Chapter Thirteen

Rated NC-17 for Content

Rose loved evenings as the sun set over the distant horizon reflecting the greatest of master’s artistic creations, as God Almighty painted the vast Texas sky with a flourish of contrasting pinks, reds, and yellows while the first whispers of dusk settled over the rolling countryside. It was a peaceful calming time that was strictly her own…at least up until a couple of days ago. Only the tranquil harmonious sounds of cicadas chirping, frogs croaking for rain, and an occasional hoot owl’s call lazily drifted through the antebellum mansion’s upstairs balcony doors. Mother Nature’s synchronized orchestra that gloriously heralded the end of day and the majestic birth of night. Peering out at the awesome spectacle, the fathomless ebony sky was finally awash with a myriad of brilliant twinkling stars and it hauntingly beckoned for the red headed wood nymph to, Come outside again and play!

But first, she must find a very special prize for a very deserving snaggle toothed small boy. Sitting cross legged on the bedroom floor, Rose began anxiously digging through the mysterious box kept hidden away that contained a multitude of various children’s toys before she finally found the right one. This is it…perfect…a homemade sling shot! Rose could only imagine the trouble mischievous lil’ Jacob would get into on the morrow especially during Liz and Charles’ nuptials. Nanny would probably thrash them both good! Mentally shrugging, she nevertheless hung it around her neck decisively intent on the perfect gift.

With that done, she began enthusiastically gathering up the rest of her loot for a midnight swim at the lagoon. Feeling sweaty and dirty from their exerting firefly game of the evening, she laid out a large towel and began heaping a bar of soap, a comb, and other bathing necessities, relishing the thought of ridding her body of its grime in the cool refreshing waters. She had already tossed her ruined dress and exchanged it for a simple wrap before crossing the room to escape the suffocating confines of the master’s boudoir. Suddenly, the door swung open and he blocked her exit.

"Going somewhere, Rose?" Jack curiously albeit suspiciously demanded.

"Oh, Captain…you startled me! On my way out to play tooth fairy and for a late night swim…uh…care to join me?" Rose didn’t know why she asked. The words had just tumbled out of her mouth before thinking about the consequences; however, she never dreamed he might accept her impulsive hospitable invitation.

Jack looked surprised yet somewhat pleased at the unexpected invite. Biting his bottom lip, he seemed to mull over the tempting offer and shrugged his broad shoulders. Why not?

"Sure…I need to cleanse my back again anyway…would you mind so terribly much if you applied more balm to my wound?"

"Not too terribly much, Captain!" Rose crookedly smiled before adding, "Let me get another towel and some ointment first and we’ll be on our merry little way!"

"Damn…it’s dark out here! How can you see where you’re going?" Jack grumbled.

"I’d know this land blind folded, Captain Dalton. Right over yonder. Jacob is dozing on the sleeping porch. See the fireflies?" Rose giddily responded. Clutching his strong hand, she pulled him along behind her suddenly feeling excited for some inexplicable reason. "Shh…now be quiet, Captain, and don’t wake him!"

Through the engulfing darkness, Jack softly smiled at her authoritative, secretive youthful demeanor. He felt so gushy inside like his parents must have felt at Christmas time when he and Mellie were just kids. Determinedly casting off that bittersweet memory to the far reaches of his tumbling mind, he instead purposefully concentrated on the vivacious, beautiful woman currently holding his hand while tugging him along behind her like a lover leading her man to a romantic midnight rendezvous. Christ! Stop it, Jack! He derisively scolded himself. This isn’t the time for such lewd carnal imaginings!

"Now you stay here while I sneak inside, Captain. And don’t make a sound…don’t even breathe…Jacob is a very light sleeper. He’s just dying to catch the tooth fairy in the act…you remember how you felt as a boy?"

"No, I don’t remember being a kid, Rose! It’s been too long ago!" Jack feigned ignorance to the time, his male pride not wanting to admit that he himself had actually been so small, innocent, and vulnerable.

"I do declare…you are old, Captain!" Rose jokingly stabbed.

