Chapter Twelve

The semi-darkness of the room made it possible for Rose to see Jack's figure walking around, his movements careful and quiet. He was so sweet, ran through her mind, the way he tried not to wake her up. What Jack didn't know was that she had never even fallen asleep. How could she fall asleep after a day like this?

Molly had returned a short while after she and Jack had gone downstairs again. Fabrizio had been happy to get rid of the responsibility of watching Cal of course. Molly hadn't seem too surprised to see Jack, but she had told both him, Fabrizio and Rose that it was time to grow up and try to talk to one another whenever there was a problem. They had nodded, knowing that she was right.

Cal had been a different matter…the police had arrested him and the two guards outside. Rose didn't think there would be much chance of justice, but she was glad that he was in jail for now at least. She was safe for now.

After drinking tea with Molly for about two hours, or so it seemed, Jack reluctantly asked Rose if she was ready to go home. She had just looked at him tenderly. Then, her words had come, ever so softly spoken. "I thought you'd never ask."

He had smiled even more broadly and then the three of them had headed back home to Fabrizio's and Jack's apartment, after a hearty good-bye from Molly, who made them promise to come back for lunch the next day.

On their way back, Fabrizio had told them that he was going to stay at Tommy's for the night. He had winked at Jack, who had just shaken his head at him and Rose had laughed, glad to see the two friends happy again.

So, now she and Jack were alone.

She slowly lifted her head and looked at him as he sat down on the bed, so close that she could reach out and touch him. He was sitting there quietly, leaned forward, probably taking off his shoes. She watched him sitting there, her heart so full during that precious moment that she almost wanted to cry. He was there, with her and they had this moment together, alone, safe from all arguments and dangers of the world.

But why wasn't he lying down on the bed with her? What was going through his mind? Something in the air told her that sadness was a part of it. Because of her?

"Jack?" she whispered and inched closer to him without sitting up properly. Her hands softly found their way over the bed to his back and she wondered what had made him so tense. Every muscle seemed to be alert.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up."

He turned slowly, smiling at her.

"You didn't." She studied his face closely as her hand touched his unshaven chin. "Is something wrong, Jack?"

Jack swallowed at the sound of her soft tone, as she almost timidly asked him to tell her what it was. He hadn't known that she was awake and he had allowed himself to sense every feeling that had surged through his body all day. Finding out that he had ignored reality for so long and finding out that not only did he still have Rose, but they were having a baby, too…it was a lot to digest in one day. But he didn't want her to worry like this about him. Her tone clearly told him that that was what she was doing.

"Nothing. Nothing, Rose. I was just thinking about today and everything that's happened." He let his blue eyes travel her face attentively. "You're sure he didn't hurt you?" His hand moved over her face like hers had done over his face a moment ago.

Smiling again, Rose shook her head. "Just scared me. That's all." Looking into his eyes, she suddenly realized that Jack's behavior could be because either he was scared about having a baby, starting a new life with her, or because he felt guilty about the past months. His question made it even more obvious which one it was. If her heart had been full a moment ago, she thought it was going to burst now.

Immediately she embraced him, hugged him tightly as she sat up to wrap her arms fully around him. He didn't say a word, he just held her.

"Don't worry. It's all right now. You've always made me know that it's going to be all right. Now I'm telling you, it's all right." She was whispering in his ear slowly and instinctively, he turned so that he was facing her, all the while hugging her tightly. They lay down on the bed together, she slightly on her side, he with half his body hovering over hers, careful not to lean on her.

When her arms pulled him down to her, he protested, trying to sit up, but at the same time his body was screaming at his mind to stop worrying. She wanted him to be closer, so why was he objecting?

"Rose, I'm too heavy for you…Rose?"

She looked up at him, seriousness shining in her eyes. "You didn't think so a few months ago," she whispered, sudden and dark doubts forming in her mind. What if it wasn't worry, what if it was fear, fear of what he had created with her?

After staring into his eyes deeply for a few moments, moments when Jack had no idea what to tell her, she backed away, covering herself with the sheets, even though she was wearing a shirt. Her eyes were turned to her lap, where her hands were clasped together tightly.

"Don't you…you do love me, don't you?" she asked in a small voice, without looking up at him.

