Chapter Six

It was a sheer contest of wills…a virtual Mexican stand off. Freezing chips of sapphire ice colliding with sizzling sparks of emerald fire. Every witness, every living creature stood stock still with bated breaths not daring to blink…not daring to think.


Fortunately, it was the quick level headed good sense of big Sam, the overseer, that hastily stepped between the two that were fiercely locked in a battle of wills. Blocking his mistress’ target, Sam turned around placing his broad muscled back towards Rose as if to protect her…like a virtual human shield.

"Capt’un…I’z Sam, the fo’man here at Rosedale. Dis is my home. I helped make her what she iz…she’z my birthplace. My wife, my Mama, my younguns…all our peoples…we’z no where to go. No other place we wants to go. We’z all die widout dis here plantation. We’z willin’ to die fo’ her. She a part of us and we’z a part of her! We’z a do anythin’ fo’ Miss Rose and dis here land! Miss Rose, she a good girl…she really dis. But she a might hot headed at times but her jes’ tryin’ to save us all. Dat’s all it be. Please, Capt’um Yankee, you and Miss Rose sits down and talks dis out like civilized folk. She sorry for shamin’ you in front of you mens. Ain’t che, Miss Rose?"

Something in the gigantic black man’s sincerely passionate albeit simple heart felt plea touched Jack’s wavering merciful sensibilities. Remarkably, the darkest depths of rage calmed somewhat in his presently hardened heart. Nevertheless, he couldn’t comprehend why a slave, a human being in bondage to another, would willingly fight their battles for them. Why would an innocent prisoner deemed at birth be so loyal and honorably protect their mistress or masters…virtually volunteering to die for them? The answer to that question completely eluded all human reasoning. What in the hell was so damn fired special about this plantation…and Rose DeWitt Bukater that would tempt a man to risk dying for them?

Rose could merely nod at Sam’s encouraging prompt for an expected apology. She was so close to humiliatingly collapsing into a frenzied state of shock, she could scarcely breathe, let alone mutter an audible or intelligible sound. Forcefully swallowing the lump that was dangerously threatening to close off her raw throat, unwaveringly her gaze held steadfast. She stubbornly refused to let the Yankee vermin see her sweat or obvious fear. Whatever you do, Rose, whatever the outcome, don’t you ever let this piece of filthy Yankee scum see you fall apart like some foolish bawling ninny!

Exasperated and profusely sweating from the sweltering sunrays, Jack finally stepped out of the glaring, scorching Texas sun intent on reaping vengeful justice on Henley’s boyish wench. Coming closer, what met his unsuspecting eyes…literally stole his breath away. The sunbeams unmercifully shining through the clouds cast shimmering high lights off long silky waves of copper fire. Staring into overly large eyes the color of magnolia leaves forced his gut to unexpectedly twist into coiling knots. He couldn’t have looked away if he had tried. Magnetic charged electricity simmered and shot sparks like nature’s bolts of lightning. For the first time…he looked at the rebel woman…really glimpsed the vision of sinful temptation staring back at him daring him to…well adequate words failed him right then. Her hat had been haphazardly pushed off her head, falling down her back while hanging from the strap underneath her chin exposing a woman in all her glory. Luxurious waist length auburn hair that begged for a man’s hands twisted through it in the heated throes of passion. Wisps laid plastered to her flushed, flawless face and full sensual ruby rosebud lips remained slightly parted in expectation.

Jack’s roving eyes instinctively and languidly moved down her petite, curvaceous body in a caressing slow inspection. Instantly, his aroused body hardened with anticipation. So Henley wasn’t exaggerating in Natchez. Although Jack had always suspected the braggart of just overly boasting to his men while patting himself on the back for his own good fortune, Jack never dreamed the man could possibly come this close to the truth. Now what did Henley call her, a virtual Aphrodite that begged one to come hither and taste? Yes, that was exactly the words that came closest to describing the enchanting goddess of worldly erotica. No woman had the right to be so damn beautiful and seductive. Her delectable body virtually screamed for a man to take her and use it anyhow, any way, and anywhere!

