Chapter Four

"Jack, Jack, I'm ready to go."

Jack turned around as Rose entered the room. He looked at her admiringly. Even after thirteen years of marriage and four children, she still looked as dazzling as the night he had first seen her.

"You look beautiful," he said. "You look wonderful all the time, but especially tonight."

She came close to him and he caught the scent of her perfume. He took her hand and drew her near him. There was something about the dress that she was wearing tonight that brought to mind what she had worn to dinner that night on Titanic, so long ago. Tonight she was wearing a crimson flapper style dress, as was the fashion of the time. It was trimmed with red and black bugle beads. Around her neck was the rope of pearls that he had bought her for their tenth anniversary.

"Hmm," he murmured as he held her close. "Too bad we have to go out. I'd like to keep you here all to myself."

She nestled her head closer to his neck.

"You know we have to go," she said. "Fabrizio has gone to so much trouble."

"Yes, I know, but you can't blame me for trying."

She smiled up at him.

"You never give up do you?" Then more seriously she said, "You know last night was very painful. But I think it was all for the best. Maybe now we really can put Titanic behind us. Maybe there will be no more reminders. And we don't have to hide it from the children anymore."

Jack thought for a minute before speaking. He softly stroked her cheek.

"Rose, that night, when you got in the boat, Cal stood next to me and told me he always wins. I wish in a way he could see us now, to see who really won. You know, I've been thinking since yesterday how much my life has been about winning and losing. I lost my parents, then won my ticket on Titanic. Then I won your heart and we almost lost our lives. Even now, it's still confusing to me. If my folks hadn’t died, I'd still be on that farm in Wisconsin. It's frightening and confusing at the same time."

"Jack, I know. But only good things have come out all of this. Us, our children, so much happiness. Let's put all that behind us now," Rose said. She kissed him gently and then continued, "Somehow, I think your parents and my father have always been watching us."

Jack smiled wistfully. "Yes, you're right as usual Rose. Well, we better get going. Come on. Maybe we'll still get back in time," he said with a smoldering look.

"In time for what, Jack?" asked Rose pretending innocence.

"You know what I mean," he said as they collected their things and left the room.

* * * * * * * * * *

Fabrizio and Nora stood in front of their restaurant, Di Rossi's Best Italian Restaurant, waiting for Jack and Rose and their family to arrive. He and Nora had worked all day so that this evening would be perfect. Upstairs, his mother, Maria had been cooking all kinds of tempting goodies for the children. Everyone hoped it would be a memorable evening.

At last a taxi pulled up and the entire Dawson family got out. After a joyous welcome, Fabrizio escorted everyone inside. He led them through the first floor dining room and up a wide stairway that led upstairs. About halfway up was a large landing. It was decorated with several chairs and small tables and was where the powder room and gentlemen's room was located. The stairway narrowed and continued to the living quarters.

Fabrizio's mother greeted the children with open arms. She had a basket of fried dough waiting and a huge pot of pasta sat on the stove. Once Rose and Jack were satisfied that the children were settled down with Maria and they had admonished them one last time to be on their best behavior, the four adults headed back downstairs.

"I don't know what they thought was the most exciting," said Rose. "The baby or all the food."

"Oh, they will have a wonderful time," said Nora. "Maria loves children, we all do. I wish that...but now, after what I heard last night, I should be so grateful for what I have."

Rose looked at the delicate Nora and understand her wish for a bigger family. She and Jack had been richly blessed.

"Nora, everyone wishes for something they can't have. Jack and I are sorry all the time that his parents and my family can't share in our happiness. And now, knowing you, I wish that I had a wonderful friend like you living nearby all the time."

With that, Nora just beamed and she and Rose hugged.

* * * * * * * * * *

Fabrizio and Nora had set a table for four in the middle of the dining room, near the stairway. Fabrizio himself was going to serve the food, since his headwaiter was busy working in the room next door where there was a private party.

Before long, the table was filled with an antipasto tray, fresh bread, homemade ravioli and veal scaloppini. During the course of dinner, it became very apparent that not only was Fabrizio a fine cook, but was a successful restaurateur. His customers ranged from New York society, to the local beat cops and the neighborhood residents.

It was time for dessert, and before Nora brought in the assortment of sweets she had prepared, she and Fabrizio cleared the table.

Rose stood up and excused herself.

"I think I should go up and check on the children. You know that sometimes Frank can be a handful," she said. "I'll be right back."

Jack took her hand and kissed it. "Don't be too long."

He took a sip of his coffee and watched her as she approached the stairway. Before she went up, she glanced over her shoulder and gave him a smile.

As Rose headed across the room, Jack was not the only one giving her an admiring look. From the private dining room, one of the guests glanced up. He studied the woman who was gracefully ascending the stairs. He would have recognized that regal figure anywhere. But it had to be someone who resembled her. It was thirteen years ago, that she had died. It was impossible, wasn't it? He watched her disappear onto the landing. He had to be sure.

Chapter Five