Chapter Three

Rose awoke in her bed completely nude. She thought she had been dreaming when she noticed a man asleep by her side. She pulled the hair out of his face. Jack's hair had turned darker and his facial hair was mixed colors, from red to auburn to blonde. She looked at him sleep and kissed his lips. He responded.

"Hmm…to be awakened every day just like this is heaven," Jack said, clutching the sheet that was falling off his hips.

"Yep. I am just so glad you aren't really in heaven!" Rose snuggled close to him.

"So, what's the agenda today, my Rosie?" He smiled at her. His eyes glowed.

"Don't know. My usual routine would be go to the church and say a prayer for you. Then I would go bludgeting, and then after that get something to eat and come back here and sleep." She pulled his hand to hers, kissing his fingers.

"Well, I guess your routine has been changed, now that we’ve found each other," he said, hugging her close to him.

"Yeah. What to do, indeed?" She kissed his lips, reminding herself of what Cal had said when Jack had rescued her.

"Want breakfast?" He got up, holding her to him.

"Hmm…sounds nice. What shall we have?" She turned to him and looked into his eyes.

"Anything my princess desires." He looked down at her, knowing the coincidence of the double meaning.

"Okay. In that case, let's go to that cafe across the street," she said, getting up but stopping and waiting for him to follow suit.

"All right, then. Let's get dressed." He got up, not caring about the sheet covering the lower half of his body.

"You first," she said, teasing him with her eyes.

"What?" He looked at her, getting his clothes ready to put on.

"You heard me. You first." She stood on the bed, waiting for him to dress.

"Why, my little Rose is naughty. You don't have to stand there just to watch me dress. Just ask if you wanna see me naked." He smiled at her, never thinking that she would actually be kinky.

"That's not the point," Rose said, staring at him and closing her eyes.

"Then why?" he wondered.

"‘Cause I am taking a mental note and savoring it." She held herself and imagined what she had seen.

"Aw…I will draw you a picture of me, but only for you. I never did a portrait of myself." It was true. He never had.

"Then it's something you must do right away," Rose said, getting up and getting her clothes.

"You're right, but after breakfast, all right? I am starving." He was happy that he was starting to get an appetite.

"I can see why, after how you were last night. You must be famished." She looked at him, noticing that he still looked as handsome as the day they had first glanced at each other on the Titanic.

"Very, Rose. I must admit that I was never a person to need sex, but with you it's a requirement." Jack was ready to have another go with her, but his stomach told him otherwise.

"Why, Mr. Dawson, I am impressed." She was shocked at the comment.

"You should be. You make me happy." He smiled at her and patted her behind, hinting at her to open the door so they could go.

"Ditto," she said, and opened the door.


They headed to the cafe and ate a small meal, which consisted of bread, cheese, and a little milk. Since Rose hardly ate now’a days, she was full. She walked around, holding Jack's hand. Her faced gleamed with such happiness.

"Rose, I want you to meet someone. Come on." He took her into the alley, an alley she never went through because the people that hung around there were thieves, killers, and misfits. When she walked through, everyone looked at her.

"Jack, I don't think..." She clung to his arm.

"It's okay, Rose. They know me around here. Come on." He held her hand, calming her down.

When he brought her to a cold, dark, tunnel-like cave, she held onto him, afraid of what could be down there. Jack nodded to a few men, and finally found the person he was looking for. His father.

"Dad?" Jack called out.

"Aye." Priest Vallon came out of the darkness.

"I would like you to meet Rose DeWitt Bukater." Jack brought her forward to meet him.

"You mean the girl that you thought died." Jack had told his father the story.

"Yes, but she's here now," he said, feeling proud to show her off to his father.

"Why, child, don't be afraid. Please, sit down." He pushed over a wood chair for her to sit on.

"Thank you, sir." She bowed.

"Please, call me Vallon. So, what have you two been up to?" he asked, sitting down himself.

"We're just getting reacquainted, Father." Jack stood while they talked.

"Aw…well, don't let me keep you, and oh, Jack, tell a few of the guys that we need more bludgeting. We need to keep ahead of Bill's gang." His father always got straight to the point when he needed something done.

"Sure, Father. I will get on that right away," Jack said, disappearing into the darkness as he grabbed hold of a stick.

