Chapter Seven

Rose followed the large group inside, eyes darting nervously around the cafe, trying to spot him. Catherine looked curiously over at Rose, taking her hand. "Rose, what is it?"

She looked toward her and, making sure everyone else was busy deciding where to sit, she whispered, "He works here."

Catherine covered her mouth, as her eyes opened wide. "Jack?"

Rose nodded numbly. "And my mother knows...knows what he looks like. She forbade me to see him, I just...I just don't know what to..."

Catherine led Rose to her seat in the middle of one of the longer tables. The family was settling into their seats, small talking themselves to death.

"Just act natural, Rosie." Catherine sat beside her and smiled at the others seated around them, trying to appear normal. Ruth was at another table with her sisters, laughing politely, obviously giving her best performance as mother of the bride.

Cal crossed the room, giving nods to several men he passed, smiling at the ladies, offering his hand. Rose stared blankly at him, unable to comprehend all that was happening. So quickly.

Cal approached their table and took a seat, staring at Rose for a brief moment, before resuming his own part as the lucky groom.

Catherine turned to Rose, smiling worriedly at her.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jack picked up his ordering pad and a pen. His lunch break was in twenty minutes, and he was begging the clock to hurry, to help him. The crowds had been heavy this morning, and he'd been busy with tea and toast, fruit and crumpets.

He'd come to a decision about Rose, and wanted to act on it, while he had the courage to.

Tony, another waiter, entered the kitchen, a distressed look on his dark face. "Dawson, we've got our hands full. Whole big group of those ritzy people- filled up 5 tables."

Jack groaned as he heard this. He sighed and headed back out into the dining room, intent on making it through these twenty minutes.

That is, until he saw who he was supposed to be waiting on. First, he recognized Ruth at the first table, talking to several other women. Jack's eyes scanned the group, immediately knowing whom else would be there. And there Rose was. Her fiery red hair under a wide-brimmed day hat, sitting with several younger women, and...and a man.

Jack knew right away that this was the fiancé. Jack took a deep breath, trying to decide what to do. If he acted as if nothing were abnormal, and simply waited on them, what would that say to Rose? But he couldn't approach them like old friends. This was obviously their whole group, their circle of society. Jack hesitated before pulling his pad from his pocket. He looked toward Rose's table. Her back was turned toward him. Cal looked up from his conversation and spotted Jack, utterly unaware of who he was. He motioned with his hand, arrogantly, for Jack to come over. Jack met his gaze straight on, and then brought his eyes back to Rose. Her head was turning upward as she saw Cal's actions. Jack saw her shoulders tense as she placed her hand on the back of her own chair, turning to see which waiter Cal had been calling. But she already knew. Her eyes caught Jack's. They were pleading with him, scared and worried. Jack started walking toward the table. He met Rose's eyes and gave a slight nod, signaling to her that it would be all right. Jack noticed that the dark haired girl next to Rose was nudging her profusely.

Jack approached the table, and began taking orders, every few seconds, looking up to catch a glimpse of Rose. He also began to study Cal, wondering what Rose would even see in him. He appeared dark and arrogant; his eyes clouded and mean.

Making his way towards the middle of the table, he stood beside Cal.

"Can I take your order, sir?" As Cal thought for a moment, Rose stared in Jack's eyes, silently trying to send him a message.

Cal ordered, and then pointed at Rose. "She'll have the same." Jack's eyes turned abruptly on Rose, searching hers. Then he nodded sadly and made his way to the other side. Fortunately, Tony had taken Ruth's table, so there was no chance of her seeing him, or recognizing him from the day before.

Jack made his way back into kitchen, filling the orders as quickly as he could. He couldn't believe his bad luck. There she was, sitting in that room, so out of his reach, that doubt began to seep back into his head. He was a waiter, and she, sitting among her wealthy family, appeared as a queen; a queen desperately reaching out for a lifeline. One Jack knew he could give her. But how?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jack set Rose's plate in front of her, his arm touching hers ever so slightly. Even this sent a spark through Rose's body, and she looked up at him, her eyes staring straight into his.

"Thank you," she said softly. She looked over at Cal, who was busying himself with his food.

Jack was about to walk away, but she stopped him. Jack brought his head close to hers, leaning down. He began to pour tea into her cup as he spoke.

"Rose," he whispered, "my lunch break is in five minutes. Meet me in the park. Five minutes."

Then he was gone, making his way through the table, refilling drinks and clearing plates.

Rose stared after him, a blank expression on her face. Catherine turned toward her.

