Chapter Seven

It was at least two weeks later when Donald came back to live in Wisconsin. It was time for Rose to start acting again, but like she told herself, she was wanted to start a new life. When Donald came to Rose's and the beloved past Jack's house, Rose was waiting for him. Donald knocked on the door, and Rose answered it wearing a beautiful draping lace dress with emerald green coloring.

"Donald, how good to see you. Come in," Rose said, smiling. Donald could tell that Rose was not fully recovered from the loss of Jack, but she was truly trying hard to be strong.

"Hello, Rose, how are you?" Donald asked, taking off his hat out of common courtesy.

"Wonderful, and you?" Rose asked, taking Donald's hat.

"Good," Donald said.

"Would you like some tea?" Rose asked.

"Yes, please, but I can't stay for long. I have to make a good impression on the boarding house keeper," Donald said, chuckling, and Rose chuckled along, too.

"All right, well, go ahead and have a seat on the couch, then," Rose said, pouring the tea.

After Donald and Rose had some sips of tea, Rose thought it would be a good time to tell Donald what she wanted changed out of her acting career.

"Donald, I would like to speak with you about my acting career," Rose said, setting her cup of tea down on the small table.

Donald almost choked on the tea when Rose told him that.

"What about?" Donald asked.

"Well, I was thinking, I just want to do plays. There is a theater here in town, just a couple of miles away. It's not that far. I don't want to be surrounded by publicity anymore, and I don't want to be in the paper every day. I just would like to do plays and theater, like I used to before I got my big acting career. The only thing I want changed is for you to coach me through," Rose said, calmly.

Donald nodded his head, and said, "Yes, that's what I was probably figuring."

Rose smiled, and said, "Wonderful."

Then Donald looked at his pocket watch, and it reminded her of Jack. See this? My Grandfather gave it to my dad, and after the accident when I fell through the thin ice, he gave this to me. Rose remembered Jack's voice has she flashed back to the day when they shared their deepest conversations.

"Rose, I better go. Supper is served in twenty minutes. See you later," Donald said, as he gave Rose a kiss on the forehead.

Donald was around thirty, and to Rose, Donald was like a father. So the kiss on the forehead, and the pet names doll, honey, sweetheart, and others didn't bother her.

Rose smiled, and said, "All right. Good-bye."

As Rose carried the empty tea cups into the kitchen sink, she said to herself, "Oh, Jack, there doesn't a day go by when I don't think of you."

She placed her hand on her chin. Then there was a knock on the door, and Rose came over to the door to answer it. As Rose opened the door more, she noticed that it was Theodore.

"Good evening, Theodore, what can I help you with?" Rose asked.

"Hello, Rose, I brought you some firewood. It's suppose to get extra chilly tonight," Theodore said, as Rose opened the door more so he could set the wood down.

"Why, thank you, Theodore, that was very kind of you," Rose said, wiping her hands off with her apron after dealing with the wood.

"Rose, you could call me Teddy if you want to. That's what my friends call me," Theodore said, as he smiled.

Rose smiled back, and said, "I wondered who Kevin was referring to when he said Teddy. I will start doing that. Thank you."

Teddy smiled back, and said, "You're welcome. Do you have any plans tomorrow?"

Rose nodded, and said, "Yes. I was going to get some groceries tomorrow."

"Oh, I see," Teddy said.

"Why do you ask such a question, Teddy?" Rose asked.

"No really big reason. I just wondered if you were going to audition for Romeo and Juliet. Tomorrow is auditions, and since you were an actress...well, you know," Teddy said.

"Well, I might try out for them, but I would like to get to know Chippewa Falls a little better," Rose said.

Teddy shook his head, and said, "I would understand that. Well, I might as well get home. See you later, Rose."

Rose smiled, and said, "Good-bye, Teddy. See you later."

Chapter Eight