Chapter Seventeen

The silence that followed was nearly deafening. Olivia could feel his body tense beneath the hand she had on his arm. He stopped momentarily and turned away from her.

"Cal." She softly said his name. "She was a horrid woman and I didn’t like her being around our babies. Please try to understand why I took it upon myself to do this."

When he turned back to her, his dark eyes sparkled with anger. "How dare you so blatantly go against me in this matter?" He gripped her arm and pulled her back to the parlor. Olivia could feel the heat coming from his body as he opened the door and led her in. He had barely shut it when he whirled her around to face him. "Do you have any idea what you’ve done?"

"Yes," she answered without hesitation. "I did what I thought was best for our children. I told you how I felt about her."

Cal glared at her as if he couldn’t believe she had the nerve to answer him. "I specifically told you to let the woman do her job and now I find you’ve taken it upon yourself to dismiss her."

"I’m sorry, Cal, but I couldn’t stand her one more day. The woman was unbearable," Olivia said in defense of herself.

He threw his head back and let out a deep breath. "Do you honestly believe I care about the woman’s disposition? You have defied me yet again with this act of impudence."

"No." She shook her head in denial, reaching for him. "No, Cal. That’s not true."

"Mrs. Ryan will be reinstated by morning, and I don’t want to hear another word about this!" he snapped, and stepped away from her.

Olivia let out a small gasp. "You’re bringing her back?" She breathed the question. "But you can’t…"

Cal turned around and stared scathingly at her. "I can’t? I can’t? Is that what you said?"

"I…" she whispered, but said nothing further as she watched him walk slowly around the leather couch. The casualness of his movements belied his controlled anger. She should have known his reaction would be like this. She shouldn’t have been so bold. She licked her dry lips as he came to stand back in front of her again. He stared down at her before running his finger down her cheek.

"Do not try to take advantage of our tryst last night, my dear," he drawled dangerously. "I may have enjoyed your company, but do not think I will be blinded by it. I am still in control here, and you would be wise to remember that."

Olivia couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Did he honestly believe that she would do that? If anything, it was her confidence at finally finding her place as his wife that prompted her actions. Why couldn’t he see that?

A knock at the door interrupted them, and then Emma came in. She seemed oblivious to the tension in the room. "The babies are so cute. They’re getting so big, Liv. I just adore them."

Olivia forced a smile in spite of how she felt. "Thank you, Emma."

"Oh, Cal, Mrs. Ryan isn’t up there, only Angelina. She said Mrs. Ryan was gone," Emma said as she went to sit on the couch.

"Yes," he answered. "I did remember she was going to be out tonight, but she’ll back in the morning. Isn’t that right, Olivia?" He looked pointedly at her as he spoke.

She lowered her eyes away from him and crossed her arms. She realized she had no choice but to comply with his wishes if she wanted the peace between them to remain. There was no other way. "Yes, that’s right," she said, turning to him stiffly. "She’ll be returning in the morning."

Cal gave her a self-satisfied smile of triumph and slid his arm around her waist. "Well, then, now that that’s settled, I’m starving. Are you joining me?"

"No." She shook her head. "I’ll stay with Emma and eat later."

"As you wish." He bowed his head and turned to leave. Another knock on the door had them all turning to it. Their butler, Henderson, came in and informed them that Constance and Charles were there, and it wasn’t hard to figure out why.

Emma got quickly to her feet and looked at Olivia. "Oh, no! It’s Mother and Father!" she cried, tears forming in her eyes. "Liv, you have to stop Mother from sending me away. Please, please talk to her. Please don’t let her do it!"

"Emma," Olivia said in comforting voice. "Don’t worry. Everything will be all right."

The door opened and Constance stalked in with her husband in tow. From the expression on her face, Olivia knew this wasn’t going to be easy. She walked straight over as Emma drew herself up.

"Young lady, I have been worried sick about you. I can’t believe you would just run away without any word whatsoever. You are to never do anything like this again. Is that clear?"

Emma’s demeanor wavered for a moment, but she stood strong in front of her mother. "I wouldn’t have run away if you weren’t trying to ruin my life."

Constance sighed heavily. "I have had enough of this behavior from you, Emma. We will discuss this matter at home."

Emma stared pleadingly at Olivia, who stepped forward to stand by her sister.

"Mother, Emma is very upset right now. I’m sure if we talk about this, we can work something out."

Constance crossed her arms as she addressed Olivia. "Your sister was wrong in coming here to you. Your father and I will handle this in the way we feel best."

"I couldn’t agree more," Cal said. "This is a matter for you and Charles to settle amongst yourselves."

Olivia glared at him for a moment before turning back to her mother. "I don’t feel that sending Emma away will accomplish anything. It will only make her resent you even more."

"I will not stand here and discuss this any longer." Constance held up her hand. "Your sister is not going to see that boy again. She will not bring shame and disgrace upon our good name by keeping company with that…that…stable hand."

"You don’t even know him!" Emma cried. "He loves me and I love him and nothing you say or do will keep it from being that way."

"I have heard enough," Constance said stonily. "You are leaving for London this weekend. It’s already been arranged."

"No!" Emma shook her head. "I won’t go! Olivia, please don’t let her do this!"

Olivia’s heart went out to her sister and she wished that things could be different. Before she could answer, Cal came up to stand behind her. He lowered his head until his mouth was next to her ear. "This is becoming rather tiresome. You are not to interfere with this any further, Olivia. I want this to come to an end now."

She turned sharply to look at him. She was shocked and appalled at what he had said. Did he expect her to turn her back on her sister when she needed her? But it was quite obvious he did mean it. She looked back at Emma and saw the look of despair on her beautiful features. She was torn over what to do.

"Do not disobey me on this," he whispered, and tightened his grip on her waist.

Olivia closed her eyes as the heaviness of the situation fell on her. As much as she wanted to help her sister, she couldn’t go against Cal. She already knew what that would mean for her, and she just could not do it. She cleared her throat and moved forward to take Emma by the hands.

"You…" She paused and licked her lips. "You should go with Mother, Em. It’s for the best. I know you can’t see that now, but one day you will."

The look of betrayal on Emma’s face was more than Olivia could bear. A small tear slid down Emma’s cheek as she swallowed hard. She stepped away from her, and then, without a word, she turned and ran out of the room.

Constance took a deep breath and came over to Olivia. "Thank you for that, darling. She will see that it’s for the best." She kissed her cheek, gave her a brief hug, and turned towards the door. "Come along, Charles."

Charles, who had said nothing the entire time, came over to Olivia and kissed her as well. "She’ll be fine, Olivia. She’s young and she needs time to be away from here."

As Olivia watched her parents leave, she had never felt so horrible in her life. Before she could stop herself, she broke into tears and covered her face. She cried for Emma and she cried for herself.

"It is for the best," Cal said. "Dry your tears, darling. We still haven’t had dinner."

And with that, Cal left the room, leaving Olivia alone once again.

Chapter Eighteen