Chapter Twenty-Five

Rated NC-17 for Content

April brought springtime along with silent shadows of promises to the deep South. And as the early May flowers blossomed and impregnated the countryside with their aromatic sweet scents, so did the budding relationship of the Yankee Army Captain and his Rebel Confederate Rose. Gone was the strife, the tensions, and the mistrust that had divided both spirits, and in its place unfurled peace and respect that fulfilled the lovers’ hearts with a deep abiding love. Whether in a lingering caress, a poignant look, or shared laughter that floated like echoes in the revitalizing spring breezes, Rosedale in April was a magical time of dreams.

Soldiers and workers alike at the grand cotton plantation caught glimpses of the couple secretly embracing behind an ancient live oak tree or strolling down the oak alleyway at dusk holding on to the other as if to never let go. And consequently, the atmosphere surrounding meals was decisively calmer nowadays where a special glance or endearment often passed between the two stricken lovers. Whether behind locked study doors or in other various secluded surroundings, they often alighted with beaming ecstatic countenances holding hands with dancing eyes that mutually communicated like never before. Therefore, before sequestering behind closed doors in private meetings with his officers, Jack was seen more times than naught softly nuzzling the lady’s neck and whispering a gentle reminder in her ear that never failed to emit a soft giggle and blush from his Rose. For now when the Captain stared at the other half of his heart, there was never a threatening harsh scowl marring his handsome face, but a lingering smile that attractively curled his lips at every turn. For the beauty had tamed her beast. And Rose, now a young woman, radiated beauty, grace and happiness in every second of each day.

A galaxy of brilliant flickering stars filled the Texas sky this night as the nocturnal creatures came alive serenading the landscape with their glorious hymns celebrating nature’s wonders to its fullest. And life at Rosedale Plantation was at last a blissful peaceful paradise with no haunting reminders of the devastating and horrific effects of war or loss. Tonight Rose had taken special pains in carefully selecting her lingerie in a peachy silk and lace confection that revealed more than concealed. Staring into the looking glass and pinching her creamy ivory cheeks for color, they sprang to life precisely matching the shade of coral in the seductive gown. Sitting at the vanity, Rose painstakingly brushed her hair out until it shined like blazing fire down her back and silently mused. Life was so beautiful and she was so happy for once in her lifetime…did she deserve such good fortunes when so many still suffered? But alas, Madame India had been so uncannily wise predicting a fairy tale warrior from the North coming to her heart’s rescue…and Rose thrilled in the knowledge that colliding fates had clashed between the Union and the Confederacy on native Texas soil.

Stepping out onto the second story verandah, Rose was basking in the serenity of this night patiently waiting for her Captain to join her. Gazing at the sliver of a translucent silver moon, suddenly, without warning, a pair of large strong hands encircled her tiny waist, then brushed her hair to the side before warm sensual lips huskily whispered in her tingling ear, "Let’s go inside, mia. Although the stars are lovely, I’d rather see the stars in your eyes as we make love. God, I need you tonight. Truthfully, I could barely concentrate in our meeting tonight thinking about you."

"Sometimes I forget about the war until it takes you away from me when y'all cloister yourselves in the study to talk military business." A melancholy frown creased her brow before Jack turned her around to face him and tenderly smoothed it away with his finger.

"Shh…the marvels of this night are ours for the taking. We can either waste it by worrying about tomorrow or enjoy it to its fullest. Now which will it be, mia?" As Jack nuzzled the column of her neck breathing in the jasmine fragrance that was Rose.

His answer was a wistful look bestowed into two blue blazes of fire. Rose’s feelings too strong for words, she slipped her hand into his and murmured, "Yes, we have tonight, Captain. Let’s make it count."

And led him back through the opened French doors to intimacy’s heaven. Unbuttoning his shirt, she took her time and completely undressed him taking special care to kiss each inch of sun darkened skin as it was bared for her sensual exploration. Lastly, as he sat on the edge of the bed, she straddled his outstretched legs with her backside turned towards him, tugging and straining until his stubborn boots finally slipped off, prompting a comical cackle from Jack when the abrupt force knocked Rose clear to her knees.

"So…you think that’s funny, do you? Well just lay back my handsome Yankee Captain and we’ll soon see whose laughing last." Rose mysteriously hinted as she dusted imaginary dirt from her person and stood with her hands on her hips.