"Adieu, mon cheri," Priest Vallon said, shaking her hand.

"Adieu, Monsieur," Rose said, and left with Jack.

Jack walked down the tunnel, seeing the guys standing there. "Hey, fellas! Come here a sec."

They walked up to him.

"Father said we need more of the same to keep ahead of the enemy," Jack said with a strict tone.

"We tried everything, Jack. There's nothing here," Johnny Sirocco said.

"Then try the ships." Jack was the smartest of the group. He knew things, but didn't let others let on.

"What about the swap-angels?" Johnny asked.

"Well, keep a low profile. I will go with you later tonight. All right?" he asked.

"All right, then. Later, Jack," Johnny said, leaving with a few men.

Rose looked at Jack. It was nice to know she was with a born leader. She held onto his arm, smiling.

He looked over at her. She was smiling, and her dress was very dirty.

"Rose, I wonder, have you had the chance to get a new outfit?" he asked, looking at her torn dress.

"Not really, Jack," she said, wondering what he was up to.

"Tell you what. Since I have a few strings to pull, I can get you something very pretty. You should have nice things. You were meant for them." He wore his top hat on his head and took it off.

"Thanks, Jack, but if I wanted nice things, I would have stayed with Cal. All I want is your love." She knew she shouldn't have mentioned Cal, but she just couldn't help it.

"And you have it--my love, but I wanna take you somewhere special." He took her hand.

"Where?" she asked.

"Sorry. I am not telling," he said, looking at a store with secondhand dresses.

"All right, then. Let's go get me something, then," she said.

They went inside, getting the dress that she chose. When it came time to pay, Jack looked at him and whispered to him softly, not letting Rose hear what he had said to the store owner.

They walked out of the store. Jack put the dress into the bag holding it. Then he saw a girl he knew and tried to dodge behind Rose.

"Jack Dawson Vallon! I know it's you behind that girl. We need to talk," a blonde said, holding a small infant.

"All right. You got me, then. What do you want?" Jack asked, coming out from behind Rose.

Rose looked at the girl, wondering what she could have been to Jack. Was the child Jack's? she wondered.

"Jack, who is this?" Rose asked, tapping on his arm.

"Um…Jean, will you give us a few seconds?" Jack turned to look at her.

"Sure." Jean nodded.

"What's wrong, Jack? Is that your baby?" Rose asked him, waiting for an answer.

"No, Rose. This girl is my friend, Jean. She's mad because before I left I stole some of her bludgeting before I left for Europe," he explained.

"Oh, and the baby?" she asked him, looking at him very curiously.

"It's not mine. Why do you think it is?" He looked at her.

"No. I just wanted to know." She wondered why he sounded angry with her. She had never seen this side of him before.

"Sorry for raising my voice, but the child isn't mine. If it had been, you know I would have done the right thing. Okay, sure, when I was younger and my father brought me to New York, we made out a few times, but I never slept with her and that's the honest truth. As for the child, when I came back she was already pregnant and had the child just last week. Turns out she was sleeping with my best friend, Johnny. So it's his, not mine." He felt awful for raising his voice to her. He didn't want her to have a repeat performance of Caledon Hockley.

"All right. I understand now," Rose said, knowing that he was a gentleman and not a pig like other men were.

He turned back to Jean, and she looked at him with distaste.

"Okay, Jean. Now, what do you want?" he asked again.

"I wanted to ask you if you had seen Johnny anywhere." She held the baby as it cried.

"Not since earlier today. Why?" Jack asked, looking around.

"‘Cause his baby is hungry and I don't have any food or money." She tried to calm the crying infant, but it just kept wailing.

Jack dug into his pocket and pulled a few coins out. He handed them to her.

"Thank you so much, Jack. I wish you had been Kevin's father," she said as she was leaving.

"You're welcome, Jean. Sorry I don't have more," he said, wishing that he did have more money.

"It's more than enough. Thank you," she said, grateful for his charity.

"Quite all right," he said, feeling sorry for the hungry infant.

Rose felt sorry for the infant, too, because she knew if she had Jack's baby he would pay attention to it and probably not let his child out of his sight. The more she looked at him, the more she knew he carried some dark secrets, things he had never told anyone. Something he had never even told her.

Chapter Four