Rose looked at her cousin directly. "Kate, he wants me to meet him in five minutes." She said, with determination in her eyes. "Tell them we're going on a walk, you and I. Follow me out the door, okay?"

Catherine nodded nervously.

Rose looked to her and shook her head once, affirmatively.

Catherine addressed the table as she spoke. "I think Rose and I are going to go for a walk. We'll be back shortly," she said sweetly, and then the two rose, pushing their seats in.

Ruth looked up from her table just in time to see them, making their way out of the door. She didn't think anything of it, until she saw Catherine separate from Rose, just as they reached the outside.

Ruth searched the room frantically for Cal, but it was so crowded. She moved her eyes from table to table, and before spotting Cal, her eyes wandered over a blonde head, weaving his way to the door. Ruth stared after him, realizing what was going on immediately. She abruptly stood up and pushed her own chair in.

"Ladies- I'll be back in a moment." Her sisters nodded politely as Ruth made her way to Cal's table.

She approached him and sat her hand on his shoulder. He turned around.

"What is it, Ruth?"

"Cal, Rose just left..."

Cal nodded. "Yes, with her cousin, correct?"

Ruth shook her head. "No, Cal, she left with your waiter."

Cal looked confused, but then his face began to turn red.

"The boy from the park, Ruth?"

Ruth nodded weakly, backing up as Cal pushed his chair out, not even bothering to say a word, before proceeding out the door, and unto the street.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jack crossed the street hurriedly, not even bothering to remove the apron from his waist. The cars seemed to be coming quickly, and he skidded around them, making his way to the other side of the lane. The park was just a block away, and Rose was there. Waiting for him. As he walked briskly, his heart began to race. He reached up to put a piece of hair behind his ear. He turned the corner, his head pounding, a wave of anxiousness hitting him, like a thousand knives stabbing him, all over his body.

He entered the park, weaving his way through a small crowd of tourists, and lifted his head, searching for her.

And there she was. Sitting silently on "their" bench, her hands twisted nervously at her waist. She looked like an angel to him, her regal face turning every few seconds to look around her.

Then she saw him. She met his gaze, and Jack suddenly forgot about his ability to walk, to put one foot in front of the other.

Then she smiled and motioned for him to join her. His heart melted completely, and his doubts slipped back into darkness. He returned her smile and began walking toward her.

He sat down beside her, never removing his eyes from hers.

Rose took a quick look around her, before putting her hand on top of his. She looked at him, "Jack, we can't talk here. They'll realize very soon where I've gone."

Jack stared at her, his mind struggling to work.

"Um...okay, Rose...I know somewhere we can go."

Rose swallowed and bit her lip. "Is it close?"

Jack nodded and laughed slightly, "Right across the street."

Rose looked confused. Jack stood up and offered his hand to help her. They began walking in the direction he pointed.

"It's an old warehouse, right there, at the end of the street."

Rose turned to him, amused.

"A warehouse? You sound like some sort of spy, Jack."

Jack laughed, and then looked sideways at her. "It's empty, no one goes in there. We can talk."

Rose's face turned serious, and she hesitated before speaking. "Jack, I shouldn't be doing this..."

Jack cleared his throat, "So that's Cal?"

Rose nodded sadly, shielding her eyes with her glove as she looked above her.

"Yes, that's Cal. What did you think?"

"To be honest, Rose, he seemed more like the ice king than a fiancé." He looked straight at her. Rose's eyes misted as she stared into the blue ocean of his. Jack had picked up on it immediately. He picked up on everything about her, as if he could read her like a novel sitting in front of him. Had everyone seen this in Cal, right away, except her?

"He is, Jack he's..." she paused, as he gently took her arm and led her across the busy street. They were receiving their usual stares and glares, but Jack tuned them out, keeping his mind on Rose, only Rose.

Her eyes were filling with tears now. Jack cautiously took her elbow, leading her to the warehouse door.

Rose looked up at him, as he looked around himself, and then pushed the heavy old door open. He and Rose walked in quietly, although there was no need at all to be quiet. The room was huge, with arched ceilings, but the walls were rusting and dirty. Several old crates sat scattered near the door. Jack led her to one of them, and sat her down, squatting in front of her.

He reached up to wipe the hot tears from her eyes. She remained motionless, allowing his warmth to flow through her face. She closed her eyes, took in a deep breath, her throat shaking, and then opened them again. Jack still had his hand on her cheek, stroking it softly. His eyes were wide, searching hers.

"Don't cry, Rose." His head moved gently as he shifted himself on the ground.