With a crooked grin, Jack obligingly laid back across several white goose down pillows before crossing his ankles and resting his arms behind his head in anticipation of her next move. Rose then dimmed the flames of the kerosene lamps and slowly removed the peach robe from her shoulders letting it rustle in a heap to the polished oak floor. Underneath was the shortest sexiest article of seduction that Jack had ever laid hungry eyes upon. The breathe locked tight in his chest and his stomach began churning in a hot charged sexual excitement. Tiny thin straps barely held the alluring garment to her curvaceous frame while the lacey hem barely covered her hips. Jack’s lust-filled stare fastened on the swelling ripe curves which seemed so eager to burst out over the top of the peachy silk bodice. He heaved a slightly tremulous sigh as a wicked leer traveled over her womanly flesh from head to toes…burning in its intensity. Crooking his index finger, he impatiently urged her to hurry and join with him on the large plush bed.

After she knelt upon the mattress, he feverishly pulled her to him and anxiously started to raise the nightgown over her head but she defiantly settled it back down around her hips and saucily whispered, "Let me…when the time is right, Captain. And the time is not quite right yet. Now roll over on your stomach."

With a somewhat surprised countenance, Jack raised a wondering dark brow and obeyed her tempting command overly eager to find out where she was going with this.

Never one to be predicted, Rose sat on her knees to his side and began a slow full body massage that rapidly eased the tensions from tired, tense muscles. At his shoulder blades, she gingerly touched the half moon shaped scars, evidence from their first night together and bent over to reverently place her lips to his warm, satiny smooth skin. They both had scars from each other to last a lifetime…and she secretly smiled at the memory. Caressing the small of his back, she began kneading away the stiffness and as she diligently worked, a throaty moan came from Jack as he sensuously arched his back against the gentle massaging, letting her soothe away the aches and pains that he hadn’t even realized were there. Feminine dainty hands plied his back along with the sinewy muscles stretched taunt across wide shoulders, sending waves of weakening pleasure tingling up and down his spine. Halfway down his backbone, Rose suddenly remembered something and energetically leapt off the plush mattress.

"Finished so soon, mia? That felt almost as good as sex." Jack disappointedly protested.

"I’ll be right back. Don’t go away. And close your eyes." Rose giggled.

Soon she returned toting a cobalt blue bottle of scented lotion and poured a generous amount in the palm of her hand and started anew where she left off. Applying pressure along his spine, she smoothed the thick creamy salve in tiny circular motions up and down his gorgeous bronzed back …up and down…helplessly Jack sighed a deep moan of pleasure. Certain that he had never experienced such titillating albeit relaxing sensations in his entire life. She was lulling him nearly to sleep…almost as if he were lying under the sun’s warm rays and was being gently rocked to peaceful slumber by the intoxicating wizardry of slender expressive hands. Rose rubbed him lingeringly across his flexed buttocks then moved lower to the backs of his powerful thighs. Taking a liberal amount of time and vastly enjoying the exotic feel that was her Captain, when she finally reached his muscular elongated calves, she sat at his feet and continued her relaxing ministrations until she heard the even steady breathing of a man in the deep realms of sleep.

Almost disappointed, she dismounted his feet to lay down next to him lovingly staring at her Captain in angelic repose. So beautiful yet masculine…this man was the spark that ignited passion’s fire in her body and in her heart. She memorized every minute detail of him and let him dream for close to an hour never taking mesmerized jade eyes from his fascinating face. Wondering about his past life, his future…their future together or was that even possible? Did he want her forever and always as she needed did him? Although love had not been verbally declared, she suspected it in everything he did. Perhaps he had initially tried to fight it like she had, but the doomed battle had been lost…and the victory was so sublime…so surreal. Alone with her private thoughts, she silently pondered the miraculous change in their lives…and in her body. Almost certain now that a tiny life was growing nestled in her womb, she realized that if his life’s seed had not yet taken hold, after tonight she was convinced that it would be planted. Placing a hand reverently to her belly, she realized that she desperately wanted Jack’s child. Needed it like oxygen. Something to keep and to hold on to, to remind her of him for the rest of her life. A part of Jack that was solely hers to cherish and nourish until the day she died. Nonetheless, she worried how Jack would react to the possibility of a baby. Did he even want children…or more specifically their baby? That elusive delicate subject had never even been broached. But surely he must have considered the possible consequences of their heated and torrid love affair. The thought that he might outright reject her and the child never entered her naïve mind. For despite the Captain’s harsh military disposition and bearing, she sensed a great gentleness and honesty in his soul.

Tragically, the winds of war were blowing in…and Rose intuitively discerned the dynamic change taking place almost like the metamorphosis taking place in her body…and Rose forlornly sighed.

