Chapter Eleven

Rated NC-17 for Content

"Damn…I’m usually not one to enjoy sweets so…but I can’t seem to get enough of these magic dreams."

"How many of those have you eaten, Captain?" Rose nervously stammered.

"Why? Are they poisoned with hemlock or something?" Jack laughingly chided while popping another into his mouth, engulfing her with a sensual taunting grin.

"I…uh…I…uh…I think I have a headache, Captain. If you’ll excuse me I think I need to retire with an ice pack for the night. Good night."

"Oh, no you don’t! You’re not going anywhere! Come here, wench!" Rose’s eyes widened as large as saucers. A feral white-hot gleam devilishly sparkled in blue orbs of passion’s fire…scorching her with the intensity of their heat. Ominously, the stalking predator took a lithe step towards his wary prey with the obvious of wicked intentions in mind…to carnally devour his helpless Confederate victim.

Too late…Holy Mother of Jesus!

"Captain…I must implore to your gentleman’s sensibilities…" Rose beseechingly begged while surreptitiously backing towards the doorway.

Never allowing her to finish, suddenly, without warning, he snatched her up and unceremoniously threw her over his broad shoulder, soundly whacking her backside.

"Like I’ve said before, wench. I never claimed to be a gentleman."

Jack deeply laughed in his vibrating chest before taking to the stairs completely oblivious to the extra lively baggage hanging upside down, kicking, and flaying his injured back in squealing heated protests. On the contrary, Rose’s struggles merely served to further warm his pulsing fiery blood. Forcefully kicking open the door to his lair, he dumped his precious cargo against the portal and menacingly backed her against the wall trapping her with his looming powerful dominance.

Jack’s nostrils were wildly flaring taking in her feminine scent like a rutting uncivilized barbarian. His breathing was already labored and ragged while his demanding hands were groping and tugging in a raw sexual hunger.

"Captain…please…I have a headache!" Rose helplessly simpered and whined.

"I don’t give a damn…I have a headache, too. Can you feel it, Rose? Touch it…taste me…soothe it’s incessant throbbing. Give me some relief here like I know you’re capable of giving…so fucking well!"

"You vile rutting boar! Get your hands off of me!"

The palm of Rose’s hand snaked out and vengefully struck the side of the cheek of a totally unflinching Yankee Captain. Its resounding sting never fazed him in the least. Sinisterly laughing deep down in his massive chest, his hands abruptly reached for the front of her dress and jerked once, sending tiny buttons scattering across the finely polished oak floor successfully baring her heaving breasts for his complete and available ravishment. In one more vicious rip, the entire dress separated into two purple pieces of ruined silk brocade. Not satisfied with what met his hungry eyes, he brutally tore the delicate lace chemise from her curvaceous body, leaving her stark naked for his ravenous feast of the flesh. Massive hands instantly came around to roughly squeeze a pair of voluptuous sensitive breasts…kneading and rubbing the tips until they instinctively hardened in readiness. Moaning in lust, Jack excitedly clamped a watering mouth around a tight dusky rosebud and sucked until the insides of his mouth ached from the force of the prolonged pressure. Rose’s head rolled back on her shoulders and her knees threatened to buckle before she finally came to her dulled wits. Desperately, she renewed her struggles and tried to push him away. For Rose surmised, if she didn’t do something drastic and quick, if she wasn’t already with child…tonight he would in all likelihood successfully plant his life’s seed within her.

"No, Captain! This…this…isn’t the right time for me…a woman’s monthly flow…please don’t humiliate me like this!" Rose vehemently lied in desperation.

"You think I honestly give a damn about such mundane trivialities, wench. I could care less. All I know is that I need to feel you hate me some more. Just like last night. To hell with nature’s calling…now lay down and spread yourself for me. Cause there’s no way in hell you’ll deny me this night…so if you don’t give it willingly, I’ll just have to take it forcefully. It’s your choice…because tonight, you’re mine!"

Rose blanched whiter than the clean starched bed sheets. Damnation and hellfire…those magic dreams…she was gonna thrash Marie good on the morrow. What was she thinking to bring those damn things around a bunch of horny enemy soldiers…shit!

