Chapter One

"When the ship docks, I'm getting off with you," Rose said as she looked deep into Jack's eyes.

"This is crazy," Jack said as he smiled.

"I know, it doesn't make any sense. That's why I trust it."

Rose pulled Jack closer and they kissed.

A few moments later their kiss was interrupted by chunks of ice falling onto the deck.

"Get back!" Jack said as he and Rose stepped back.

They looked up to the big ice berg that had passed by.

Both of them looked at each other before running to the rail and looking over.

"Oh my God.." Rose said as she looked around at the pieces of ice on the deck.

"Jack, do you think this is serious?" Rose asked.

"I dunno Rose, let's just hope for the best."

About 15 minutes later, an officer walked by and Jack stopped him.

"Was it anything serious?"

The polite officer smiled. "Ah, not to worry lad. Just bumped us a bit. I'm sure we'll be fine," he said before walking away.

"What a relief," Rose said.

Jack kissed Rose again.

"Jack, it's getting late..." Rose said.

"You're not leaving are you?" Jack asked.

"I have to Jack, I have to break off the engagement sooner or later."

"Do you want me to come with you?"

Rose smiled. "No, that's okay. This is something I have to do alone."

Jack kissed her again. "Are you sure?"

Rose nodded. "I might have to wait until tomorrow morning. Will you be able to meet me somewhere tomorrow afternoon?"

"Of course I will," Jack said.

"Can you meet me at the stern of the ship at noon?"

"I'll be there."

They kissed each other goodbye and Jack watched Rose until she was out of site.

Once Rose got to the first class section of the ship she walked to her stay room.

Once she got there, she noticed Lovejoy standing by the door.

"We've been looking for you miss."

She rolled her eyes and walked into the room. Cal gave her a dirty stare.

Lovejoy came in behind her and Cal looked at him. Lovejoy shrugged his shoulders and Cal noted that the plan hadn't worked. Why couldn't that Dawson fellow show up tonight? Cal silently cursed.

Rose looked over to Lovejoy. Her eyes grew wide as she saw the heart of the ocean in his hands. Then she saw him put it in his pocket.

"Cal, why is he here?" Rose asked as she looked at the Master at Arms.

"Well Rose, the necklace has been stolen."

Rose frowned.

"Was that boy here tonight?" Ruth asked.

"Yes mother, but I saw..."

"He took it!" Cal said.

Rose was figuring it all out. "Then what is this?" Rose said as she reached into Spicer Lovejoy's pocket and took out the Heart of the Ocean.

The Master at Arms looked over to Cal.

"Oh, he must have had it the whole time," Cal said quietly.

"I assure you sir that I forgot that I had it in my pocket..." Lovejoy said.

The Master at Arms looked over to Cal.

"I'm not going to press charges, you may go," Cal said to the Master at Arms.

"Have a nice night," he said then left.

Lovejoy and Ruth went their separate ways. Cal stared at Rose for a few seconds before slapping her.

"It is a little slut, isn't it?"

Rose stood motionless.

"Would you look at me when I'm talking to you?" Cal said as he roughly yanked Rose.

"You unimaginable bastard."

Cal paused. "You will not see that gutter trash again, do you hear me!" Cal yelled.

"Cal, you can't stop me from.." Rose tried to finish but Cal punched her, hard, in the face.

Rose was knocked to the floor.

"I'll deal with you tomorrow morning," Cal said as he went into his room and slammed the door.

Rose lay there crying. She had to get out of this hell hold. She had to get to Jack.

Chapter Two