But despite the overpowering rapturous treasures that her body boasted, it was the eyes that held him totally spellbound. They were of the lightest jade in color with a darker emerald ring around the outer rim. A myriad of stars glittered around the dilated ebony pupils while long dark, thick curling eyelashes nearly touched her finely arched brow. Fearlessly staring back at him with remarkably not one iota of dread or trepidation. Proud peridot gems that rebelliously refused to flutter in flirtation in a way that most southern belles would be wont to do if they were in a similar perilous predicament. Shit, what was he thinking…a real proper lady wouldn’t be so scandalously garbed and would have swooned dead away at his threat! But not Miss Rose DeWitt Bukater! She was far different from any other woman he had ever known…and Jack determinedly vowed right then…she would be his plaything…for as long as he wanted her!

At the Captain’s lengthy hesitation, Sam keenly studied the Union Army Captain’s heavily involved lustful perusal of the intriguing mistress of Rosedale. Seeking to protect, Sam anxiously broke the silence to practically take the decision right out of the commanding officer’s hands.

"Capt’un, whilst you and Miss Rose talks in the hawse, I’z a shows you mens where to gits some water fo’ dey horses and to whet dair own whistles. My Mama, Lizzie and the boy here…we’z a serve them up some vittles to fills dair empty bellies. Maybe some corn bread, dumplin’s, turnip greens…how’z dat sounds?"

"Sergeant Ryan…douse the torch…for now! Tell the men to fall out and rest. Mr. Sam has graciously extended them sustenance and I’m sure they would whole-heartedly be obliged!"

Imperiously taking a self-assured stride closer to his inviting target, Jack cajoling provoked, "Miss DeWitt Bukater…after you!" At which he gallantly yet mockingly bowed.

Although Rose was initially confounded and shocked that the damnable Yankee somehow knew her name, his mocking condescending attitude infuriated her to no ends. But then again, of course, he would know her name because surely Cal had sent him here to destroy her and Rosedale. But there was something else in those penetrating eyes that promised her total destruction that eerily set her entire insides quivering. She just wasn’t thinking clearly. Haughtily whirling around, she swiftly marched back inside the house leading the way.

Jack rudely ogled in awe and rapt appreciation at the appealingly shaped derriere wantonly displayed in snug men’s breeches. He had never seen a woman dressed in such a sluttish scandalous manner. They were stretched so tight across her womanly alluring curves, he expected they might split in two with each sway of her narrow hips. Glimpsing over his shoulder, his leering eyes conspicuously met those of his sergeant and friend. Both pairs of brows shot up in unison in immense attraction at the swinging feminine assets blatantly teasing their deprived manhood to such carnal distraction. At the sudden choking coughs of his regiment, he angrily admitted, that the feeling was mutually shared at her shameless spectacle. The little piece of fluff! Nonetheless, a half grin twisted Jack’s lips into a lustful, suggestive sneer. Tommy observed the sly, cunning leer of his captain and chuckled deep down in his chest shaking his head in understanding…and envy.

Sergeant Tommy Ryan breathed an audible sigh of relief. He was unreasonably relieved that Jack had not forced him to carry out the spontaneous irrational deed. Although he would never consider the possibility of disobeying a direct order from his commander and best friend, but just the same, he wouldn’t have savored the repulsive chore in the least. To destroy such a thing of beauty out of hatred and revenge for a sworn bitter enemy…it just went against his grain!

The sharp resounding click of Rose’s boot heels echoed throughout the hallway as she purposefully stomped into the study. Jack followed closely in long strides directly behind her gyrating tail…never trusting her for a second out of his sight. Not only to continually ogle the tempting scenery but mainly because she was still carrying a loaded weapon. And he highly suspected it wouldn’t bother her in the least to turn and use it at any minute. As she swung around, without warning, he immediately grabbed the rifle from her hand and emptied it before thrusting it back at her overly endowed chest.

With a sly, self-satisfied smile spread across her full lips, Rose hospitably invited, "Care for a brandy, Captain?"

"I would…and the name’s Captain Jack Dalton. You can call me Captain Dalton."

