Chapter Five

Rose took her suitcases and put them in Jack's room. She placed her hat on the bed, and opened the suitcase to get an apron out of it. Rose looked around to find a broom, and found one in a kitchen corner. Rose picked it up, and started in the kitchen sweeping, and then the living room. Then she started dusting. She dusted the kitchen, and then the living room. In the living room, she noticed pictures. Pictures that looked like Jack's mom and dad, and then his friends. Rose sat down on the couch with the most recent picture of Jack, and stared at it until a tear fell on the frame, and she wiped it off. Rose then caught the cobwebs, and then started to wash the windows. After she got done, Rose felt a slight chill come over her, and started a fire in the fireplace. Rose was making some dinner when she heard a knock on the door. Rose wondered who could it be, and opened the door to find two men leaning against each side. Both of the men's eyes grew larger at the sight of Rose's long wild hair that was half pulled back with her apron on.

"Can I help you, gentlemen?" Rose asked, clearing her throat.

"We saw that the chimney was burning, and we thought that Jack was home. Is he?" one of the men asked.

Rose looked down at the ground and shook her head. "No, I'm sorry, but he's not," Rose said, trying not to cry on their shoulders.

"Well, then, may we ask who you might be in Jack's house?" the other man asked.

"I'm Jack's loved one right now," Rose said.

The men nodded, and said, "Where is Jack?"

Rose looked down at the ground again, and said, "Why don't you come in?" Rose stepped aside from the door.

The men nodded their heads, and entered, while Rose closed the door behind them.

As the men sat down on the couch, and as Rose sat down on the chair next to the couch, she said, "Oh, I'm sorry, you must think I'm very rude. I'm Rose DeWitt Bukater." Rose held out her hand for them to shake.

"I'm Kevin McFadden," one of them said, shaking her hand.

The other said, "Theodore Johnson," also shaking Rose's hand.

"Nice to meet you both," Rose said, smiling. "Jack and I met on the ship Titanic, and when the ship sank, he put me on a lifeboat, and gave me a piece of paper that said where to meet him at--here. I haven't seen him since." Rose put the back of her hand on her face and began to cry. "I'm sorry, it's just that I love him so much." She looked at them through her tears.

Kevin came over to Rose, and kneeled beside Rose. "Rose, if you ever need anything, Theodore and I will be here for you," Kevin said, looking up at Rose.

"You must think I'm something strange," Rose said, again drying her tears with her handkerchief.

"No, but you are very beautiful. Aren't you that actress--" Theodore started to say, but Rose interrupted him.

"Yes, that's me. I really don't like to speak about it right now, if you don't mind." Rose gave a slight smile.

"Rose, we know that you are upset about Jack's death, and we are, too, so why don't tomorrow we place a gravestone in the cemetery. He always wanted to be right beside his mom and pop," Kevin said.

"I know, he mentioned that to me," Rose said, but she couldn't believe that this was actually happening. But it might only be temporary, Rose thought to herself. "Sure," she said.

When the agreement was made, Rose invited Kevin and Theodore to supper.

Chapter Six