing right?" Jack whispered to Rose. "Yes, but--" Rose said and then Jack interrupted her saying, "Good then read these words." Jack said giving Rose a sheet of paper. And this is what they played:

Every night in my dreams,
I see you,
I feel you,
that is how I know you'll go on...

Far across the distance,
and spaces between us,
you have come to show you'll go on...

Near, far, wherever you are,
I believe that the heart does go on...
Once more,
you open the door,
and your here in my heart and
my heart will go on and on...

Love can touch us one time
and last for a lifetime,
and never let goes till
were gone...
Love was when I loved you,
on true time I hold you,
in my life will always be love...

Near, far where ever you are,
I believe that the heard does go on...
Once more, you open the door,
and you here in my heart
and my heard will go on and on...
Your here,
there's nothing I fear,
and I know that my heart will go on...

Will stay forever this way
you are safe in my heart,
and my heart will go on, and on...

As Jack stopped at the end of the song he looked up at Rose and smiled.

"That was beautiful Rose." Jack said. Rose looked at Jack and said "Thank you Jack." and she smiled. They starred into each others eyes for a while, but then it was interrupted by the pianist wanting to play some more. Jack got up, and they went to the boat deck.

"I wonder if you could see the Statue of Liberty from here." Rose asked, but only joking.

"You wanna go find out?" Jack asked smiling. Rose smiled back.

"Jack I--" Rose was saying, but Jack interrupted her saying "Come on." Jack said taking her by the hand, and taking her to the front of the ship.

"Step onto the railing." Jack said, and holding her hips so she wouldn't fall. Rose stopped at the second railing, and she could feel Jack stand behind her.

"Well I don't know about you, but I can see it...very small of course." Jack said chuckling whispering in Rose's ear. Rose laughed at Jack's remark.

"Well, I guess you can see it from here, but I have to agree it is very small." Rose said back.

"Have you ever had an experience before that is was so magical you wanted it to be treasured forever." Jack asked as he whispered in Rose's ear.

"How do you mean?" Rose asked as she whispered back.

"Like a kiss." Jack whispered back softly.

"No not yet." Rose said nervously.

"Would you like to?" Jack asked but this time not whispering. Rose just smiled, and gave a gentle nod. Jack came closer to Rose until there was no light to shine through them, and they kissed passionately. Jack got off the railing, and Rose stepped down and she turned around facing Jack, and they kissed again.


Later that night, Rose heard a jolting sound coming from under her.

"Oh my god." Rose said under her breathe, Rose put her robe on, opened the door and went to the next room beside her where Jack was. Rose knocked on the door, and Jack answered it.

"Rose, come on in." Jack said perplexed. Jack closed the door, and Rose kissed Jack.

"Jack what was that noise?" Rose asked after kissing Jack.

"I don't know, I'll go find out though." Jack said putting a coat on. While Jack was putting his coat on, there was a knock on the door.

"I'm sorry to disturb you sir, but you must report to the boat deck immediately, dress warmly, and don't forget your lifebelt." the steward said to Jack. Jack nodded, and closed the door.

"Jack what is it?" Rose asked in a worried tone.

"It's just a drill, we gotta go to the boat deck and bring our life jackets. Why don't you go and put a coat on or something warm k?" Jack asked kissing her. Rose nodded and said "I'll be right back." Rose closed the door behind her. Rose went into her room, and changed into her lavender evening dress, and wearing her pink coat. Rose got her lifebelt down, but didn't put it on. Rose went back over to Jack's cabin, and knocked on the door. Jack opened the door, and Rose kissed him again.

"Jack I'm getting worried." Rose said nervously.

"Rosie, there is nothing to worry about. Only a drill remember?" Jack said smiling. Rose nodded her head and smiled.

"We better go on the boat deck." Jack said holding Rose's hand.

"Alright." Rose said holding onto his hand. When Jack and Rose approached the boat deck, they heard music and tons of conversation, and it was very crowded. Jack and Rose went over to a place where they were putting people on a lifeboat. When it was there turn to be put on the boat, an officer stopped them.

"Sorry sir, only women and children for now." the officer said. Rose looked up at Jack.

"No." Rose said with tears in her eyes.

"Rose you gotta get on the boat." Jack said looking in Rose's eyes.

"Jack no, remember. I can't get off this ship without knowing that you'll be alright." Rose said with tears coming down her eyes.

"Rose listen, if you can't find me when you come to New York, then go to Wisconsin, and go to this place." Jack said putting a piece of paper in her pocket.

"Jack I--" but before Rose could finish Jack took her and kissed her passionately.

"Get on Rose." Jack said. Through gritted teeth and tears, Rose said "No not without you."

"Listen I'm a survivor alright? Go on get on." Jack said. As the officer was putting her in the life boat, Rose turned around and kissed Jack.

"I love you Rose." Jack said.

"I love you too Jack." Rose said crying as she got into the boat. As she sat down, she saw Molly right beside her.

"It's gonna be alright." Molly whispered. Rose watched Jack as the lifeboat was lowered. Rose could tell that she wasn't the only one crying, Jack was too. As she felt the boat land in the icy waters she began to cry hysterically.

"Ah Rose honey. Don't cry darling'." Molly said as she comforted Rose in her arms.

Chapter Four