Chapter Thirty

It was well into the month of August, the time of year when frequent hurricanes stormed throughout the Gulf of Mexico. And hot!…so damn incredibly humid and sultry that one could scarcely breathe. Summertime in the deep South could be the most miserable time of year. And only one thing was worse…being pregnant during August in Texas. As Rose DeWitt Bukater dipped naked toes into the pond trying to cool sweat drenched skin, she arched her damp head back and closed tired, soft green eyes. Lonely and torn, she attempted to sort out the roller coaster emotions that had been plaguing her for the last months. Desperately wishing the conflict to end so that Jack could return safely for the birth of their child, she again mentally debated the warring feelings that had gripped her and wouldn’t let go. Loyalty for the Confederacy versus the respect and honor she harbored for her Yankee Captain. Would she be considered a traitor for her feelings? Heartfelt emotions she had no control over? Both sides could not win and consequently one would eventually return in defeat and Rose grimaced at the distasteful notion. At least she prayed that Jack would come back to her…he must for the sake of their baby. And when and if he did…what kind of man would he be? Would the war mar and scar her beloved? Only time would tell…then a deep forlorn sigh escaped her throat.

Suddenly, a supernatural, creepy apprehension overcame her consciousness to the point that it coiled like a tight knot in the pit of her belly. A twig snapped and Rose immediately knew that she was being secretly watched from the cover of the surrounding dark forests. Trying to pretend unawareness, Rose softly began to hum before surreptitiously squinting through the shadows that the tall pine trees cast over the moss and fern covered banks. No winds and absolute silence pervaded the solitude. Just an uncanny premonition that at least one pair of eyes were fastened on her…deviously assessing and calculating when the right time to attack and devour. Truthfully, Rose had never been afraid of nature and its potential dangers, but something innate warned her that this was no ordinary predator. Something was remiss in the woods and the hackles crawled up her neck. The various possibilities of the identity of her stalker were endless. Mayhap, hungry wolves or starved wild dogs out scavenging for food. Or perhaps, dishonorable deserters from the Northern or Southern armies. For some reason she got the distinct impression that the latter was more likely. Her heart pounding like a marching drum, Rose inwardly cursed at her careless stupidity at not carrying a weapon to defend herself. And the mysterious menace that lurked nearby was quickly griping and strangling her strong will of self-preservation causing her breath to come out in forced terrified gasps.


Whirling around in the opposite direction at the sound of a familiar voice, instantly relieved, Rose elatedly recognized the face of her long absent father and savior…Rafael Bouvier.

"Rafael!" She gratefully exclaimed and anxiously scrambled down from the ancient boulder poised in the middle of the lagoon before deftly swimming for the shoreline.

As the two joyously came together to lovingly embrace; however, their reunion was shortly and abruptly disrupted by the distinctive echoes of horse hooves furiously galloping away through the nearby thickets. Rafael sensed his daughter’s uncharacteristic fear and concernedly asked, "Rose, did I interrupt anything? A beau, perhaps?" As Rafael softly perused her lovely albeit wary visage, his keen eyes suddenly slid to Rose’s protruding stomach enhanced now by the clinging wet cotton material.

"Of course not, Papa. I’m not quite sure who was lurking in the shadows but I can assure you that whoever it was…was up to no good!"

"Why, pray tell, do you say such a thing, daughter? Has there been trouble since I’ve been away?" Rafael worriedly probed.

"No, just a feeling I had…but I’m so very glad to see you again. Finally, you have returned for I’ve missed you terribly. I’ve been so worried about you and the others. You know, Bandera is not a very safe or peaceful place to be. Such a wild and unruly cowboy town." Rose grinned as she clasped his tanned hand and began leading him up to the manor house intentionally casting the uneasy feelings aside.

"Well…I’m rather used to wild and unruly, Rose. You should know that."

"I do…who else besides you would divide their time between the French Quarters of New Orleans, the swamps of Jefferson, and the hills of Bandera? Only you, dear Papa…only you!" Rose teasingly chided as she desperately clung to his side afraid he might vanish at any moment into thin air.

Mutual laughter vibrating their chests, Rafael suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned his daughter to face him while clutching her forearms. Staring intently into widened emerald eyes, Rafael declared, "That Yankee Captain…he almost got the best of me that last night in April. Lucky for me he only grazed my arm with his bullet!" As Rafael pointed to a faint scar on his right bicep.

"Are you okay?" Rose blurted, her voice suddenly shaking with dread.

