Chapter Twenty-Six

Coddie Anna stood before the mirror about an hour before the ball. Ruth pulled gently but firmly on her granddaughter’s posture corset strings, while Rose bustled about, having just come in ten minutes before. She thankfully had not come in contact with Cal yet, though her heart pounded in her chest anxiously.

Coddie Anna sighed, holding out her arms as instructed as she stepped timidly into the dark purple gown. Her auburn hair hung down, though twisted halfway up in the back and fastened with her mother’s butterfly comb. She was very nervous about the dance, and babbled all sorts of questions.

"What if I say something foolish, or step on his feet? Oh, Mother, what if he turns out to be absolutely dreadful?"

Rose chuckled. "Relax, dear…you’ll be just fine! Remember your manners and everything will go nicely."

Ruth buttoned the back of the gown, remaining silent. In fact, she’d not said much at all since Rose’s arrival, clearly wanting to spare the child’s ears from what she wished to say. Instead, she kept her lips pursed, talking only to Coddie Anna when necessary, and as cheerfully as possible.

"There you are, love." Ruth patted Coddie Anna’s waist. "Turn around so your mother can see you properly."

Coddie Anna turned around slowly, and Rose beamed with pride. "You look absolutely beautiful, darling." She planted a kiss on the girl’s cheek.

"Thank you, Mama," Coddie Anna replied.

"Yes," Ruth agreed. "Now, Coddie Anna, could you spare us a couple of moments while I have a discussion with your mother?"

Coddie Anna suddenly seemed to feel the tension in the air, and looked from one to the other. She bit her lip, looking down at her black shoes. Rose felt her stomach roll over as she added, "Go and see if you can find Cal…I’m sure he’ll want to see you all dressed up."

That seemed to set her off, and Coddie Anna finally complied, stumbling a little as she made a mad dash for the door. Once it opened and closed tightly behind her, the two women stood in silence again.

"You are very lucky you did not meet up with Cal yet today, Rose." Ruth finally spoke after taking a deep breath. "He is positively furious, I hope you realize. And he has perfectly legitimate reasons, Rose! Where on God’s earth have you been for the past day? Yes, it has been that long!" she added, when Rose started to protest.

"I do not believe it is any of your concern, Mother," Rose replied bitterly through gritted teeth. "I am most certainly not a child anymore, in case you’ve failed to notice."

Ruth scowled. "It is most positively my concern. Now, I know…or a least I believe I know…that you were with him."

Rose swallowed, but said nothing. "Rose, you are not to see that man again! You are an engaged woman with a young daughter you have neglected to look after…I realize Coddie Anna is old enough to make her own decisions, but what perceptions she has of you, I fear to imagine!"

Rose shook her head. "Stop exaggerating, Mother."

Ruth gripped Rose’s shoulders. "That man will put both of you in poverty! Do you want your daughter on the streets? It is a fine match with Hockley, Rose! It will ensure our survival!"

Rose moved out of her mother’s grasp. "Our survival. This is all about you, Mother. If we were still rich, you would not have forced me into this engagement. Oh, yes, Mother. Forced. I had absolutely no say in the matter…"

"Rose…" Ruth started to inject, but Rose held up her hand. "All this marriage will be about is our own desire for wealth. I do not need to be showered in jewels to feel as though I am living the charmed life. Love is what makes a marriage work…something you’re surely lacking knowledge of. As for my daughter, I have no doubt that the two of you have been brainwashing her to believe otherwise."

More silence passed between them, and Ruth’s face was white with anger, her green eyes flashing. "Made you think a bit, didn’t I?" Rose added, nodding. "I know Coddie Anna felt differently towards him at the beginning of the voyage. Something happened to change her mind so suddenly, and I know either you or he had something to do with it."

"You know that’s not true. Your daughter is old enough to decide for herself what is right and wrong!" Ruth snapped.

"Only if she’s been exposed to both sides in a proper way, Mother. And in case you were wondering as to where I’ve been for the past day, he is terribly ill in the hospital with pneumonia…he may die, and possibly leave his daughter an orphan." Rose wet her lips, which she felt were trembling. "For once, I do wish you would try to step into someone else’s shoes and feel what they feel!" She stalked out of the room, not waiting for her mother to respond. She stepped outside of the suite, breathing heavily and leaning against the wall. It did feel wonderful to get all of that off her chest, but thinking of Jack made her feel as though something were being ripped away from her.

