Chapter Nineteen

2:30 AM. That was the time Murdoch's pocket watch displayed in the white moonlight. Anne snapped the piece closed, but kept it in her hand. With the other, she rubbed the gold band Murdoch had given her. In the silence of the night, she heard the screams of the dying and frightened. She saw Murdoch's face clearly, and felt his strength surround her. Her vision blurred as tears welled in her eyes, and she suppressed a sob. She quickly glanced over at Will, but he was soundly sleeping. She slowly exhaled, relieved that she hadn't woken him. Will it be rude if I leave tomorrow? I don't want to overstay my welcome. Maybe I'll leave tomorrow morning. With Harry's instructions, I have the general idea. I'll just visit a little. I'll stay in a hotel, and I can take Will. I don't know that he'll stay with Megan, and I'd hate to burden her with him. Yes. I'll leave tomorrow.


"Do you know the most direct route to Dalbeattie?" Anne asked Megan early the next morning.

"No, but Robbie probably does. It's over three hundred fifty miles away, Anne," Megan informed her friend. She took in Anne's slightly surprised expression. "You didn't know that, did you?"

Anne shook her head. "I've never been to Scotland. I've seen little of Great Britain, aside from the country near the academy."

"Well, it's a long travel. It will take quite a while. When had you planned on leaving?"



"Yes. I don't want to burden your family."

"You're no burden."

"Still...I would really like to see Will's family. And...I suppose I should give them his personal items. They deserve to have them."

"Would you like to leave Will with us?"

"I just said I didn't want to burden your family!"

"Will is no burden; Mother loves him. And Lydia and Penny adore him. He's a younger brother to them. I'm certain we can manage him. After all, he knows me fairly well now, and it won't take long before he'll recognize the rest of my family. Please? It will make your journey easier and swifter. But you must not leave tomorrow. A week from now. Don’t look at me like that! A week! I want to show you around. And you must rest. We must make plans."

"Well..." Anne bit her lower lip. Her forehead creased into a frown as she thought. Will had become her child over the past few weeks, and she loved him dearly. As she thought of leaving him, even for a short while, she realized how much she'd miss him. But I can trust Megan and her family. I would trust them with my life. "All right."


"Now, since you’ve lived in a stuffed-up boarding school for most of your life, I doubt you’ll know the first thing about shopping in London," Megan teased as they wandered the streets of the city.

"Well, I did shop once in a small village just—" Anne began defensively.

"London is not a small village." Megan grinned. "There are pickpockets, so guard your valuables. And the stall owners will try to cheat you sometimes, so you have to watch out for that. You have to make sure you get the freshest food. Haggle until the price drops as low as possible. If you can find a flaw, that’s always helpful."

"I don’t know that I’m going to remember all of this." Anne shook her head.

"Well, that’s why you have me!" Megan smiled. "Now, we need eggs..."


Anne sent the letter from Lowe and her letter to Miss Temple the next morning. She missed the woman, and hoped to visit her someday in the future. For now, she was simply too harried to be pleasant.

"The British Board of Trade began its investigation the other day. I just heard that. Can’t believe we didn’t know that." Robbie shook his head.

"When will it end? Will the witnesses be able to return home soon?" Anne asked. She was thinking of Lowe and Lightoller.

"The British will do a right job sorting out this mess. I don’t expect it to end any earlier than the end of June, perhaps July."


"Yes, July."

"That’s a long ways off."

"Indeed. Was there someone you wanted to see?"

"Well, I had hoped to speak with a friend. Perhaps he’ll write."



"I hope Rose writes to us soon," Megan mused aloud one evening as the two women walked home from a long day entertaining Will.

"I do, too. I miss her. I wish I knew she was safe. I feel terrible for leaving her alone as we did. Especially so soon after Jack...after Jack died." Anne shook her head.

"Yes, but we can’t all stay together for the rest of our lives. Besides, Rose has a fiery spirit to match her hair. She’s a clever girl. She’ll do fine. And she always has her mother, if she’s truly desperate."

"I don’t think she’d go to her mother if she were on the brink of death."

"True. I wonder what happened to her mother?"

"Ruth is probably living happily in some large mansion with an army of servants. Cal has probably already begun the search for a new Mrs. Hockley-to-be. Perhaps he’s already found her."

"I never liked him, if I may be so bold."

"Indeed, you may. Will!" Anne shot the boy a warning look as he ran towards the harbor. "Come here." The boy immediately ran to the two women, and both took a hand.


A red Renault parked outside the Carter household on the morning of the first day of the second week of Anne’s stay in London, complete with a driver hired by Robbie as a surprise for Anne. The latter's eyes lit up with joy and surprise when she saw the gift, unable to believe anyone would go to the lengths of searching for a driver to take her to Dalbeattie. However, she almost began to weep with joy when she realized that the driver was indeed the same man who had taken her from Barclay to Southampton just weeks earlier. It seemed a lifetime ago.

"Write if you have a chance, and I'll know where to write if Rose sends a letter," Megan called out to Anne from the doorway.

"I will!" Anne smiled in return as the chauffeur helped her into the car. She waved to Will, who waved back, surprisingly comfortable in Megan's arms. She leaned back in the seat as the driver slid into the front seat. She began to wave to the Carter family as the car pulled away from the curb, and disappeared down the street.


"I never asked your name," Anne mused aloud the next day. They had traveled all of the previous day, and rested briefly during the night.

"Tom," the chauffeur replied. "Tom Welkins."

"Well, Mr. Welkins, it is a pleasure to see you again. Thank you for your kindness during our last trip." Anne nodded with a smile.

"The pleasure is all mine, Miss Stewart. It isn't every day that I have a passenger as complacent as yourself." Mr. Welkins winked.

Anne smiled her polite-but-not-forced smile. It was the smile she had been using ever since Murdoch had died...her real smile seemed too joyous to use ever again, and she wasn't entirely certain that she cared if she ever used it again, anyway.

Chapter Twenty