Chapter Twenty-One

Rated NC-17 for Content

The first faint crimson streaks of dawn had begun to breech the eastern sky on the Texas horizon as the entire Union Army company currently head-quartered at Rosedale Plantation stood in formation at attention while their Captain authoritatively barked out the day’s orders. In mid sentence, his blue-green brittle gaze suddenly fell on a large group of Negro workers crammed into a wagon lazily bumping along a dusty worn dirt path that eventually led to the vast cotton fields. Instantly, the Captain’s volatile ire was aroused for seemingly the specific demands made yesterday to the fair mistress regarding their new deal hadn’t been carried out as promised. Spinning on his booted heel, he hastily strutted off to settle the score with the exasperating, belligerent, rebel lady. Dammit to hell…Rose would obey him if he had to thrash her lovely derriere!

"Sergeant Ryan! Take over here." Jack darkly commanded.

Pausing to light a cheroot, the depths of ocean blue pools squinted up at the huge manor house while Jack began to agitatedly pace. Damn her hide! She had promised to free her slaves! Why did Rose have to intentionally cause such discord and dissension between them? Why did she have to be such a rebellious little spitfire? Shit, she took pleasure in deliberately instigating rifts! Why couldn’t she be the docile, conventional, and submissive creature that all men yearned for?

As Jack set off it a stewing rage; however, Sam coincidentally intersected his path. "Sam! Could I have a word with you?" Jack cordially requested.

"Yessaw, Cap’un. Mornin’ to yo’."

"Sam, why are the slaves still working the fields?"

"What slaves yo’ talkin ‘bout, Cap’un?" Sam feigned ignorance.

"There was a wagon load just a minute ago headed for the fields, Sam!" Jack verified.

"Cap’un…deys bees no slaves at dis here plantation anymo’; not since Miz Rose gots it when Massah Sterlin’ passed." Sam reluctantly corrected.

Jack felt like the wind had been physically knocked out of him. His mouth dropped open in shock before finally, he began to remarkably chuckle before rubbing his eyes as if to clear them. Shaking his tawny head, he curiously continued, "Then why are all of you still here, Sam?" Jack bewilderingly asked.

"We’s owns parts of dis here land, now, Cap’un. Miz Rose deeds us ten acres a piece and we’s now sharecroppers. We’s workin’ together and gonna makes dis here plantation the finest in the deep South. We’s not wants to leaves dere. Likes Iz tolds yo’ when yaw first comes dere, dis iz home…and we’z stayin’!"

Jack forcefully blew out a stream of smoke that he had been holding in his lungs while the overseer had answered his question. He was actually at a loss for words. The sly lil’ hussy had tricked him yet again!

"Thanks, Sam…and congratulations on your newfound freedom. I guess you would have no idea why the lady never shared this bit of information?"

Sam wryly grinned at the Union Army Captain and shrugged his wide shoulders. "Miz Rose sez it ain’t none of yo’s Yankees’ bizness, Cap’un."

Jack could only rub his neck and shake his head before amicably slapping Sam on the back and purposefully taking off in search of the liberating lady of Rosedale. And he knew just where she was currently engaged, flagrantly flipping her beautifully upturned nose at the unjust Southern laws and customs…teaching in the schoolhouse.

However, it was Lizzie that was busy instructing the group of children when Jack walked through the door. Motioning for her attention, she instantly made her way to the back of the classroom to confer in private with the befuddled Captain.

"Lizzie, where’s Rose? I thought she was teaching here?" Jack confusedly inquired.

"The Duke was feelin’ frisky dis moanin, Iz reckon she’s done taken off to de barn wid him!"

"A Duke you say? In these parts?" The blood instantly rushed to Jack’s head as his heart skipped an erratic beat. There it was again, the reeling emotion that in one instant placed him on top of the world as if all the barriers had been forged and then in the next moment, like he had been thrown into the depths of hell with an unfathomable wall separating them.

"But Iz wouldna go in dere, Cap’un. Might cause yo’ to turn red as Miz Rose’s hair. Nanny sez it ain’t fittin’ what dat girl does. Sho’d bees left to da mensfolks. Shez as stubborn as a mule…umpf…umpf…"

Jack took off in a jealous rage. How did a royal Duke of all things get across his security lines? Not only that, but what was the man doing in the deep South of all places? What was Rose up to now? Of course, he had heard the rumors in Washington that the French Empire was consorting with the Confederacy against the Union. But alas! Feeling frisky? He’d skin both their aristocratic hides! He refused to be made a laughing stock! Regardless of their shaky relationship, Rose was his…at least while he was still in residence at Rosedale. She had promised him that…or had she?

With nostrils flared and eyes blazing, he ominously stalked up to the large weathered barn. As Jack came closer to the opened door, he became increasingly aware of loud, distinctive animalistic guttural sounds emitting from an inside stall. Surely not!