As Jack began to frantically undress nearly tearing the sturdy uniform’s material to shreds, Rose swallowed the lump in her constricted throat. Coming to a near hopeless decision, she purposefully reached out and placed trembling hands on his tanned warm firm flesh right above his male hardened nipples and huskily whispered, "I could really please you another way, Captain. That way…" She never finished her thought, just started placing light feathery kisses on his heaving chest and began to slowly and sensually move downwards. Lightly journeying over his racing heart then gliding to each male nipple while equally nipping and licking at each, then over the walls of taunt stomach muscles towards his navel. She flicked her tongue in and out of its opening emitting another strangled groan deep from within the Captain’s throat. Hesitating and bracing herself, she reluctantly continued her brazen descent until the velveteen textured erect male organ brushed across her searching lips. Gulping the fear threatening to defeat her purpose, she clasped the rigid hard shaft with an inexperienced quivering hand, then simultaneously closed her eyes and mouth over its throbbing head while gently sucking in light sipping motions.

"God damn, mia…oh yes…yes…harder baby!" Jack wildly threaded his fingers through her silky hair and began to sensually grind his powerful hips. His male slit immediately seeped its pre-orgasmic fluid and Rose greedily licked it away and persisted with her leisurely descent to heavy full twin fruits of passion. Gently, she kissed them and took each inside her mouth…pleasantly pleased at his male scent…his salty erotic taste that surprisingly stimulated her to the point of wanting her own immediate release. She needed him inside her…and that overwhelming sexual urge frightened her. For if he took her tonight…and the way her hell-fired luck was going…she’d never be the same.

Jack’s knees were vastly weakening…he thought he was going to collapse. He slowly backed onto the massive elevated bed purposefully bringing her with him. Laying back against the soft goose down comforter, he bent his knees in erotic invitation. Taking another deep calming breath, Rose crawled between his spread legs and continued with her stimulating oral assault…intent on the ultimate pleasure that he so desperately needed and craved. His uncontrollable groans of deep exquisite rapture increased…growing excessively louder with each provoking touch of her wet hot tongue…with each pull and tug of her warm moist mouth. Then she took him in…all the way in.

"Jesus Christ, mia! You are a little slut!" Jack breathlessly ground out.

The building pressure was intensifying to the point that it was literally stealing his breath away…but his male organ’s duct had remarkably swelled shut at his enlarged penal size. Never allowing the needed release of the stream of love’s nectar that was simmering right at the base of his throbbing man’s flesh. Jack was trembling in pure agony…beads of sweat pouring from every pore, his teeth clenched to keep from screaming at the top of his lungs…he was on fire…a blazing torrential wildfire burning completely out of control. Her sweet delicious mouth was working dark magic on this pulsating member…and right before he felt ready to explode into her sucking mouth…

Abruptly, without warning, he flipped Rose onto her back and ferociously rammed himself inside her clear to the hilt.

"This is where it goes, mia. Deep inside you!" Jack hoarsely grunted.

Savagely pumping himself in and out while Rose tried with all her might to shove against his heaving wide sweat slicked chest. She knew it was useless, his masculine strength so powerful…his need so overwhelming. Jack suddenly stopped thrusting his hips inside her and braced himself on elbows before impaling her with limpid eyes of raging blue fire. Grabbing her flaying fists and bringing them over her head, he throatily rasped, "Stop fighting this! Open yourself to me…ride me. Come with me…to the stars like I know you want it."

Locking frightened emerald eyes with barbaric passion inflamed twin orbs of moonstones, Rose whimpered in wavering submission. His hot sensual gasping breath was smothering her weak resistance and she knew…she’d never be able to deny him her love-starved body.

"Oh…dammit to hell!" Rose virtually swooned at his heated impassioned urgings to mate with his straining body for she was drowning in his half-closed liquid pools of blue. It was useless…she did want to come with him…she desired this coupling of their bodies…she found she was ready to accept his love offering. If he gave her his baby…then so be it! Because at that precise moment in time…she loved what he was doing to her. Her traitorous body was helplessly succumbing to a raging ardor of its own. And subconsciously, she completely surrendered to her enemy’s animalistic maddened instinct to breed with a mate.