Laying the gun on the library table, Rose poured from a luxurious Waterford crystal decanter and expectedly offered the Captain a glass. As their fingertips brushed, chills shot up their arms at the briefest touch and spread throughout their tingling searing bodies. Casting aside the unsettling singe of hot fire, Rose reached over to lift another bottle filled with moonshine corn whiskey. Pulling the stopper, she dramatically held it up as if presenting a toast.

Rose tipped the decanter up and greedily drank the amber liquid in a large gulp. Bringing her arm back down to her sides, she slowly licked the drops from her stinging, burning lips. The bitter tasting liquor set her insides on fire as it made its searing way down to her belly…literally scorching her vocal chords as it made its descent down her throat.

Jack was not sure what shocked him the most. The sexy enthralling picture of her moist tongue running over full inviting lips or just the fact that an aristocratic southern female was unladylike swigging strong spirits straight from a bottle. He took a drink to hide his wry amusement and raised a wondering darkly arched brow. Rose saw it and obstinately tipped the bottle up again…seemingly to calm her taunt nerves…for she knew what she had to do and it wasn’t going to be easy by a long shot.

"Easy there, Reb, that sauce will make you drunker than you care to be…it has a tendency to sneak up on a person!"

"I hope so, Captain." And her luscious lips curled into a half seductive knowing smile.

"So…you’re the wife-to-be of our notorious Major Henley."

Carelessly shrugging, "At the moment anyway."

"I haven’t decided yet if he’s a lucky man or not…"

Smirking, Jack at last started cynically chuckling. Inwardly, he was congratulating himself on the hell that Henley was going to be forced to pay day in and day out for the rest of his sorry miserable life. To have this beautiful, tempting body…this perpetual sex toy of a woman…and not be able to do a God damn thing about it--never to sate his torturous lust. A body that begged to be taken! It was the ultimate revenge…simply priceless…ah, revenge is so sweet!

Rose rebelliously took another pull on the bottle at his sarcastic snide comment. But this time, large drops spilled out around the corners of her mouth soaking the ivory silk blouse on her bosom causing the material to become embarrassingly transparent.

Instantly, Jack’s hungry eyes lowered and ogled her while his teeth bit down on this lower lip in concentration of the voluptuous slopes of rounded mounds of woman flesh presented for his thorough slow inspection. The only thing his mind was capable of grasping was that he wanted to man handle her there…hear her whimper and cry out at the feel of his touch…in the heat of throbbing passion.

Awkwardly, Rose read the undisguised passion flaring in lust filled eyes that were virtually branding her breasts. It was almost as if she could feel his huge groping hands caressing her awakening body. Previously, she had glimpsed that same obvious look of rape in Cal along with numerous other suitors and beaux. Seeking to redirect his desirous attention to the matter at hand, she finally answered his probe.

"I can assure you, Captain…I don’t deserve him."

Completely misreading her ambiguous meaning, "So…this is more than a marriage of convenience?" He was strangely disappointed for some unknown reason.

"Just one of necessity, Captain." And she tipped the bottle again.

"Oh…I see. You’re with child then?" Yet again, he experienced that same inexplicable wave of disappointment.

"Hardly, Captain…but that’s none of your God damn business. But we digress. The dishonorable Major Henley is not the point here…or is he?"

Jack keenly heard how Rose spit out her betrothed’s name as if it soured in her mouth. As of yet, she had refused to even use Henley’s given name with familiarity or fondness. In fact, had referred to him as "dishonorable." Even though Jack had recklessly vowed that his final revenge would be in making a whore out of Henley’s intended bride, the base fact remained that he wanted something that the Major had never had…had never experienced. Something the eunuch now could never possess. This sinister uncivilized life altering lust for revenge was becoming an all-consuming obsession that went against everything his parents had ever tried to instill in their children. It was born from something darkly evil and unholy as if the devil himself had a stronghold on his soul and refused to let go until all had been righted. An eye for an eye. Yes, he would most likely go straight to hell as the gorgeous seductive lady threatened. But astoundingly, the case that Rose was not pregnant with Henley’s child uncannily set his spirits rising.

"And the point being, Miss Bukater?"

"Call me Rose, Captain. I’ve come to despise the Bukater name lately. Yet, we digress, again."