"Of course, sweetie. It was just a scratch." Rafael scoffed but then cautiously continued on to satisfy his suspicions that intuitively hit dead on. "Nevertheless, I see he also left you with a precious lifetime reminder."

"Oh, Papa, I realize you’re not aware that we truly love each other…and truthfully, I couldn’t be happier about the baby. If only…"

Interjecting, "If only what?"

"If only I knew if he was all right. I haven’t heard from Jack since May. I don’t know if he’s alive, wounded, a prisoner…I just don’t know how and where he is." Rose dejectedly reflected struggling with doubt and worry.

"I’m sure he’s fine, my angel. Or you would’ve heard something by now." Patronizingly, Rafael tried to make light of her lingering fears. But realistically, he knew that the man might quite possibly never choose to contact her again…whether he was alive or not.

"I know he’s safe, Papa…I just know it! I’d feel it if he was…gone." Rose refused to say the word…she simply couldn’t make herself verbalize the misgivings her lonely heart was battling.

"I’ll be here for you, Rose. Till the end. And don’t you ever doubt it. Trust me?" Rafael solemnly promised and gathered his daughter tight in an embrace that went on and on soaking his white linen shirt in the process.

"I trust you."


Through the cover of darkness, a pair of satanic feral gleaming eyes witnessed the tender scene…and seethed. Patiently waiting for the perfect opportune time to make known his presence, demonic irrational plans began to multiply and form. For this jilted culprit had made an evil deal with the forces of darkness, selling his soul to Lucifer for the leavings of a Union Army Captain. But the Major hadn’t counted on yet another wily fox in the hen house. And by the looks of things, for he was unable to make out any of the couple’s conversation, Henley could only guess at which rooster had plucked the coveted prize.

Venomously mumbling under his breath, "I should have known that one man could never satisfy the slut."

As Cal’s crazed mind began to vindictively scheme, he raged. Was the bastard child Rose now carried that of a blonde Northern Army officer has he initially suspected or perhaps a more mature raven haired gypsy cock? After the initial shock and disgust had began to wear off, he secretly admitted…he might could pass off a dark featured gypsy child as his own although the low-born class station was as distasteful as accepting that he would never father a heir of his own. Unfortunately, if the whelp favored the other, that arrogant gutter rat Dalton…far be it to survive! A blond headed, blue eyed child would never be perceived as a product of his loins; therefore, it would never be accepted as such by upper society. Cal’s male egotistical pride could never allow himself to be thought a cuckold…not in Pittsburgh where his social status was impeccable and untarnished…and least of all by some Rebel whore that spread her legs for every good looking man in the country. Rose DeWitt Bukater would pay…Satan had promised him his just rewards…and Rose was his. And the child? Again…it was just a question of time how it’d be marked and by whom.


Far away, after six harrowing attempts Grant’s troops finally captured the coveted prize of Vicksburg. The great Mississippi River now belonged to the Federal Army…and with it the promise of a future Union victory in Virginia. Despite the General’s feeble attempts at keeping his niece’s Captain as far from the action as possible, it soon became evident that the stubborn Jack Dalton was having none of it. Remarkably, he had audaciously flat out refused to remain behind the line of fire. Engaging in hand-to-hand skirmishes, bayonet encounters, and mounted cavalry combat with only minor injuries sustained thus far throughout all six engagements. Tragically, and the last fight was to be the costliest to both sides…the final siege of Vicksburg would go down in history as bloody hell incarnate as the drums of Champion Hill fortuitously sounded the doom of Richmond. It was a living nightmare—a day and a night of killing and dying…the great American fighting spirit of the competing armies that fatefully culminated into a virtual hill of death!

As bullets zipped from the left and right, the smoke of cannons and musket fire was covering everything making it impossible to see…becoming thicker and thicker with each blast. Occasionally the blaze of guns showed exactly where the enemy stood yet they obstinately kept their line like a wall of fire. The awful roar of battle grew more horrific if possible. It was a wonder that anyone was left alive on either side. Biting the ends off of a cartridge, Captain Jack Dalton filled his mouth with gunpowder; although the thirst was intolerable. Every soldier’s face was black as a Negro’s and, with some, blood from wounds trickled down over the blackness, giving them a horrible frightening look. During one moment’s lull in the howling noise; Grant rode up on his small bay horse, and glared down at Jack in shock intermingled with immense respect. Still the inevitable cigar stuck in his mouth yet despite Grant’s status as the commander of the Union army, recklessly and courageously exposing himself to the Rebs.