For some crazy reason, her teasing admonishment spontaneously turned Jack’s tickle box over. He couldn’t help himself. The outrageousness of the ridiculous situation he now found himself in suddenly stared him straight in the face. Here he was, a respected, highly decorated Northern Army officer in the middle of a Civil War creeping through slave quarters in enemy territory in the dead of night with a rebellious southerner playing silly childish make believe games of tooth fairies and fireflies! And to top it off…being dubbed "old" although he was barely twenty-six years of age. Jack began to hilariously guffaw…the echoing cackles going on and on. He couldn’t catch his breath…he literally bent over double clutching his sides in sweet pain.

Rose caught the infectious giggles herself. They both boisterously laughed together until tears started rolling down their cheeks. It felt so damnably good. Abruptly, without warning, the pretentious tooth fairy placed her hand over the Captain’s mouth and shushed him in his ear. Jack instantly went rigid.

"Captain…hush! Or I’ll send you back to the house like a naughty boy! Understand?" Rose playfully threatened deep down in her throat.

"Oh, I’m naughty all right, Rose! More than you can ever imagine!" Jack smoothly agreed.

"Men! Just a one-track mind! Now be quiet or else…" She laughed under her breath and rolled her dancing eyes heavenward.

Still silently chuckling, Jack admiringly watched her agilely crawl through the porch’s screened window to tiptoe to the sleeping youth’s cot and lift the slingshot from around her neck before placing it on Jacob’s bedside table. Placing her slender fingers to her lips, she gingerly placed them to the sleeping boy’s forehead in a secret adoring kiss. Turning around, she hastily snatched up the jar of fireflies and climbed back through, lithely dropping to the ground in a light thud. Jack’s heart fell to his feet at the tender poignant scene.

"Let’s go, Captain. Last one to the pond is a rotten egg!" And she bolted into the dark night leaving him behind shaking his tawny head in amusement. God, he felt downright giddy…and ridiculously juvenile!

As swift as a rabbit, Rose raced down the familiar path and beat the Yankee Captain to the water’s edge by a good long distance. Laughing and winded, Jack finally found his way, nevertheless with a few scratches, bumps, and bruises from wayward briars and tree limbs.

"Wench…that’s not fair! You had a head start and you have a decisive advantage over me!" Jack jokingly scolded between gasps desperately fighting for enough oxygen to fill his aching lungs.

"I thought you didn’t remember how to be a kid, Captain. Um? Feels good, doesn’t it? Being carefree, light of heart, fun-loving…it’s a wonderful life, no? Stubbornly defying boring adulthood and to make each day count…that’s my motto to live by!" Rose laughed at the Yankee’s teasing protestations.

"I agree for once and that’s a very enticing sentiment, Rose…too bad life seems to detour our good times when we least expect or want it!"

"Touche, Captain! This damn war can put a damper on the fun times…if you let it! Now come on in the water while the moon is still up!" Rose impatiently invited yet Jack seemed suddenly hesitant and uneasy.

"Speaking of good times…tomorrow we’re having a wedding at Rosedale. That should be a hoot and holler as we say around these parts!" Rose added with a dreamy sigh.

"I was under the impression that you had called off your wedding, Rose!" Jack surprisingly yet angrily snapped for some inane reason.

"Not mine, you silly Yank…Lizzie and Charles’!" Rose laughed sensing the Captain’s unreasonable yet pleasing reaction. Jack still hadn’t begun undressing standing with his arms akimbo glaring with blue moonstone orbs. However, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief at her clarification.

"What’s the matter, Captain? You suddenly modest to get naked in front of a lady?" Rose goaded. Jack merely grinned in embarrassment as the jealousy immediately evaporated at her sudden change of topic. Nonetheless, Rose was completely astonished for he was actually acting like a shy innocent for some outrageous reason; therefore, she unabashedly prodded.

"I’ll tell you what, Captain. I’ll show you mine, if you’ll show me yours!" She throatily purred in invitation and untied the knot of her robe and let it whisper to the hard ground.