Strolling brazenly and seductively over to the Captain until she was a mere few inches from his handsome face, she breathed in the scent of him. He smelled of leather, smoke, and musky maleness. A slight hint of alcohol tickled her heightened senses both confusing and daunting in its masculine power. Feeling light headed seemingly from the effects of the whiskey, her face slightly blushed. Rose wantonly stared up into his glittering moonstone eyes and unexpectedly sucked in her breath…oh my God…it’s you! You’re the one! The mysterious dark man with eyes the color of moonstones! Just as India foretold!

Secretly, Rose hauntingly realized…he was her destiny…and either she could love it or hate it…but she had better make the most of it and accept it as best as she knew how. Again, she had no choice. Because truthfully, Madame’s cards never lied. Trying to convince and justify to herself that this fact almost made what she had to do a little more bearable…a bit easier…edging closer until she could feel his warm breath stirring the flesh of her slightly parted lips, she huskily whispered up into his limpid sapphire gaze, "The point is Captain Dalton…what do you want that I possess in exchange for not burning my home down?" Deliberately, intently searching his wanting desire filled eyes, probing deeper into his dark soul, she hesitated briefly before throatily murmuring for his ears alone. "Is it money? Jewels? Property? What valuable treasures could you possibly crave?"

Dramatically whirling around with her arms held up in supplication, she generously and seemingly innocently offered, "Anything I have…anything I own…everything that you desire, Captain…you can have! Just take what you covet…it’s yours! What do you wish, Captain Dalton…Rosedale is at your humble service."

A long nervous silence permeated the thick air. Inside, Rose was shivering as if she were floating on a sea of ice. But then again, maybe this deplorable Yankee might yet possess a shade of decency and gentlemanly relent or defer her scandalous cloaked offer. Yet honestly trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, she began to hope, perhaps material wealth would tempt him…perhaps, she was completely misreading the passion laced blue moonstone eyes…maybe…Rose held her breath in fear…and anticipation.

"All right. Deal." Hesitantly, Jack reached out with long lean fingers and softly began to trace the ivory column from her delicate throat upward to her parted lips. In a suggestive rasp, he chokingly answered her cleverly hidden proposition, "What I want…is you!"

"What did you say, Captain?" Rose feigned shock. Of course, she knew what he desired. Had felt it coming all along. But, tragically he had proven her hesitant reservations totally wrong. No, he was definitely not the gallant gentleman she hoped he’d be. That hungry gaze spoke volumes and surprisingly, she began warming to the game that his practiced hypnotic touch seemed intent on provoking.

"It’s like this, Rose. My men and I have been fighting this damnable war for months now without any leave. And needless to say, I haven’t had any female company in let’s see…well, just suffice to say…too damn long. I need a woman right now and I believe you might relieve some of the sexual tension that has been plaguing me…for quite some time."

Thinking to offend her and to receive a vicious slap at his outlandish suggestion, Jack had unabashedly made the scandalous offer simply to humiliate and shame her genteel sensibilities. However, she literally took the wind out of him once more.

"For how long, Captain?"

Jack virtually paled and his mouth gaped open at her instant ready acceptance. Truthfully, he had never in his wildest dreams expected her to succumb to his lewd offer…and without one moment’s hesitation or protest. Although he had intended all along to make her his lover, he had expected a little more difficulty in obtaining that coveted goal. Perhaps even some tender wooing to accomplish it but…never this damn easy.

At that moment, Rose was no better in his eyes than Henley himself. A woman that would willingly prostitute her body to a stranger for a mere piece of land—materialistic wealth that meant everything—even her honor! Of course, she obviously harbored none in that luscious, erotic, teasing figure. Yes, she and Henley well deserved one another. Apparently, she was nothing but a lowly whore at heart. On the other hand, what was he thinking…with her unconventional attitudes, she had probably given her favors away many times before! This risky business seemingly wasn’t new to her in the least! Most likely, she had already been mounted by several rutting knaves, if not Henley himself, and was only getting married before she accidentally conceived a bastard. At her hasty acquiescence, Rose had unwittingly sealed her fate. Basically, she was using him in her own twisted way as a necessary means to an end. Just to get what she wanted any way she knew how. And that infuriated him to no end for some strange reason that Jack couldn’t even begin to fathom.