"Dammit, Dalton! Didn’t I order you to the rear?" General Grant exasperatedly barked.

"Is that what you said, General? I could have sworn you said otherwise!" Jack half grinned despite the throbbing ache in his side in which a musket ball had ripped. Surprisingly, it proved to be only a flesh wound—the obliquely-fired bullet had struck the heavy leather of his cartridge belt and miraculously glanced away.

Shaking his head, Grant looked at Jack and pointed at the Greek Revival Warren County Courthouse that dominated the Vicksburg skyline looming majestically on a high cliff bank. "Over yonder…after this day is done…you meet me there on the portico to review our army’s victory and the city’s surrender. And by the grace of God and for the love of Rose…you better be there! Is this order in any way unclear, Captain Dalton?"

"Yes, Sir, General, you can count on it."

Glancing once again at the unyielding, young Captain entrenched on a low ridge, Grant nodded once and silently rode away. All too soon the bullets came faster. Zip! Zip! Zip! The canons roared unmercifully. Now and then a boy in blue would groan, strike his hand to a wounded limb or arm, drop his gun and fall to the ground…dead in his tracks without uttering a single word or sound. On the edge of a low hilltop, a solid wall of men in gray, their muskets at their shoulders blasting into Jack’s regiment while their batteries of artillery thundered as if it were the end of the world. Bravely they stood there. They seemed to be a little over a hundred yards away. There was no charging further by either line. Both sides halted, the two lines stood still and for over an hour, they loaded their guns and killed each other as fast as they could. The firing and the noise were appalling…deafening. The haze so thick, men blindly fired by guess and instinct. And Jack’s only clear thought as the stupendous murderous acts exploded around him, by him, at him, and against him was…Dear God, please take care of Rose and our baby.


While Captain Jack Dalton selflessly prayed for Almighty God to protect the welfare of his loved ones, Major Caledon Henley had selfishly bargained with the devil for his own. Several days before the last engagement at Vicksburg, recuperating at the military hospital, Cal had learned a great deal about the covert mission that Dalton and his troops had made to Rosedale in April. The repugnant, filthy Private Fabrizio di Rossi had been quite a storehouse of useful information regarding his former betrothed. Although appalling when retold with all their gory details, Henley patted himself on the back for his own cleverness at obtaining what had transpired in his absence. Sometimes the tales had been consciously told; however, at times, they had been deviously cajoled out of the naive boy while he suffered in the throes of a delirious fever. The Italian scum was such a foolish idiot! But Henley had his bait and most of his answers…and Cal made his fateful deal with the forces of evil. He ceremoniously sealed the bargain with the innocent blood of the unsuspicious youth as a sacrificial lamb at the stroke of midnight. As the barracks lay quiet and with a sinisterly muttered chant to the underworld’s ruler, with the tip of an ornate sterling silver cursed sword, Cal viciously sliced the throat of the angelic messenger and maliciously smirked.

"Rose may be pregnant and unwed but at least she has one less hero championing her side. The filthy whore."

With murder to add to his evil deeds, Major Caledon Henley slithered away into the night leaving the fighting armies behind. His destination...Texas.


Rose and her father spent the ensuing weeks meticulously tending the plantation’s business while reveling in each other’s company in the evenings. It was a very different yet notwithstanding healing time for both father and daughter. While Rafael had never once actually slept in a house in his two score of years, preferring to slumber under the canvas of a star filled night, he welcomed this change. His daughter needed him and he vowed to never leave Rosedale as long as she desired his company. Although it was emotionally hard, residing in Sable’s domain where she had lived with Bukater, he knew that nothing worth having ever came easy. And having a life with his daughter and grandchild was definitely worth all the treasures in heaven.

Only Jack’s absence now marred Rose’s days and nights. That and of course, the eerie feelings that still persisted at times when she was alone. She felt it now, upstairs on the verandah outside her room staring at the thousands of stars that appeared as flickering candles against a velvet curtain of black. Those same stars that Jack might be looking upon and dreaming. As she leaned against an ivory column and absentmindedly braided her long red hair, the spooky sensation intensified to the point she actually felt faint with fear. She couldn’t shake it…like she was on display. No, it was more than that. It was as if she was being stalked by a hungry, deranged animal. It must be the pregnancy, she convinced herself. For she had revealed her unnatural reservations to Lizzie and her sister had assured Rose that it was quite normal to have impractical feelings during this time. Sighing, Rose put it down to an overactive imagination. With one last glance into the surrounding mysterious blackness, Rose went back inside to the master’s chambers…and the bed she and Jack had shared for those precious magical weeks in the spring. And for the first time in her entire life, she turned the key in the French doors and locked the shutters tight.