Reaching down into her darkest reserves, Rose forcefully clasped his narrow hips and pulled him hard into her hot moist cavern. Hungrily devouring his searching starved mouth, she plunged her musky male scented tongue inside his inner recesses letting him taste himself on her tongue. It sent him over the edge savagely screaming his consuming need for her. Surprising them both, Rose rolled until she was straddled above him and began to ride him hard and fast. Taking him inside her deeper than he had ever driven before, sweet passion’s pain intermingled with approaching heaven’s pleasure. She felt like he might impale her belly with each upward thrust, he was so swollen and deeply embedded. Panting and rasping, bodies sweating and straining against each another, clasping each other closer still, the mattress springs squeaked in protest at the vicious pounding by the two lovers recklessly mating in the embrace of wild passionate ecstasy. Rose instinctively contracted around his long rock hard erection squeezing with each sensuous whimper. Jack threw his head back into a soft pillow and helplessly moaned with each hard thrust…God he’d never get enough of her…she was made for him…just him…and he reveled in the miracle of their incredible mind boggling love making!

Heaven’s paradise was so close…like a volcano erupting, his warm, potent man’s seed forcefully shot through his throbbing penis into her convulsing womb…giving her his life. Rose instantly felt his creamy hot fluid invade her climaxing woman’s flesh and cried out in rapturous fulfillment. She found herself wanting him all…not just tonight…but for always. Not just his hot sex but his heart, his soul…and his baby. Instinctively, she sensed they had created life…she felt it without the slightest twinge of doubt…and she smiled as her heart wept.

Jack felt himself rip into her tight warm woman’s sheath. He shuddered endlessly for he couldn’t stop this insatiable coupling if his body to hers…he couldn’t control the thunderous drumming of his beating heart. Barely able to breath, he unceremoniously turned and brought her still pulsating body under him and kissed her hungrily, thoroughly, deeply…slanting, twisting, bruising in its ferocity.

"Damn…what have you done to me, wench!" Never letting her answer, he savagely thrust inside her before pulling her shapely smooth legs over his shoulders and grabbing her small bottom to bring her closer…for his total male possession. On his knees, he furiously reamed her until his quivering body at long last gave himself up for the second time that night deeply encased inside her trembling body before collapsing in total sexual satiation. Yet, he refused to pull out…remarkably he found that he couldn’t if he wanted to…he was swelled to such an enormous size and she was contracted so tight around him that all he could do was helplessly throb and groan in sweet pain.

Shit, she was turning him inside out! Last night, he just thought it was the best damn mad passionate sex that he had ever had. He had convinced himself it was just the novelty of taking his first virgin…the excitement of claiming that first piece of innocence. And dammit all to hell…she had surprised him by actually responding to his virile need…matching every thrust of his carnal lust with that of her own. But no…he was still rutting after her as if his intensified senses were only heightened with each glorious climax. Before, when he released himself in a woman, he would normally receive that ultimate gratification and turn away grateful for their favors yet totally unmoved or unaffected. But now…all he could do was brutally take her over…and over…until…he couldn’t move another muscle. It was so damnable frustrating…he couldn’t get enough of her. And remarkably, he found he never wanted to get enough. She had cast a bewitching spell on his overactive libido and she wouldn’t let him go…and he knew…he couldn’t let her go if he tried.

That night he took her in every conceivable way a man was capable of possessing a woman. Rose never resisted…she never faltered…she pleased him in all the ways of love. Tasting his maleness, smelling his erotic musky scent…touching him…drinking him…magically bestowing on him all the erotic dreams of every fantasy known to man. She obligingly provided all his sexual needs and desires with total lust and zeal…giving without shame or hesitation…her ultimate goal to make him want her…need her…and perhaps even love her until the end of all time.

Some time after midnight, after Jack’s breathing had returned as close to normal as was possible under the influence of the strong aphrodisiac, he weakly propped up on an elbow and smiled down into a flushed passion spent Rose.

"I’m hungry…I’m going downstairs for a drink and a snack…can I get you something, mia?"

"Um…surprise me, Captain. Maybe I won’t fall asleep while you’re gone…of course I’m not making any promises," Rose dreamily murmured.