She made her way down the private promenade, running her fingers through her hair. Even though the breeze was cold, it felt quite nice against her flushed skin. She’d barely made it to the edge of the deck when she almost ran into someone, and without even looking up, she already knew who it was. "Well, well, well. So, you have decided to come back to me. Became bored with that steerage swine, did you? I thought you would."

Rose stepped back, and sure enough, Cal stood right in front of her. He had his arms folded and a rather nasty smirk on his face. Coddie Anna peeped out from the sitting room door, holding her breath and watching. "If you’ll excuse me," Rose replied, trying to move, but he stepped in front of her.

"Oh, I don’t think so. I’m not letting you out of my sight again, Rose. Not after this. Do you think I trust you anymore after what’s happened?"

"Nothing has happened!" Rose snapped.

Cal would have struck her then, but he suddenly glanced over his shoulder and noticed Coddie Anna looking at them worriedly. "I’ll expect you in our quarters as soon as you take her to the dance."

Rose watched as he turned and walked away, and she felt more anger than fear. Coddie Anna stepped out of the sitting room when he was out of earshot, her hands behind her back and her head down. "He was going to hit you, wasn’t he, Mommy?" she asked, and Rose did not reply for a moment.

"No, of course not," she insisted, lifting her head high.

Coddie Anna did not look as though she believed her, but was quiet nonetheless. Suddenly, Coddie Anna’s face lit up after she finished hugging her mother, and she cried with delight, "John!"

Rose whirled around, noticing a very handsome boy coming towards her. He was beaming, dressed in a black tuxedo with his dark hair slicked back slightly. "Hullo…you must be Mrs. DeWitt Bukater?" he asked, bowing politely to Rose, who had to smile at him.

"Yes. And you must be Jonathan?"

Jonathan nodded, blushing a little as he glanced at Coddie Anna. "I’m so terribly sorry to have come early, but I met up with your…father?"

"No, not my father," Coddie Anna responded quickly.

"Oh. Well, I met up with Mr. Hockley, then, who told me where you were staying, and I thought I’d surprise you. If you’re not quite ready, I’ll wait. I don’t mind."

Coddie Anna breathed deeply, looking at her mother with hopeful eyes. "Might I go with him now, Mother?" she asked, and Rose could not help but hide her relief. This would give her a chance to run back to the infirmary and shut herself in with Jack before Cal became too suspicious.

"Of course, dear. Have a lovely time, both of you. Remember your curfew."

Coddie Anna rolled her eyes. "Of course I will. 10:30."

"I will be sure to have her back on time," Jonathan insisted, holding out his arm for Coddie Anna to take. She beamed, accepting it, and with one last grin, the two children disappeared around the corner.

Rose shook her head softly before hitching up her skirts and dashing off in their wake to the hospital.


"Fabrizio, we have a bit of a problem."

Fabrizio looked up from where he sat at a table with Tommy. Anastasia stood in front of them, a worried expression on her face.

"What’s wrong?"

"Mac’s hiding under the bed, and won’t come out! It’s only ten minutes until Michael comes to fetch her! I’ve tried everything, too!"

The men smirked, each having thought this might happen. Cold feet were common on first dates, and given the circumstances with her father, there was no doubt she’d be even more nervous. "Oh, dear," Tommy muttered. "I think you might need some help, so I’ll come with ya." He set his beer mug aside, and the two men stood up, following the girl out of the saloon.

Mac, meanwhile, lay in the dark space, a tear or two rolling down her cheeks. She knew she’d agreed to go to the ball, but now that it was nearly time, she was not sure she would be able to bear it. Her father was not any better, and she knew all she’d do was worry. Anastasia had made a strong argument, but Mac wanted more than anything to be left alone for now. If she had to sleep under the bed, so be it.

The door to the cabin opened. Mac saw two pairs of boots enter beside Anastasia’s white flats and gulped. Anastasia’s head appeared, and she used a free hand to point behind her. "I’ve gotten Fabrizio and Tommy. Please, Mac, you’ll have such a good time at the party!"

"Come out and at least let us talk to you," Tommy said, kneeling down beside Anastasia, who moved over so he could peer under the bed.