Nonchalantly, Rose sat swinging her legs on an upturned wooden barrel chewing on a piece of straw, mesmerized by the pair of steeds. Slowly, she met the Captain’s stunned gaze and a half grin tugged at her full garnet lips. What was that she saw in those blue moonstone eyes? Shock? Relief? Or perhaps both?

After Duke, the stallion, had finished breeding the mare, Rose purposefully entered the stall and took the brood mare by her halter. "I think you’ve had enough of the Duke ole’ girl…for now." As Rose mischievously albeit seductively smiled at the awestruck, speechless Captain currently frozen in mid stride with his jaw hanging open in complete astonishment and awkward embarrassment, she led the sleek chestnut horse into a separate stall.

"Did you want something, Captain Dalton?" Rose teasingly snickered.

Abruptly, Jack lost all control of civility. Grasping her delicate wrists, he ominously backed her into a nearby stall and tugged her down in a heap of fresh hay. His hands literally shook as he pulled at the tiny pearl buttons that held the thin white batiste blouse together. Submissively, Rose obligingly let him have his way, not helping him to undress her, but sensually laying back in the straw and thoroughly enjoying the tantalizing effect that the erotic foreplay had had on the aroused Captain. Jack’s nostrils were flared, his breathing ragged, and twin blue orbs shot hot flames as if he were possessed by a savage beast’s desire. Rose felt his eyes hungrily journey across her tingling body…eyes that wanted, eyes that craved. Jack continued struggling with the exasperating buttons until he viciously ripped the remaining catches loose until her tender hardened breasts spilled forth into his massive groping hands.

Rose sucked in her breath at the titillating sensation of his questing hands, then his greedy mouth sucking and licking her woman’s flesh. Not bothering to remove the long skirt, Jack impatiently and eagerly yanked it up around her hips where two searching long fingers began to probe her most sensitive, moist cavern. Rose moaned low in her throat at the intense thrills he so effortlessly and magically provoked in her awakened body. She spread herself wider for him and Jack harshly grunted his need in her ear before his greedy mouth suddenly ravaged and plundered her honey nectar lips. Slanting and probing voraciously with his seeking tongue, he delved deeper drawing in her sweet essence like a hungry rutting animal. His anxious hands nervously trembled as Jack lowered his breeches to release his stiff thick maleness. He zealously lunged forward, impaling her on his shaft and began to lustfully mate her in both body and soul. Harsh, heavy panting flooded the barn as Jack savagely pumped in and out of her hot, wet woman’s sheath. Gripping her curvaceous hips, he thrust one final plunge inside her before convulsively quivering and groaning his release, forcefully spewing a warm stream of semen within her body.

Afterwards, the repulsed Captain was stunned and ashamed of his uncouth, barbaric behavior…shamelessly tumbling a young woman in a hay barn like a horny juvenile…yet still starving for more. Disgusted with himself, Jack hastily got to this feet and began arranging his clothes and brushing off the stray pieces of hay stuck randomly on his dark blue uniform refusing to meet her gaze. Sated, Rose flipped onto her stomach and picked up a piece of straw and began nibbling on it, studying the self-recriminatory emotions marring the Captain’s obvious upset visage. In a low throaty rasp, she tantalizingly challenged, "Have you had enough for now, Captain?"

Impaling her with an impatient turquoise glower, Jack huskily rasped before leaving their romantic lair, "I’ll never have enough, Rose…remember that!"

Watching the Captain march out of the barn, Rose wickedly smiled before laying back on the straw and dreamily humming. Glancing down and softly grinning at her partially rent blouse, she saucily sighed and began to relive again the heated impromptu tryst with the Captain. The magical spring month of April…a time for mating…her body instinctively throbbed, continually…her sensitive overly enlarged breasts were swollen to the point that the slightest brush of material clinging to her skin caused rivulets of desire to pulsate throughout her hot blood. And furthermore, her most sensitive spot was also swollen nigh to bursting. What was wrong with her? Had she became a sluttish, immoral woman that constantly craved a man for carnal pleasures? What would become of her when the Captain left? Would another man ever sexually satisfy her like the virile Yankee Captain? Before the thought was finished, sadly she knew her answer…not in a hundred years.

Later, Jack was inside the study that served as his office at the manor house intently perusing a military book of maneuvers, when his glance was distracted by a sudden movement in the doorway. Rose was there, staring at him with such a desirous visage in her limpid green eyes that it literally took his breath away…again. Blatantly tempting, outrageously seducing, flagrantly stalking him like a sleek wild cat before pouncing on its wary prey. Looking deeper, he recognized the slightest flare of her nostrils, the way her sensuous body seductively swayed with each movement, breathing that seemed forced and shallow. And those eyes…eyes that said, Come hither!

Jack crooked a dark brow in wary wonderment. Rose shut the double doors and silently turned the brass lock behind her. Gyrating her hips over to him, she agilely hopped up on the massive oak desk and purposefully swiped the stack of papers off the sides onto the polished oak floor. Rubbing her hands up and down his chest, she locked gazes with his and huskily whispered, "You never asked me, Captain."