Bending down, Jack gently kissed her forehead and energetically flounced off the bed. Trying to step into his pants, he surprisingly found that they wouldn’t fasten. He was so swollen and sore across the crotch, his tender manhood couldn’t bear the raw sensations of the scratchy material. After all that had transpired between them, his hot blood was still rushing and filling his stiff male rod. Shaking his sweat slicked tawny head in exasperation, "Shit! Is there a robe in the armoire, Rose?" Not waiting for a reply, Jack began to hunt through the various articles of clothing left behind by the Colonel. "Never mind…I found one."

As he pushed his arms through the sleeves and belted the sash to turn to leave, he glanced down at the bed finding Rose already lured into a deep peaceful slumber. She was so incredibly beautiful…so angelically surreal in repose…he couldn’t resist bending over to kiss her slightly parted tempting lips. Even in her sleep, she willingly answered his amorous calling…clasping his head and returning his kiss with an intense hunger of her own. Reluctantly, he pulled away and the most ecstatic peaceful smile passed over the Captain’s kiss bruised lips. For in that most precious and treasured moment in time, he became convinced that she was his…the other half of his heart. But damn…he had no right to her…no right to ask her to wait for him. For this bloody damn war would surely tear them apart…they were enemies whether they wanted to be or not. And furthermore, he might never live to see the end of it. And then where would she be? He couldn’t think of that right now…he was incredibly light at heart but his stomach was fiercely growling. He had to find nourishment to sustain him…sensing the building overwhelming hunger for her…yet again!

As Jack sauntered past the study, he noticed a lamp was still burning. Inside, Tommy was clandestinely loading down a plate with more of Marie’s magic dreams.

"Sergeant! Don’t you ever sleep?" Jack teasingly chided.

Startled, Tommy cast his friend a guilty grin and jokingly rebuked, "Don’t you? Damn, Jack…I’m craving the hell out of these things."

"Umpf…shit, Tommy! You’re not going to fit into your pants if you keep up these late night snacks. But never mind that, why the two glasses, my friend?" Jack suspiciously probed with a slight twist curling his swollen lips.

"A gentleman never carries tales, Jack! Gotta run…see you on the morn! That is…if I’m still able to move!" And before Jack could interrogate him any further, Tommy was sprinting out the door.

Raising a curious brow, Jack secretly watched his hasty departure through the panes of the French doors. Although he had to strain his weary eyes, he could just make out another shapely shadow in the garconiere just as Tommy went through its door. Shaking his head, the Captain nonetheless chuckled in amusement. Then on second thought, he impulsively swiped the platter up and lithely bolted up the stairs taking two at a time.

"Mia…wake up…I brought you something to eat…wake up!" Jack musically murmured just above her earlobe.

Still in the realms of a deep sleep, unconsciously Rose bit into the tasty morsel that Jack hand fed her and swallowed before her eyes flew wide open in stunned surprise.

"Shit, Captain! Not again!"

"Aw, yes, mia. Again…and again…and again!"

All through the night, the lusty Yankee Captain loved his sensuous Confederate Rose, alternating between tender and gentle then fierce and urgent. Always giving and taking…receiving and sharing alike. And as the mythical goddess of Aurora kissed the April dawn sky, the sated star-crossed lovers finally succumbed to sleep wrapped in each other’s embrace…in total peace and contentment.

Morning revelry came too early for the two April lovers. As the bugle boy blasted out his blaring tune, Jack shook his tousled head as if to clear the hazy sexual fog that had overtaken him during the previous night’s numerous passionate love trysts. Rose mumbled incoherently and lazily opened jade pools of desire to hastily pull her Yankee Captain back down beside her.

"Captain…not yet. Once more?" Rose saucily purred.

"Wench, there’s no time. Later…" Jack reluctantly chided.

For an answer, she slid her searching caressing hand down his abdomen to an already hardened albeit raw manhood.

"Just once, Captain…it won’t take me long…I promise." When kiss-swollen lips found his throbbing male member, Jack gritted his teeth in helpless abandon. Running his strong, work roughed hands through copper silky tousled hair, he surrendered all to his heart’s enemy.

Much later as Rose was unabashedly dressing in front of the Captain, he unexpectedly barked out in a loud commanding tone, "Leave off the pantalets, Rose."

"Whatever do you mean, Captain? What do you expect me to wear?" Rose incredulously rebuked.