"First, let me clarify our little arrangement here. You would become my whore to save this house from the torch?" Jack sneered in derision.

At his vulgar adjective, a lump formed in Rose’s throat. But she couldn’t let him see her hesitation or vulnerabilities. However, she refused to be seen in that immoral light and vehemently sought to defend herself.

"It’s not just a house, Captain. It’s my family’s home…it’s all that’s within me…it’s all that has been before me, my family’s history…our legacy for the future…our way of life…something you could never understand, you condescending insufferable Yank!"

"Go on…try me. Explain yourself…if you can."

"I have no choice here, now do I, Captain? It’s either to become your courtesan or…see my family’s dreams burned to ashes. What would you have me do? Just stand back and let you take it from me simply because you were inadvertently embarrassed and humiliated in front of your big tough men by a mere woman? Or maybe because you had orders to?"

"Everyone has a choice, Rose," Jack sinisterly corrected.

"Not me, Captain…I never have."

Jack stared down at her trembling lips, inching ever closer…being magically albeit magnetically drawn towards her garnet kissed mouth. Studying her defeated demeanor, something akin to pity stirred at his conscience but he quickly thrust it aside. She must realize how alluringly and sinfully beautiful she was on the male eye and was obviously trying to trick him with her womanly wiles. Yes, she was the type that would deliberately tempt a man to his own mindless destruction. Unman a man…make him weak for the want of her soft feminine flesh. Wrap one around her finger like a tight noose around a neck and squeeze the very life from him…slowly…snuffing his light and honor out. Imprisoning a man like a slave in chains…and make the man glad to be her prisoner of desire.

Suddenly, without warning, Nanny bellowed from the open door.

"Miss Rose, yo’ remembers yo manners an’ asked these mens to stays fer supper yet?"

Staring back at the aroused Captain, Rose gulped the air that was heavily lodged in her aching chest.

"Yes, Nanny…Captain Dalton and his men will be staying at Rosedale for awhile. Have Lizzie prepare the guest rooms and the master’s chamber, please."

"Yessum, Miss Rose. I’z does it! Supper’s be ready at seven, Cap’un Yankee!"

"Thank you, Ma'am. I can hardly wait to taste some of your southern home cooking! I hear tale that it’s unequalled here in the south! We’ve been starving on army rations for so long, some of us hardly throw a shadow anymore!" Jack charmingly smiled.

"Wells, Nanny here will jes’ haves to put so’ mo’ meat back on yo’ bones…but yous looks mighty healthy to Nanny, Cap’un! Miss Rose, time fo’ yo nap, honey chile!"

"Not now, Nanny, please…will you excuse us for a moment…we’re discussing business."

"Sho’nuf, babe…I’z needs to git started on supper and all! Gots plenty hungry mouths to feed! Umpf…umpf…umpf."

Upon Nanny’s departure, Rose suspiciously glared back at the Captain for his overblown audacious flattery.

"You are a black hearted rogue, Captain Dalton. Charming and teasing my Nanny so!"

Jabbing a finger at his chest in exaggeration as if to claim innocence of any such guileless deed, Jack’s twinkling blue eyes immediately settled on Rose’s flushed face again before further prodding, "Now, where were we, Miss Bukater?"

Gritting her teeth, Rose breathed, "How long, Captain…do I have to suffer your attentions?"

"For as long as it suits me…which might be quite some time." Draining his glass of every last drop, he heavily sat it back down on the table and hastily turned on his heels to take his departure. Stopping abruptly in the doorway, Jack turned and darkly commanded as if to remind her of her new station in life, "Oh and Miss Bukater…have your maid move your things to the master’s suite. We need the extra room for my sergeant…besides you won’t be needing it…you’ll be sleeping with me!"

As the door slammed shut, Rose’s eyes watered in self-loathing and disgust. Shaking back the threatening tears, she stubbornly held her head high and proud despite the turmoil wreaking havoc on her trembling insides. He might take my body, but I’ll still have Rosedale…and my heart!

Chapter Seven