Chapter Three

After the run-in with Cal, Jack decided that it was time to move. The thought of him even being in the same state as Rose made Jack physically ill. So California breezed into their lives, and became as much a part of their blood as Chicago had been. Starting over was not easy, but then, it wasn't exactly a new thing to them.

Before, Rose had never been prepared to marry, so soon after Cal and that experience she had been shaken, and they just hadn't gotten around to it. Now was a perfect time for them both, and so they married. It was a quiet service, only Jack, Rose, and two witnesses.

Afterward, they walked down to the beach and sat in the dying light of day, as Rose's grandmother had often referred to it, the gloaming. That was how Rose always referred to this time of day, and Jack loved the way the phrase rolled so softly off her lips. Sitting as sunset rolled on, he held her tight to him and thanked the Lord that they were here for this.

As a honeymoon treat for Rose, Jack brought her to the Santa Monica roller coaster. Rose laughed at the sheer thought of it.

"Only you could come up with this, Dawson. I love it," she said, between kisses.

And so, there it was, sitting at the top of the roller coaster, ready to drop into the unknown, that Jack and Rose sat prepared for the rest of their lives. Excitement, fear, and the unknown lay ahead, but nothing compared to love the two shared. As the carriage dropped and Rose's screams echoed around, she knew she was embracing life in a way that only a lucky few could, and Jack was there to share it with her.

The End.