"Nothing…underneath…but I’m rather surprised that you do. Besides, I require easy access." He devilishly smirked.

Something devious struck her, and Rose rebelliously kept them on while shooting him a look of pure mutiny. As she haughtily spun around to leave the infuriating man, an arm suddenly snaked out and pulled her wrists together over her head. Yanking her skirt above her waist, Jack viciously split the fine cotton material of her shimmies to shreds. Not stopping there, he determinedly marched over to the dresser. And purposefully thrust open the drawers and intentionally ripped every pair in same.

Of course, the Captain was so intent on his mode of destruction, he never saw the secret grin that spread across the kiss bruised garnet lips. Yes, the Yankee Captain was just what she wanted and needed in a man. Forceful, well equipped, virile and possessing an all consuming heat that kept them both in a constant state of arousal. He effortlessly did it to her…and she hated him for it. Not only was he making her a whore in reality, but a slut in her desires and actions. That’s all she wanted to think about…was the feel of him sheathed deep inside her. That awesome peak he drove her to and she realized…she’d do anything to keep and hold on to. Now that she had found that exquisite paradise, how could she go on with her life without it? She’d just have to find a way to keep it. Could another man satisfy this insatiable craving as the Captain did? And as she surreptitiously looked at him beneath lowered lashes, the answer was there to see. And she didn’t like it one bit. The damn, dirty Yankee Captain was one of a kind.

Later that same morning, Marie was loading her landau making ready to depart for Jefferson. Approaching her cousin to bid adieu, Rose saucily crossed her arms in mock anger and crooked a finely arched brow. Espying the satisfied radiant glow that shone on the beautiful girl’s visage and instinctively realizing what had put it there, Marie gave a throaty laugh and dreamily sighed, "Oh, Rosa. The love of the Irish! I believe my heart is finally touched…for once in my life."

Rose raised a surprised brow, "Are you serious, Marie? After just one night? Umpf…nevertheless…I still ought to wring your precious neck! You know that, um? And don’t you dare bring that wagon load of treats back around here again…"

Still cackling in shared amusement, Marie bent down to hug her friend. "Bye, Rosa! Pleasant dreams…and Rosa, one piece of advice before I go. You must find a way to distance your heart from the virile Captain. I’d hate to see it broken to pieces. This bloody war of brother fighting brother…it’s so unfair."

"But how, Marie? How do you and your girls keep yourselves detached from…"

"Oh, Rosa, my dear, sweet innocent…different ways for different people. Some may refuse to kiss on the mouth…others never call their customers by their given names…some it’s just a job and all the faces run together. The rest just don’t have the innocent heart that you possess. So be careful, my Rosa."

"Well, that’s it, Marie. I’ll just refuse to call the Captain by his name maybe then…"

Marie ruefully shook her dark head sensing the hopelessness of her cousin’s naive ruse. For she knew it would be useless, the girl was already doubtlessly infatuated and who could blame her with such a man…love…well there were so many different forms of that inscrutable emotion. But when Rosa loved a man…he would be helpless as a kitten…never letting her go. And as Marie gathered up the reins, Rose suddenly halted her.

"Marie, wait! Rafael…tell him that I need to talk with him. I’m sure he’s dreadfully worried with the Yankees here…"

Just as Rose delivered her last request, Captain Jack Dalton silently came up behind them. His initial reaction was that of insane jealousy. Nevertheless, it surprised him to feel such a foreign strange emotion; something he had never even came close to feeling before. It wasn’t that Rose obviously had requested that she wanted to converse with another man…but it was the way she caressed his name as she spoke it, in such a loving familiar way…something she had never done with him. For "Captain" was the only endearment she had ever used in his presence or even in the throes of their heated passionate encounters. But furthermore, he could just only imagine what she called him when he was absent! Choking down the bitter resentment, he said his farewells and promised to call on Marie’s tearoom when they next visited Jefferson. Rose instantly became slightly perturbed and he innately sensed her unreasonable anger.

As Marie drove away, Rose cast him a disgusted look and grabbed up her skirts whirling around to march back inside the house. Scratching his chin in confusion, Jack could only shrug his shoulders at the oddity of the situation blaming it on her lack of sleep or maybe the destruction of her under drawers. Females!

Chapter Twelve