Jack’s breath locked tight in his chest as he instantly hardened…yet again. He could only stare at her obvious seductive antics and any forthcoming words seemed to precariously lodge in his constricted throat. "Asked you what, Rose?" Jack croaked.

"Captain, I haven’t had enough!" Rose saucily purred yet never taking her smoldering jade eyes off his lips while her splayed hands sensually dipped into the waistband searching for the dominant masculinity that she needed inside her.

Groaning, Jack shoved her back across the desk top and jerked her dress up instantly probing his middle finger into her moistness evoking a sharp whimper from the aroused seductress. She was so ready for him…and he matched that overpowering hunger. Clumsily, he lowered his britches to his knees and quickly mounted her with his velvety smooth blade of desire. The uncontrollable urge to couple with her took over and as he pressed deeper, guiding himself into her harder, clenching his teeth, the Captain rasped, "Is this want you want?"

Slamming against her soft flesh forcefully emitting guttural grunts and groans from his laboring chest, he frantically bred her. Furiously pumping his powerful hips, her carnal sighs became increasingly louder with each thrust prompting Jack to place a muffling hand over her mouth to stifle the erotic moans and whimpers. Rose was very small but incredibly she began tightening around him with each heated thrust, as if he was encased in a vacuum that refused to relinquish its hold. He was precariously at the verge of passion’s peak when Rose suddenly sat up wrapping her legs around his waist. Kissing him deeply, she began moaning her orgasm into his mouth. That was all he could endure, immediately causing a hot jet spurt of milky fluid flooding Rose’s insides. Jack had never come so hard in his entire life as her womb convulsed around him, squeezing and refusing to release him. Jack collapsed on her forcing her back onto the desk while he tried to catch his ragged breath.

Abruptly, without warning, a knock sounded at the study’s door. Jack had enough modesty to try to hastily withdraw. However, Rose refused to let him and his eyes incredulously widened before he tried unsuccessfully to pull out again.

"Tell me that you want me, Captain…that you need me." Rose seductively whispered.

"There’s no time for that, Rose! Someone’s at the damn door!" Jack impatiently and beseechingly warned.

"Tell me, now!" Rose refused to let go.

"God, I desire you…" He half relented.

"No! That you need me." Rose throatily rebuked.

"Captain Dalton! Are you in there?" Again, Sergeant Ryan pounded at the door demanding an answer; nevertheless, Jack continued to swell while Rose intentionally contracted around him.

Breathless and gasping for air, Jack nervously stammered, "One moment, Sergeant!" Outside in the hallway, Tommy bewilderingly scratched his head.

"Tell me, Captain…that you need me." Rose prodded as she internally squeezed him tighter with the walls of her womanhood.

Gritting his teeth, "Damn, I need this, Rose, and I want this." But with each word, Jack painfully throbbed. Realizing that she was stubbornly demanding an answer…one that he simply could not give her at this stage and refusing to give her a winning hand, he huskily rasped, "This is the best damn sex I’ve ever had, Rose. Now, let me out before my Sergeant busts the God damned door down!"

Smiling in truce, Rose finally yet reluctantly let go. Of course, she knew he had not fully relented. But in his own way, he had conceded this victory. He only admitted that he needed the sexuality of their relationship but not her as a person per se. But he did…whether he realized it or not. Nonetheless, innately Rose was convinced that the Captain truthfully didn’t want to face the inevitability of their mutual need for each other. Half satisfied with his acquiescence, she sexily grinned up into a mask of frustration.

Hurriedly fastening his pants, Jack was so raw he grimaced at the rough sensation of the tight material across his swollen crotch area. Nevertheless, Rose shamelessly hadn’t budged an inch, forcing Jack to frantically jerk down her skirts.

"Open the door, Rose!" Jack impatiently bit out.

The musky odor of sex permeated throughout the room. As Rose slowly made her way to the door, her long red hair in disarray about her creamy shoulders, she brashly flung open the door. As Tommy hesitantly walked in, he realized instantly what had been taking place. The distinctive scent of lovemaking, the disheveled appearance of Rose, the hooded and satisfied albeit embarrassed expression on his Captain’s flushed face…evidence of another heated romp between Jack and his mistress.

Whirling around with the brass doorknob still in her hand, Rose impishly purred, "Captain Dalton…have you ever heard of being rode hard and put up wet?"

The Captain’s and Sergeant’s mouths dropped to the floor as both men turned scarlet shades of red at the scandalous audacity of the taunting rebel woman. As the door shut behind her, it was all Tommy could do from erupting into a loud bawdy guffaw at the raunchy love tryst and comely female companion of his best friend. A smug grin twitched at the corners of Tommy’s mouth while his Irish eyes danced, "Jack, I do believe the beautiful lady is adjusting quite well to our presence here."

"That ain’t no lady, Tommy…by a hell of a long shot."

Chapter Twenty-Two