Jack’s jaw hit the dirt and his eyes widened in surprise. He gulped the lump in his throat intently ogling the luminescent pale alabaster skin unashamedly revealed for his starved perusal. His gut was fluttering like a thousand butterflies and his tongue came out to moisten his suddenly dry lips. Shit, he felt like a silly virgin, like that pup Fabrizio!

Electing to ignore him, Rose grabbed the bar of soap and swam out to the gushing waterfall. Lathering up her long thick hair, she then began to bathe her body completely oblivious to the audience of one enthralled Yankee Captain. Jack took a deep calming breath and began slowly removing his clothes. It was beautiful out tonight and he determinedly took his time despite the slight trembling of his hands.

By the time he was naked, Rose had already swam to the ancient boulder and perched on top with her knees drawn up to her chest. Shaking out her hair, she began running tapered slender fingers through the wet strands attempting to rake out the tangles. Jack watched in fascination then purposefully picked up a comb and smoothly dove in. Coming up behind her, he crawled onto the rock and lightly touched the mass of copper hair. Rose jumped in awkward surprise.

"Here…let me." Jack unexpectedly offered and began to carefully run the comb through the long wayward tresses. "You have beautiful hair, Rose. You should never cut it."

Suddenly overcome with tenderness at his close intimate proximity, Rose took an uneasy breath. Her heart began to thunder against her ribs and chills raced down her spine. "Captain, you act as if you done this before."

"I have as a matter of fact. Many times."

"Oh? You make this a habit then of playing with your current mistress’ hair?" Rose jeered with the slightest hint of jealousy reflected in her quavering voice.

"Hardly…after my parents died, I had a little sister to raise. Mellie would have been just about your age. When she was younger, somebody had to take care of her and that included combing out her hair after a bath. At least until she was old enough to do it herself," Jack softly reminisced.

"A sister? What happened to her, Captain?" Rose concernedly inquired.

"She was just another helpless victim of this damnable war…in one respect at least. But I’d rather not rehash the gory details. Too disturbing and too fresh, I guess."

Rose’s sympathetic heart went out to the man currently combing out her hair. It felt so soothing and comforting; however, she sensed his intense grief. But his open mannerism to share the poignant memory with her was even more confusing and disturbing.

"I’m truly sorry for your loss, Captain. Come around here and I’ll doctor your poor back now." Rose softly beckoned something akin to guilt shining in her dark hooded eyes.

As Jack finished with her hair, he obligingly turned around offering his back for her tender ministrations. Carefully, Rose softly applied the soothing salve to the angry open scratches. Goose bumps ran down his spine at each touch from her stroking hands. Closing his eyes to the incredible feeling she was evoking in his awakening body, he tried to take his mind to another place and time. But he soon found that it was useless for he couldn’t distance himself no matter how hard he tried. Knowing how the deep cuts had gotten there and how she had scarred him for life both in body and spirit. How had she accomplished such an incredible feat so damn quickly and easily? When had the sexual desire relinquished its hold to be replaced with an all out consuming need?

"I’m truly sorry, Captain. I never realized…"

Jack never let her finish. He whirled around and impaled her with glittering darkened pools of blue.

"Not half as sorry as I am, Rose. Forget it and let’s talk about something else, all right?"

Surprised, Rose docilely acquiesced for once and raised a wondering arched brow.

"All right…fire away, Captain Dalton. What do you wish to talk about?"

"Why do you insist on calling me ‘Captain’ all the time, Rose? I have a name. It’s Jack if you’ll remember." There was a touch of anger and a flicker of hurt in his beseeching soulful eyes.

"I know what your name is Captain Dalton. But…I just don’t choose to use it! All right?" Rose vehemently rebuked.

"Why not? You call Sergeant Ryan and Private di Rossi by their first names. Why not mine? You know me better than you know them!" Jack was suddenly overcome with an uncontrollable jealous envy. Wanting something that he couldn’t quite put his finger on.

"You mean more ‘intimately’, Captain Dalton…not necessarily better!"

"What’s the difference?"

"There’s always so much tension when we’re together, Captain. I feel comfortable around Tommy and Fabri. We can actually talk without feeling like we’re locked in a battle of wills and…" Rose’s voice abruptly trailed off.

