Chapter Eleven

"What did your boss say, Jack?" Rose looked at him, slightly concerned. They were walking, hand in hand, through the pathway behind Rose's house. Jack swallowed and laughed good naturedly, then turned to her.

"Well, it seems Mr. Caledon Hockley went to see him, right after we left the cafe."

Rose stopped, taking both of Jack's hands in hers. She appeared worried, but Jack smiled down at her. "Don't worry Rose; Mr. James understands--I kind of, well..."

Rose giggled. "What is it Jack?"

Several strands of Jack's hair were in his eyes. He looked down, and then back up at her, blushing lightly. "I kind of...asked him for advice yesterday--he knows about you..."

Rose opened her mouth and let out a little laugh. Her cheeks were rosy from the wind, and the dimples in them were showing. "Oh, I see." She turned back, facing forward, and they began walking again.

"Mr. Jack Dawson, had to ask for advice. Tsk, tsk." She said, eyeing him, looking for his reaction to her joke.

His face only turned a deeper red, and he looked back down to the ground. "I won't ever live this one down, will I?"

"Ah, don't worry Jack--I actually did the same thing--my cousin Catherine--she helped me realize some things." Jack looked at her tenderly, and squeezed her hand, as his face grew serious. She was so beautiful, and he know longer saw the vibrant colors around them. Birds were humming, making music with the tree branches swaying in the wind. The flowers, in full bloom, shone brightly on the green earth, but Jack recognized none of this. He focused in on Rose.

"Rose--did you mean what you said to your mother--about us having plans--I mean, you do want that, right?" His face was worried, almost as if he were scared she'd say no. She recognized the look in his eyes and stopped, pulling him toward her.

"Of course I meant it Jack," she whispered, her eyes sincere and thoughtful.

He kissed her softly before continuing. She'd never before seen this look in his eye. It conveyed such a meaning, such a purpose, but also a nervousness. He was silent for a moment, biting his lip in contemplation, and then he continued.

"Good, Rose. Because I want that more than anything." She smiled.

"There are so many questions Rose--but there's one thing I know for sure--" He stopped, and Rose looked at him, breathless.

"That as long we're together, it doesn't matter, Rose. I was alone for 5 years, and if there's one thing I learned--it's that you never know what the next day is going to bring. You never know where you'll be, what you'll be doing, but as long as you have something to hold on to," he looked deeply into her eyes, "someone to hold on to--then it just doesn't matter."

"Oh, Jack." Rose put her hand to his face, staring in awe at his beautiful words. He gazed down her, as her red curls blew in the gentle wind. It was turning cool, and their faces were flushed--

"Rose,'re that person. I...I love you Rose." He whispered, nervously searching Rose's eyes for a reaction.

"Jack...Jack--I love you too." She replied, the last part of her sentence barely audible through her sudden tears. Tears of joy. Jack's face lit up at her words, and she beamed back at him, sniffling. He pulled her toward him, laying her head on his shoulder. She smiled to herself as she closed her eyes, content to stay in this position, this moment, forever. Jack hugged her fiercely, holding on to her for dear life. He knew he would never let go. His body felt warm against her own, and she snuggled closer to him, breathing in his scent.

But he had something to else to say, rather--something to ask.

He gently pulled her head up, so she was looking into his eyes once more.

"Rose, marry me." He said happily, bravely.

She looked up at him--lost in his eyes, as she always was. The blue in them seemed brighter than ever, if that was possible. They were shining--with love for her. In that split second, she felt the last chains drop from around her. She felt indescribable freedom. It could be simple, she realized--it could--with Jack. Her heart skipped a beat as adrenaline ran through her entire body. She knew the answer right away--it was as clear as the love in Jack's eyes.

And she nodded, wiping away the last of her tears. "Yes, I will."

He smiled down at her, pulling her closer. Jack felt his own heart soar with possibility, and promise.

He rubbed his nose against hers, and she smiled, unable to control her happiness. Jack held her tightly, shocked at the events of the past few hours. Just earlier today, he had been uncertain of her feelings for him, confused. And now they were going to be married? Rose Dewitt Bukater, Philadelphia debutante, was in his arms--she had sacrificed everything--the life she'd known, the security her future had held, to be with him. It was beyond any expectations he ever could have had--

He knew it was not him who had saved Rose--it was Rose herself that had done that--she had been the courageous one.

He brought his lips to hers, kissing her deeply, filling her with love, hope, and reassurance. She tightened her grip on his neck, moving her hands to his hair. The wind whirled around them as they stood rooted in place, lost in a world all their own. It felt as if they were...flying.

Whatever the future held, they would face it together.
