Chapter Thirty-Two

Callista, meanwhile, stood arguing with the man in charge of the only working elevator. He refused to go down, for fear that they would both be trapped. "Oh, get out!" she finally snapped, grabbing him by the scruff of the neck and shoving him into the hallway. She pushed her way into the tiny elevator and slammed the gate shut, and already pulled the lever before the man could protest.

The electricity flickered as she moved downward, and she felt her heart racing with fear. When she eventually reached E Deck, her eyes widened in complete horror. The entire corridor was flooded in at least three feet of water, which instantly spilled through the bars of the elevator gate. She shrieked in surprise as it froze her ankles, and she had a bit of difficulty getting the gate open. She managed to pull it wide open enough to squeeze her body through, and gasped. The water was so cold that her entire body went into shock for a moment.

"Sam?" she called, wading down towards the right section of the hallway. She had to duck when several electric sparks shot down on her from the ceiling. "Sam!"


Sam, alone at last in his prison, stood on top of one of the nearby chairs when he heard Callista’s voice calling him in the distance. His side throbbed after Lovejoy smacked him with the barrel of the pistol on his way out, and it wouldn’t have surprised Sam at all if he’d broken a rib or two. Though no doubt that man’s intention was to leave me to drown, he thought. Never mind the legality of the situation. He took a breath and gritted his teeth, attempting to shift in a way so he wouldn’t ache so much. The room was halfway filled with water at this point, and his pants were almost completely soaked from the waist down.


Sam strained his hearing and managed to raise his head to glance at the closed door, wondering if Callista would be able to find him. It baffled him that she’d taken so long to come to his rescue, but she had been right about Lovejoy not leaving the room at all. At least, not until the news that the Titanic was indeed sinking came to his knowledge. Then he’d sprung away as fast as he could.

"Callista!" Sam shouted with all of his might, and banged his cuffs against the pole. "Callista, I’m in here!"

Callista stood a few doors away, and cupped her hand over her ear. "Sam?"

"I’m in here!" he replied, and she eventually managed to find the door that led inside to his room. She beamed when she managed to push it open, and saw him still alive and fairly alert.

"Thank God," she breathed, swimming over to the pole, and latching herself around his waist.

"Dammit, Callista!" Sam cursed, doubling over again. "Let go, will you?"

Callista glared at him. "Well, excuse me, Sam, but is it a crime that I am happy to see you’re still here?"

Sam grunted under his breath. "Not usually," he muttered. "But that son of a bitch whacked me in the side with his gun, so I think my ribs are bruised."

Callista reached over to lift his shirt for an investigation, but he shook his head. "We don’t have time to stall," he told her, and she nodded. "I think Lovejoy took his key with him."

"Lovejoy?" Callista blinked.

"That was the guard’s name who was in here."

"Ah." She took a good look around the room and tried to think of any place that might contain a spare key to pop the locks.

"Your earrings," Sam told her. "Use those. You can pick locks, right?"

"No spare keys?" she asked, removing the gold jewelry from her ears and the hairpins from her bun.

"Do you really think so?" Sam muttered sarcastically. "I’m so sure that the guard would have left a spare in here. He thinks I’m too cunning for my own good."

Callista rolled her eyes, and, after climbing up onto the desk, began to stick her hairpin first into the lock. She fiddled with it for a few moments, glancing over her shoulder as more water filled the room. The two of them could hear the ship creaking under the unwanted weight, and Sam swallowed.

Another eerie creaking sound filled the guards’ ears, causing Sam to turn his attention towards the door. "You were right," he said, once he heard a click, which meant the lock came undone from his cuffs. Callista removed the metal objects from his wrists, and watched as he massaged them gratefully.

"About what?" she asked, shivering a little in her damp clothes. She grabbed both of his arms, aiding him carefully into the water. He cursed loudly in Russian, slowly sinking under to get himself used to the cold. He came up, shaking his wet hair, and spat out a few salty drops.

"What are you doing?" Callista hissed, rolling her eyes, and the two made their way for the door.

"Well, it’ll feel a little warmer once you’re completely wet. I’d rather be soaked all the way than partially." He shrugged, wading into the corridor. "Jesus," he muttered, and Callista gasped. The end of the hallway leading to the staircase was completely flooded now, providing them with no way out.

"Shit!" Callista cursed. "It cut off our only escape route!"

Sam took her arm. "Not necessarily," he replied. "Let’s go the other way."

"What did you mean before when you said I was right?" Callista asked, as they grasped onto the ceiling rafters for support, pulling themselves along.

"I meant about your feeling that something bad was going to happen. That day you were so jittery, and I told you it was going to be fine?" Sam asked, ducking as another light blew, shooting sparks in every direction. "You have some instinct."

Callista shrugged. "Comes with experience, I guess." They finally reached a shallow area of the hall, and found they could walk. "There’s another stairwell just up ahead! Look!" She pointed, and Sam nodded.

"Let’s make for it!" he shouted over the continuous creaking and snapping of the ship.


Meanwhile, Mac, Anastasia, Fabrizio, Michael, and Tommy continued to stand in a group by the main stairwell, having gotten nowhere with the stewards in charge. Tommy, due to his broken leg, sat on the steps, muttering angrily to himself.

"How can they do this?" Anastasia asked Mac, wishing her status was known for this one time. Clearly, if people knew who she was, she might have at least a bit of influence. But waiting down here when the steerage section would clearly be the first to go was ridiculous. "How can anyone be so heartless?"

Mac rolled her eyes. "This is reality," she replied bitterly. "Not everything is sugar-coated like they have it at the palace."