"And what?" Jack determinedly prodded with a hint of roughness.

"And…they don’t undress me with her eyes and I don’t feel this intense quivering when I’m with them…I feel safe and not like I’m about to be devoured!"

"Is that how I make you feel? Devoured?" Jack exasperatedly interrogated.

"Yes…and I realize we both can’t help it! It’s not necessarily your fault…or mine! We just seem to bring out the ‘whatever’ in each other!"

"The ‘whatever’? And what, pray tell, does that mean, Rose?"

"I’m not sure, only time will tell, Captain Dalton…only time will tell!" And she took off swimming back to shore completely dismissing the uncomfortable subject from her reeling mind. Hastily drying off, Rose quickly cinched the robe around her tiny waist and picked up the jar of fireflies while Jack came up behind her to towel off.

"What are you going to do with those anyway?" Jack completely surprised her…again…just a small step behind her.

"I’m going to set them free, Captain! They’ve served their purpose; now it’s time to let them go!" The double edge meaning of her words weren’t lost on Jack. He understood what she was saying but he didn’t comprehend his impulsive response.

Grabbing her by the back of her head, he forcefully yanked her to this heaving chest and whispering low and huskily into her startled face, he thickly vowed, "I’ll never let you go, Rose! No matter how much I wish it…I can’t!"

Then his hungry mouth ravenously swooped down to plunder her full sensual rosebuds before he lowered her to the ground to meld his flesh with hers…reclaiming their bargain…sealing their fate. Even the hoot owl perched in a nearby live oak tree watched in awe at the lovers’ dance under the light of a radiant spring moon. While another pair of startled dark eyes also watched for a fleeting moment in time…shocked and enraged. Who was this man with his Rose? Making love to his Rose like there were no tomorrows? What had happened while he was away making things right for her?

Rafael Bouvier abruptly spun around and slithered back to the hidden gypsy encampment before he was sorry. On the morrow, he would find out for sure what in tarnation was going on here. Initially when he had returned to Rosedale’s land, he had curiously observed the many campfires burning around the outer perimeters of the immaculate lawns of the manor house and had wondered from afar what the hell was going on. Realizing there were soldiers about, he had immediately sought to find his daughter to satisfy his curiosity as to their purpose at the plantation. But…what he had found on the footpath to his destination had literally knocked the wind out of him. It was obvious this was not a rape or attack by a long shot. He was so embarrassed by what met his stunned gaze, he had watched a little too damn long! Rafael’s first reaction had been to throw the detestable man away from his little girl and to kill him with his bare hands! But the guttural noises that met his ringing ears held him at bay like chains of restraint. Sweet endearing sighs and groans from two lovers that he had not heard the likes of since he and Sable had made love so passionately and fiercely. And he almost had to smile at the heart-rending nostalgia…almost. And was that a Union uniform carelessly thrown to the ground…surely not! A Confederate he might accept and expect from Rose…but a damn dirty Yankee scum? Holy Mother of Jesus! Was this that Major Henley whom Rose so adamantly despised? His stomach lurched once and his dark olive skin cast a pale sickly hue before he shook his head in complete bafflement and dread. Tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough and tonight should prove to be the longest in his two score of years!

As Jack covered Rose’s body with his own, drinking in the jasmine scent of wet auburn hair, he nuzzled the side of her neck with his searching lips. Sharp stabs of desire pierced their trembling insides. Placing an intrusive knee between her thighs, he pulled them apart to gratefully bury himself home. Always ready, she gasped as he took her to the far reaches of the universe. Tenderly…then urgently…always intoxicatingly. The hot blood was rushing through his veins like a floodgate that had just been released. Sinking deeper into her warm moist depths, the storm raged within the two lovers as they rode the waves of passion together clinging for survival…desperately holding on to keep from drowning in each other’s obsession. Not wanting it to end…savoring the prolonged passion…needing the tidal wave to crash on the high plains to bring them the coveted sweet release. With every receding climb, each moaned their desire…marveling at the miracle of this April night at Rosedale.

Chapter Fourteen