Suddenly, twin gleaming sapphire pools opened and interlocked with emerald blazes of smoldering fire. Reaching out, he pulled her tempting coral lips to his where they clung fiercely then feverishly blended until Rose reluctantly broke it off with a whimper.

"I want to taste your body all over tonight, Captain. I need to feel you with my lips…on my tongue…can you take it?" Rose passionately whispered as a wanton dare.

"Mmm…I’ve never felt so peacefully sedated yet anxiously excited at the same time in my life, mia." Jack hoarsely groaned. "By all means, I zealously accept your exhilarating challenge; so cover me, I’m all yours."

Rolling to his back, Rose returned to his feet and began a slow alternating touching of lips and tongue from his toes to ankles to shins and then his knees. All Jack was capable of was to moan then sigh at the exquisite torment her mouth was creating along his nerve endings. Fire was searing his flesh and he had to shake his head to clear it to remind himself that this was no demon witch from a fantasy but the woman that had captivated his soul and effortlessly cast him under her enticing spell. Spreading his legs, she kneeled between them and continued her licentious journey up the inside of his thighs. And that’s when Jack violently shivered before tangling his fingers in long copper tresses and gritting his teeth to keep from wildly calling out like a wolf howling at the full moon. At the first flick of her moist tongue on twin heavy globes, Jack’s labored panting grew tenfold as he sensually lowered his eyelids drowning in passion’s ecstasy.

"Damn, mia. You’re torturing me to death." Jack grunted hoarsely.

Ever so gently, she sucked instinctively knowing the most sensitive spots as if she was educated all her life in sinful bordellos of carnal pleasure. At the base of his thick huge maleness, Rose boldly swirled her wet tongue at a snail’s pace until she encircled the under ridge of his throbbing engorged head. Lasciviously licking her way to the narrow slit, she skillfully worked her oral wanton magic. In one quick motion, she shamelessly surrounded him with her hot mouth…all of him in his glory. In reflex, Jack forcefully ground his hips off the bed and she took him in his fullness. Somehow without gagging, for the Captain was as enormous as a rutting stallion, especially after the stimulating foreplay that she had expertly performed like a well-practiced courtesan. Unrestrained and wickedly servicing him with hands, lips, tongue and mouth, Rose took him higher. Jack hypnotically entered into another plane of existence...a celestial sphere that defied reality. Somewhere in between heaven and earth, he floated on a dense cloud of sexual fog. He couldn’t think about anything but the sweet agony of it all. He was simmering, then boiling in his genitals and as his pelvis ground upwards, Rose came down. It all happened so unexpectedly and fast that before he could verbally warn her, he forcefully shot a hot stream of semen into her sucking mouth. Fighting for breathe, Jack loudly grunted his torturous release then helplessly sunk into the softness of the clean starched sheets.

As Jack trembled, Rose closed her eyes and swallowed the salty musky nectar that was her Captain. She wanted all of him inside her…for she wasn’t through with him by a long shot. After she greedily drank the last glistening drop, surprisingly she began kissing him at his groin and followed the path of his hairline up to a navel emitting a whimpering moan from the passion spent man. At the first tentative touch of her tongue inside his bellybutton, Jack sucked in his breathe through his teeth.

"What are you doing to me, mia? I can’t take anymore of this sweet misery." He breathlessly rasped while shuddering at the exquisite sensations she was evoking.

"Oh yes you can, Captain. I’ve only just begun. But are you sure you want me to stop?"

"God no…don’t ever stop."