Anastasia frowned, not knowing how to respond to that statement, so she chose not to. "I wonder if Callista has found Sam and freed him yet?" She changed the subject, covering her ears as the crowd’s shouting grew louder and more impatient.

A mother and her two children stood by the opposite wall, and the little girl asked, in a quiet voice, "What are we doing, Mummy?"

The mother bent down so she could be eye-level with her daughter. "We’re just waiting, dear," she replied in a thick Irish accent. "When they finish putting the first class people in the boats, they’ll be starting with us, and we’ll want to be all ready, won’t we?"

The little girl nodded, and Anastasia felt her heart breaking and saw Mac’s eyes growing a little teary, as well. "I wonder if Rose and my father got out," Mac whispered, her voice shaking. She missed him terribly, and wanted more than anything to leap into his arms as she usual. I’m never too big for that, she thought with a small smile, but frowned again.

"I’m sure she did," Anastasia encouraged. "Rose wouldn’t just leave him. I know her better than that."

"Do you?" Mac snorted. "You’ve barely known her for a week!"

Anastasia shrugged. "I don’t know. She may be a bit complicated, but I definitely think she loves your father too much to just drop him when something like this happens."

Mac certainly hoped Anastasia was correct in her assumptions, but there was always that hidden pang of fear.


Bang. Band. Band. A steward walking along the steerage corridor stopped and stared at the wall to his left. He could hear what sounded like someone trying to ram through it, and stepped back quickly. Before he realized what was going on, the metal end of an axe smashed through the wood, beginning to make a hole large enough for a person to squeeze through.

Callista stood behind Sam as he continued chopping at the wood…the gates were all locked, as well as the doors that would allow them to their usual place, so he’d decided to escape by force. It had taken them at least an hour to escape the dungeon section of the ship, and they nearly drowned when walls of water burst through the ends of the hallways.

She ducked as several pieces of wood flew in her direction, and she watched as they fell into the rising water. She was so cold, so damp, and so uncomfortable. Sam was clearly uncomfortable, too, but he certainly wouldn’t even dream of showing it.

With a final "Argh!" he managed to slice the last bit of wood through, and practically pulled Callista through it. She gasped as the splinters tore at the hem of her dress, but she didn’t slow down. The steward attempted to chase after them, shaking his fist angrily.

"Here!" he shouted in his thick British accent. "What do you think you’re doing? You’ll have to pay for that, you know!"

Callista rolled her eyes, and linked arms with Sam as they continued walking very quickly. "That’s White Star Line property!" the steward added, and both guards whirled around with loud, "Shut ups!" The steward instantly did so, and stood very still as they disappeared around a corner.

They could hear commotion as they made their way towards the main steerage stairwell, and soon saw crowds of passengers gathered in a mob. "Callista!" Michael suddenly shouted over the din, and Mac and Anastasia both whirled around.

"Sam, stay away from him," Callista ordered, as Sam glared daggers at the teenage boy standing in front of him. "Oh, Tommy, thank God you’re okay!" she breathed, and Michael shook his head, stepping back from Sam, who looked clearly ready to strangle him.

"Well, he’s not completely okay…the metal frame broke his leg."

Callista sighed. "What is going on, by the way?"

"They’re not letting us up until the first and second class passengers have boarded," Mac explained, and Sam glanced towards the gate.

"How long do they think that’ll take?"

"It’s already been at least an hour," Anastasia groaned. "Or more. I lost track of time."

Callista raised her arms, and Sam lowered his head, clearly trying to think of something to do. "Well, let’s try to find another gate," he told them, and Tommy raised his eyes. "We might have an easier time persuading other stewards without a huge mob waiting. They’re probably afraid of a stampede."

"Not that they don’t deserve to be run over," Callista grumbled, and Sam had to agree with her.

"I doubt we’ll have any better luck, boyo," Tommy replied as Fabrizio managed to hoist him to his good foot, and he grimaced when he accidentally put weight on the broken limb. "But I’m willin’ to try anyhow. Certainly beats hanging around here."

Just as they were preparing to leave, the steward wrenched open the gates, shouting, "Women and children only, please!" Sam and Callista stared at each other.

"Bring Anastasia and Mac up!" Callista shouted to Michael, and the younger guard prepared to pull the Grand Duchess up the steps. However, Mac refused to move.

"Mac, come on!" Anastasia screeched, making her way through the anxious crowds. Men were beaten back with axe butts or threatened to be shot at with pistols if they attempted to make their way through.

"I’m not leaving you here!" Mac shouted at Callista, Sam, Fabrizio, and Tommy.

"Kid, go on! You’ll never get out if you don’t go now!" Tommy exclaimed, but Mac stood her ground.

"Get her up!" Sam snapped to Michael, who gave the Grand Duchess a final shove through the gates and managed to squeeze through the panicking guards himself. Anastasia turned around once they were safe enough away, and her eyes were wide as saucers. "Mac!" she cried in horror, starting to run back to the gates, but Michael grabbed her arm.

"No!" he snapped, and she stared at him, shocked.

"You have no right to talk to me in that tone!" she hissed, and he rolled his eyes.

"We’re equals on this ship, Ana, no matter what you may think. The ship is sinking, and personally, you’re much too important to lose."

"And Mac isn’t?" Anastasia cried, as they began running down the hallway.

"I didn’t mean it that way," Michael told her, "but you are royalty, and you have no idea how thin our lives are right now. Your father trusted us to take care of you, and we’re not about to fail now."

Anastasia found no room to argue with Michael at this point, so she kept quiet, and merely followed him towards the boat deck. Oh, Mac, she thought, feeling sick to her stomach. Please let her come out all right!

Chapter Thirty-Three