His heart broke for the millionth time that day and he moved closer to her, sitting on his knees in the narrow bed. He moved his hand towards her, but then he changed his mind, not sure whether she wanted him to touch her or not.

"I do. More than life itself." His voice was hoarse, scarcely real in the silent room.

Her head snapped up and he saw the big tears that had formed in her eyes. "Really?" He nodded and she sniffed quietly, still looking at him seriously. "Then why don't you want to touch me?"

It was a question, a desperate question and Jack didn't know how to answer it without hurting her feelings.

"I just…I'm…" He looked at her, seeing the question still seething inside her. Moving closer, he reached out to her, taking her hand, feeling relieved and a bit silly when she didn't pull back. Instead, she squeezed his hand, smiling hesitantly now.

"I'm scared I'm gonna hurt you," he finally managed to get out, staring at her hands, but he could feel her eyes boring into his forehead.


"Because…I already have and…I'm…"

She interrupted him with another warm embrace. This time, she didn't let it lead to a passionate hug, she just held him as he closed his eyes, thankful that he didn't have to say anything more.

"I told you at Molly's, I've forgiven you. There wasn't much to forgive anyway. Please, Jack, don't do this. Don't blame yourself. Just don't." She rocked him softly, unable to believe that she hadn't understood the pain he had put himself through.

"I know you have. But I haven't. I hurt you and I can't forgive myself for it."

She leaned back, her hands around his face, touching him, trying to get through to him as she spoke. "Hey, don't you trust me? If I say you're forgiven you should know that you can forgive yourself, too."

He laughed weakly, leaning his forehead against hers. "You're crazy," he whispered softly, but now a smile was playing on his lips, making her smile, too.

"I know, but trust me anyway," she breathed, her mouth brushing against his, feeling his hot breath against her moist lips.

What had started as a soft touching movement, transformed into a slow, wet kiss, removing the small doubts and worries that had been filling Jack's mind. He felt his body losing control, relaxing in her arms as she pulled him to her once again.

Rose forgot where she was once the kiss had appeared out of fear and worry and she felt him relaxing again, not thinking anymore. Just as she had lain down and as he was lying down next to her, she felt his arms stiffen around her. "What?" she panted, making eye contact with him in the darkness.

He smiled sheepishly, brushing a few strands away from her face. "Just wanted to make sure you're okay."

She smiled back at him, her hands closing around the back of his neck as she pulled him down again. "I'm fine. Perfectly fine."

Slowly, he began to relax and, like in the car so long ago, his hands found the buttons to her clothing, seeking her eyes in the darkness for permission first, just like he had then. She answered by kissing him feverishly and while he unbuttoned her shirt, his shirt actually, one he had loaned to her, she reached for his clothing, eager to remove it.

Tenderly, his fingers moved over her breasts, almost as if he had never felt them before. She gasped at the contact, but at his hesitation, she pressed her body to his now bare chest. Now he gasped for air sharply and she slowly let her hands wander over his back.

With his help, she freed him from the pants and then she felt him pulling the blankets over them. He had probably felt her shivering, went through her mind, but it wasn't really an important thought at that moment.

Their lips never parted, at least it felt that way and they were closely entangled, completely unaware of the rest of the world. For them, it was just the other one that was real, just the heavy breaths, just the heat, just the closeness that was truly there.

He looked up at her for a moment, smiling. "You're so…incredibly beautiful."

She nodded slowly, blushing softly when she felt his gaze, even in the darkness. Her eyes looked at him timidly, trying to seem very adult, like she had tried when she had first seen his drawings of naked women. She had never seen a naked man before. During those last days on Titanic in bed with him of course, but it had gone by too quickly, like moments of stolen time, stolen from reality. This time, this was reality and she couldn't stop the furious blush that was spreading across her face.

Tentatively her hands found their way over his body and as she lightly moved her fingertips over his stomach, she felt him wince and his lips found hers quickly. The kiss was hard at first and Rose closed her eyes as she motioned for him to come even closer.

"What are you trying to do to me?" he whispered hoarsely, making her smile softly in the darkness. He grinned back, but his face froze back into its loving and almost solemn expression when he felt her moving to lie on top of him. The auburn, soft curls fell into his face and he smiled.