Private di Rossi’s death came as a shock and a blow to both Jack and Tommy Ryan. It marred the Union’s victory at Vicksburg substantially. Especially the unnatural circumstances surrounding the vicious crime, although it was very suspicious that Henley had suddenly disappeared without even being formally discharged in the aftermath. Jack, of course, intuitively was convinced that Cal was behind the gruesome murder…this was no coincidence! Although he was aware that the vile bastard disliked the boy, he couldn’t justly point fingers at an Union officer of higher rank than himself on a mere unsubstantiated hunch. He had no hard evidence to base his accusations upon. Just a dead soldier with his throat cut and a missing Major. Where was the justice in this world? Would Henley get off again for his sins? When the war was through with him, Jack made a promise to himself and the memory of Fabrizio to find out for certain…Cal would not win this time, one way or the other. The required notification to the young boy’s mother would be one of the hardest tasks he’d ever done. For now that he was going to be a father…he acknowledged the grief and sorrow the death of a child would bring to a parent. Will this damnable war ever end?


Rose DeWitt Bukater crumbled the letter into a tight ball in her hand and forcefully threw it across the study and raged. The Union Navy had captured the port of Galveston Island blockading her ports and wharves. Rosedale’s cotton crop had been running through Galveston and into Mexico’s ports in exchange for arms and supplies to support the Confederate armies. This would mean an end to their existence as they knew it! What to do…what to do! She must speak to Sam and the others. The men that were willing and able had to try and reinforce General Magruder’s Rebel force to stave off the invasion. Rosedale and all of the Texas cotton plantations depended on it…I’m sorry, Jack, but I have to try and save our way of life! Rosedale must survive! It’s our child’s legacy!


As autumn transformed the countryside to bold and subtle shades of scarlet, oranges, yellows, and coppers, the war raged on while Rose impatiently awaited the birth of her baby. As the leaves first turned golden, to bronze and then to brown, the harsh north winds blew harder and colder. Though sleet and snow were a rarity in the deep South, this year proved to be an exception. December brought with it the first snow that the eastern region of Texas had experienced in five long years. Not a heavy blizzard, but just enough to cover the landscape with a solid blanket of glistening white crystals that sparkled like tiny diamonds. The small children at the plantation ecstatically welcomed the glorious metamorphosis. Most had never seen the pure powdery stuff, playing games outside until their little fingers and toes were nigh to freezing. The excitement was contagious as even Nanny made ice cream from buckets of the fresh clean snow. Another delightful delicacy that was enjoyed almost as much as the holy season of Christ’s birth. And Christmastime was one of Rose’s favorite times of the year…second, of course, to April. And it was on one of these crispy, brisk mornings, that Rose ventured out into the woods to gather pine cones and cedar branches for garlands to decorate and scent the manor house. Softly humming, Rose set her large wicker basket down to rub her back that had been annoyingly aching all day. While Rafael was in the barn tending the livestock, the few oldest men that stayed behind because they were unfit to fight at Galveston were busy chopping wood nearby to supply the dozens of fireplaces and stoves for heat. Straining her ears, the persistent sounds of axes swinging and falling trees for nature’s fuel acted like a comforting security blanket. Moreover, the strong clean aroma of pine rosin floated through the wind to invade her senses. It smelled so…well…Christmasy! Rose felt safe for the first time in months being surrounded by the jolly miraculous season shared by all. But consequently…she shouldn’t have.

Rose felt it before she saw it. A chill of foreboding raced up her spine yet not from the blast of freezing wind that sliced through the clearing. A dark ominous shadow fell over her shoulder before Rose alarmingly whirled around in surprise to come face-to-face with a diabolical demon from hell.

"So…it is the little slut! A whore to a gutter rat." Cold, malevolent, sinister slurs that were meant to inflict terror and strike panic.

Instantly squelching her first reaction to flee and scream at the top of her lungs, Rose unflinchingly met onyx beads of hatred with flashing emerald chips of ice before forcing her voice not to tremble.

"I’d rather be his whore than your wife, Henley!" Rose vehemently snarled, her green eyes glowering alight with a fire that came deep within her soul.

As soon as the jab left her mouth, a clenched fist shot out before total darkness fell…abruptly burning out the flame…that same fire that Jack cherished beyond all else.

Chapter Thirty-One