Rose smiled weakly, her eyes red. Jack took his hand from her face and reached up, taking the ornate hat from her head, revealing her red curls. He sat it beside the crate and then turned back to her, staring at her face.

Rose knew what he was waiting for. For her to finish her sentence.

"Jack...I..." Jack's soft eyes calmed her as she stared into them, giving her the courage to go on.

"Rose, do you love him?"

Rose's eyes softened, as she realized that she knew the answer this time.

"No, Jack..." She looked down, studying the sawdust on the floor.

Then she brought her gaze back up to his. "I don't love Cal, Jack." She searched his eyes for a response. He looked confused.

"Then why..."

"Jack, when my father died, we discovered...we discovered that he owed a lot of money- my mother didn't know what to do...and when Caledon Hockley, heir to a steel empire, took an interest in me...she saw a way out, Jack. She saw a way out."

Jack eyes were digesting this slowly. He put his hand back to her cheek.

"It'll be okay, Rose." He said, his eyes and lips set in a firm expression.

"I don't know what to do, Jack..."

Jack moved his hand to cover her mouth. She looked up at him.

"Don't worry, Rose. Don't worry. We'll figure it out, I promise..."

He took his hand from her lips and brought it back down to his side. He didn't know how exactly, but he knew he would. He had to. Because right then and there, nothing mattered except Rose Dewitt Bukater.

He looked at her with a hopeful expression. "Rose, do you remember last night, when you said you wished you could fly?"

Rose smiled at him, some of that fire returning to her eyes.

"Yes...I remember."

"Do you remember what I said, Rose?" He looked at her tenderly.

"You said I could, Jack." She looked down at him, her eyes soft and hopeful.

"I meant what I said, Rose." He reached up and took her hand from her side, rubbing it gently.

"Sometimes, Jack, I wish I could just...just be like you. Like you were talking about. Making it count..."

Jack looked at her, his eyes bright and smiling.

"There's nothing stopping you, Rose. When you want something, right here," he put his hand to his chest, in a tight fist, "then nothing can stop you."

"Jack, you make everything sound so simple."

"It is simple, Rose, it is. Rose look at me." He tipped her chin, so she was looking right at him.

"Rose, you are the most amazingly astounding, wonderful girl..." her eyes were wide, "woman," he whispered, "that I've ever met. And're amazing...I..."

He looked at her, searching for some sign that she understood.

"Rose, I'm not an idiot. I know how the world works. I have...I have nothing to offer you, and I know that. But I..."

Rose looked at him as he spoke her mind suddenly free from the confusion of the past few days. Here he was, letting his feelings for her come out, so freely, and so openly. Everything was so clear when she was with him.

He looked up at her, not knowing how to continue. Rose smiled at him, giving his hand a squeeze.


"Rose, they've got you trapped."

"I know that, Jack."

"Pretty soon, Rose," he put his free hand back up to her cheek, and stared intently at her, "pretty soon, that fire that I love about you, Rose-that fire is going to burn out." His hand was shaking.

Rose looked at him, taken aback by the emotion behind his words.

She opened and closed her mouth several times before speaking.

" can't do this for me- I have...I have to save myself."

But her eyes were soft and loving, and Jack smiled up at her, realizing how right she was. But at least she had...

"You're right, Rose. Only you can do that."

"Jack, but will..." her lips were trembling as she spoke, "you'll help me, won't..." But she couldn't finish her sentence.

Jack placed his forefinger on her lips, silencing her.

"I'm not going to leave you now, Rose. I'm too much a part of this. I promise- it'll be okay."

Rose smiled through her tears, her thumb rubbing Jack's hand that still held hers.

Jack looked above them, to the balcony that surrounded the whole room. And the stairs.

"Rose, do you want to fly?"

Rose turned to look at him, amazed at his statement.

"What?" She smiled.

"Come on, I'll show you." His lips curved into that irresistible smile, and he jumped up, taking her with him.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Cal walked down the street. For the third time. Rose was nowhere to be found. Even Catherine had returned to the cafe in search of her. Rose had disappeared nearly half an hour ago. He'd searched the park, all of the streets around it. No telling where she was. With a gutter rat--a waiter.

Cal cursed the day he saw her. But she'd been so beautiful, so majestic. Until recently. Everything had fallen apart. The sparkle was no longer in her eyes, and every time he looked at her, he saw her face fall considerably.

How had this happened? He'd bought her everything she wanted, taken her and her mother to Europe, to Paris. What had he done wrong? He wanted to strangle this Dawson character, whoever he was. For placing one more obstacle between him and his fiancé. But he always won. "Caledon Hockley always wins," he thought to himself.

Chapter Eight