Straddling his stomach, Rose bent over and kissed his chest then lightly nibbled his tan male nipples that were already as hard as tiny spears, first one and then the other. Flicking her tongue over a nub, she began to suckle him, the erotic effect acting as a raw stimulus that irresistibly thrust the Captain from the arms of sated glory. As she continued her oral assault on his body, a throbbing began between her legs deep in her woman’s core. Jack grabbed her waist and forcefully yanked her towards his lips where he brutally ravaged her mouth with his voracious mating tongue. Both demanding and taking possession of her giving mouth, he took and took and plunged deeper and deeper. Tasting himself on her tongue, the smell of his sex acted only as a powerful aphrodisiac that spurred his libido into overdrive. Jerking the thin straps of her nightgown downward off her shoulders, full swollen creamy mounds spilled from the silky garment into his groping hands. Throwing her head back, Rose gasped at the sudden pain that swiftly turned to a dizzy pleasure as he milked her with his hands sending tiny rivulets of sweet desire pulsing through hot molten veins. He stroked her nipples with his thumbs that were already hard as diamonds and covered them with his mouth to greedily suck and taste her womanly flesh. The intensive tingling erupted like a volcano in her keenly responsive breasts then flowed to an acute fluttering in her belly then burned downwards to the sensitive jewel of her womanliness. Lifting her up and guiding her down on his erect thick shaft, he thrust upwards into her and peaked in a time that is never, ever long enough for lovers. The contractions quickly turned to spasms of sweet release that washed over them like gigantic tidal waves. Jack sat with his back at the headboard as Rose straddled him, riding him like a horny steed, fast and hard. Massive hands came under her arms and around her back to the tops of her shoulders and pushed her downward as he ground his hips upward off the mattress in nature’s mating ritual. At each hard thrust, her juices increased and trickled down his extended blade of pleasure then seeped onto heavy convulsing testicles. The squeaking of the mattress couldn’t drown out the deep guttural sighs that quickly became moans of pure sexual delight. The relentless rhythm of their lovemaking kept time with the ticking of the clock until Rose tightly clasped his tawny head to her chest while Jack buried his face between her bouncing breasts. Too soon, Jack loudly grunted then shuddered hard as he came while simultaneously Rose’s head fell back and her mouth opened as a cry rushed up her throat. With a last deep thrust, Jack spilled himself; each throb inside her was a sublime finale of the day.

Rose collapsed breathing hard with her mouth touching and caressing his sweat slicked chest. Jack threaded his fingers in her sodden hair with all the inflamed passion of a love starved madman and savagely kissed her until her lips opened and throbbed in pain.

"Now get on your hands and knees, mia. I’m not through with you yet." Jack hotly rasped between a half sigh and a half moan. Rose had again unleashed the savage lusting beast in the man that never got enough of his mate. And she thanked God for it.

Acquiescing and on all fours, he frantically bred her. Despite her wet tightness, Jack wanted deeper. He needed deeper.

"Back up on me, mia." Jack rasped as she opened up to his virile, manly hardness. And as Rose scooted backwards on her knees offering herself to him in sweet sacrifice, he got deeper than ever before…pumping in and out of her fast and hard. Pain intermingled with pleasure as he harshly groaned his desire and a great shudder overtook him as he clenched his teeth, sweating, and with a final deep thrust, they fell forwards into the sweat soaked sheets gasping for breathe. Still laying on top of Rose’s back and buttocks, Jack buried his face in the silky copper hair that smelled of night jasmine and inhaled her fragrance. Weak from the beautiful moment, Jack half admitted exhaling a breathless sigh in her ear, "God…I love…"

Upon hearing the Captain’s shocking revered words, Rose suddenly turned her head around and astonishingly stared up into limpid glowing hearts of the ocean.

"…what you do to me." Jack lamely finished upon belatedly realizing what he had almost divulged yet knowing she had heard his unintentional slip of the tongue in the afterglow of heated passion.

"What were you really going to say, um…Captain?" Rose softly goaded as she turned onto her back underneath him and before her searching hands began massaging his taunt stomach muscles intimately pressed to hers.

Jack went rigid then flipped onto his back and stared at the ceiling. Turning on her side, Rose raised upon a bent elbow and lovingly stared into his blank visage…wishing desperately he’d openly admit his love.

"Don’t be afraid to tell me…I won’t throw it back in your face. I promise." Rose whispered as her hands began fondling his drained albeit huge sac and organ.

Jack swallowed hard trying to catch an even breathe as his nostrils slightly flared while he inwardly tried to reason how exactly he should respond.

"No answer, my handsome Yankee? You love how I make you feel, Captain? Is that what you meant?" Rose sweetly cajoled while stroking his virile body that was lengthening and hardening despite their previous intense love making interludes.

Breathless, "Yes."

"Then that’s enough for me, Captain. Is it enough for you?"

"I know one thing, mia. I’ll never get enough of you and the way you make me feel. Now come get in my arms where you belong…and let’s get some sleep because I’m literally exhausted. Now, damned if you haven’t given me another hard on. Shit!"

Curling under his outstretched arm and flinging a shapely smooth leg over his, Rose secretly smiled and sighed. Jack closed his eyes kissing her temples then inwardly cursed himself for nearly giving in to the emotion wreaking havoc in his heart. Unfortunately, Jack reasoned if he admitted his true feelings, it might be harder for Rose if he was killed in action thereby unable to return for her after the war. Fighting and fearing the guilt and uncertainty, he finally succumbed to sleep and dreamt of Rose. As they lay touching, all three hearts intermingled beating in one rhythm…destiny was calling.

Chapter Twenty-Six