When she tugged at his arms to make him embrace her, he quickly stilled her hands. "Are you sure about this?" She nodded, kissing him repeatedly. "And it won't hurt the baby?" His tone was less serious now, less present. Again, she nodded, smiling at him.

"It won't," she breathed in a decisive tone and this time, he didn't stop her from pulling him closer.

A shyness that he found endearing prevented her from doing what she so longed to do, run her hands all over his body, so for now, kissing had to be enough.

Even if someone had screamed at her from somewhere in the room, Rose wouldn't have heard it. She was so caught up in what they were doing that she had almost forgotten how they had ended up in the bed. Her thoughts whirled around in a confused mess. He's here. I'm here and we're…oh God, what are we doing? Kissing me…Jack…always making sure I feel comfortable…all my life he's going to be here…how lucky am I?

She sighed happily when his hand brushed against her abdomen and when he found his way down her body, she moaned softly, burying her face in his chest. His heart was beating so fast and so calmly. Nothing could ever be wrong in the world with that sound…

Her mouth found his again and then he let go for a second to kiss her face. She closed her eyes, feeling his lips over her eyelids. For that short moment, she felt the experience in the car flash before her eyes.

She remembered how worried she had been, even though she had said that she was okay. She had been so afraid that she would do something wrong. After all, she had never before been with someone who actually cared. Cal had not been able to wait until after the wedding of course…quickly, she erased that picture from her mind and looked at Jack instead.

He smiled, passion and love shining in his eyes and just when Rose thought she was going to get lost in those blue oceans that were his eyes, he leaned forward, kissing her. "Ready?" It was more of a statement than a question and she just kissed him deeply instead of answering him.

It was almost like her entire body was shaking with anticipation as she waited. The rebel in Rose hated herself for feeling almost embarrassed now, but he didn't seem to mind. He helped her find her way back to the way their bodies connected and when the most amazing feeling Rose knew existed entered her, she cried out.

Everything was still in a blur as she felt his body leaving hers ever so slightly and she placed her head on his chest, sighing softly.


"No…I mean, yes, but…it's a good, a wonderful feeling," she replied in a lazy whisper. His hold around her shoulders tightened as he kissed the top of her head.

"Go to sleep, Rose. It's been a long day…and a long night." He grinned and she laughed quietly.

"Yes…it has…" She snuggled closer to his head, moving her fingers over his stomach.

"Wonder when Fabrizio is coming home?" she asked absently, watching his hand reaching for hers. They clasped their hands together as Jack cleared his throat.

"Guess he knew to stay away tonight," he mumbled, causing Rose to giggle tiredly again, her eyelids falling down over the beautiful sight of their hands together over his naked body.



"How would you like it to be called Rose Dawson from now on?"

Rose was already halfway to dreamland when she heard him saying those words. A part of her dismissed it as being part of the wonderful, beautiful land where she went when she slept, but when she felt him sighing above her and when she sensed his sudden nervousness, she sat up, staring at him. The warm and fuzzy sleepiness had vanished from her eyes.


He looked up at her. Her eyes were full of surprise…oh, she was so beautiful. I can still feel her body intertwined with mine…she is so soft and so…not now, Dawson, she asked you a question. Oh God, it's about my stupid, selfish request a moment ago. How could I think she would want to marry me after all this?

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. Let's just go to sleep."

She kept on staring at him, her eyes growing bigger. "What do you mean? Didn't you mean what you said?" Her bottom lip began quivering and his heart jumped.

"Yes, no…I mean, do you want me to mean it?" He licked his dry lips and looked at her expectantly.

"Do you?" was her logical response, making Jack's head spin.

"I…do if you do," he breathed, shaking his head at himself. He cleared his throat and continued looking at her. Her face was still the mirror of surprise and shock, but she made no move to say anything.

"I…I think it's best if I start over. Will you…I mean, do you want to…oh, shit…Rose, please say you'll marry me!"

Rose stared at him. Her eyes were filling with tears now and he sat up, wiping them away one by one. "I shouldn't have asked that, I know. I…" He couldn't go on, because her lips had collided with his in a deep kiss.

"Of course I will! I'll marry you, Jack. Oh I can't wait…" Her voice was breathless and immediately after the last word was said, she kissed him again. And again…and soon, they were making love once more, oblivious to the dying night and arriving dawn.

Chapter Thirteen