
Jack, Rose, Mac, Anastasia, Michael, and Coddie Anna remained in New York City for about three days before Jack felt strong enough to travel. Using the money Coddie Anna found in the pocket of Cal’s coat, they were able to afford train tickets to Chippewa Falls. Anastasia wrote to her family as soon as they settled, telling them everything she knew about the sinking of the Titanic.

Jack and Rose officially married on April twenty-eighth in the small church in which Jack’s parents were wed. Naturally, it was not an elaborate affair—it was a very tiny wedding, with just Jack and Rose and the children as witnesses—Coddie Anna, of course, reluctantly participated.

Jack and Michael reached a mutual understanding of each other, and Michael agreed to find work in town and would save up until he had enough to travel back to Russia.

Not long after their arrival and the wedding, Jack and his sister Olivia reunited, and Olivia was thrilled to have a sister-in-law. She and Henry promised to help Jack and his new family as much as they could.

Though their start was a bit rocky, the Dawsons knew that they could handle anything after surviving such a tragic disaster as the sinking of the Titanic. "After surviving something like that," Mac said to Michael, "the little troubles seem almost pointless!" She didn’t see Anastasia sneaking up behind her and cried out in alarm as her friend tugged her hair. Michael raised an eyebrow as Mac hopped up from her seat and watched with a smirk as the girls began chasing each other around the house.

Jack and Rose heard the squeals of laughter and shrieks from where they sat in the kitchen and watched as the younger girls tore through. "Come on," Rose whispered, and helped Jack stand. They went into the living room to find Coddie Anna sitting on the couch, wearing an expression that could chill the bones of the strongest human being. Jack sighed, folding his arms.

"I guess we’ll just have to take it one day at a time," he said, and Rose smiled.

"One day at a time," she agreed, and he kissed her.

The End.