"I don’t want to go. I want to be with my father!" Mac replied. She’d abandoned all reason at this point, as she had at the palace when she’d locked herself in the closet. There was no Marie this time to comfort her.

"Lass, your constant worryin’ ain’t goin’ ta help things along now," Tommy told her. "We know you’re scared about yer da, but he’d want you to go if he knew ya had the chance. I’m sure of it."

"I’m going to be in trouble for going with a boy," Mac told him defiantly. It was one thing to be going to a party, but a whole other thing to be disobeying one of her father’s strictest of rules, especially when he was ill. That wasn’t fair.

"He’ll understand if we tell him," Fabrizio replied. "He wants you to have a good time."

"C’mon, lass, it can’t be comfortable all cramped under there!" Tommy chuckled, offering his hands. Mac looked at them, biting her lip and looking at Anastasia, who appeared to be holding her breath anxiously.

"Oh, please, Mac. Rose said it was okay! If she did, I’m sure he’ll understand!" she exclaimed.

"Cold feet’s natural," Tommy continued. "What you’re feelin’ is perfectly normal, so don’t feel ashamed about it. Do you think your da was calm when he met Rose for the first time at the dinner?"

Well, no, he hadn’t been. Mac peeped her head out, and everyone stepped back as though afraid they might do something to scare her back under again. Anastasia smiled wide as Mac eventually pulled herself out, thankfully in the posture corset at least, though not the dress itself. "There you are now!" Tommy chortled as Mac wet her lips, looking down at her feet. "You’d best finish dressin’ before the boy comes, eh? I don’ think you’ll be wantin’ go to in your bloomers!"

Mac managed a small giggle, and Anastasia pointed at her, covering her mouth and laughing also. "Thanks," Anastasia told them once she managed to catch her breath, and Fabrizio nodded.

"He did most of the work, of course."

"Eh, I’ve had experience with children, havin’ come from a family of eight."

"Eight?" Anastasia gasped. "Really? Were you the oldest?"

"Second ta the oldest, yeah. Sister Sarah is the oldest gal, livin’ with her husband in Cork."

"Oh!" Mac breathed.

"You get used to it," Tommy told them. "Now, we’ll let you two go so we won’t intrude."

"Have a good time," Fabrizio added, and Mac nodded.

"I will. Thank you."

They left, and Anastasia clapped her hands. "Oh, I’m so glad!"

"I still don’t feel very good about this," Mac admitted as Anastasia fluttered about the room, fetching the gown, the hair pins, and the shoes and gloves. Seven minutes to do all was not much at all, but she would have to manage, and even make Michael wait a bit if he were early.

"It’ll be fun! Just think of it as though you’re going to Olga’s ball again."

Mac frowned. "I don’t want to think about that," she muttered, and Anastasia swallowed.

"Oh…I’m sorry…I didn’t mean…I forgot," she stuttered, and Mac shook her head.

"No, it’s okay." She stepped into the gown, grimacing once it was buttoned up and tied. Several ows and watch its later, Mac was completely ready, and Anastasia squealed with delight.

"Oh, if only your father could see you all dressed up!"

Mac gasped. "I was supposed to see him before the ball!" she cried, realizing how much time had passed. "We’ll never get a chance now!"

"Perhaps it’s best if you don’t, or you’ll worry all through it," Anastasia told her. "Michael can drop you off at the hospital when it’s over."

Mac sighed. "I suppose…"

As if on cue, there was a knock on the door, and Anastasia bounced up and down. "He’s here! Go on! Open it! Open it!"

Mac rolled her eyes, pulling the door open and revealing Michael. "Hi," she told him in a very timid voice. He was dressed in a tuxedo with ruby cufflinks and a pair of shiny black shoes. He smiled at her, bowing politely.

She bowed back, and Anastasia giggled, nudging her. "You don’t bow. You curtsey," she corrected, and Mac gave her a murderous glare. She turned back to Michael, smiling sweetly, and curtsied. He merely laughed and held out his hand, which she took.

"Never mind all that. Are you ready to go, then?"

Honestly, Mac shook her head, and he chuckled. "Neither am I."

She grinned, and Anastasia waved as they headed out. "Let us make the best of it, then." He nodded his thanks to Anastasia before helping Mac down the hallway.

Chapter Twenty-Seven