Chapter Two

After Rose got herself together, she ran as fast as she could to third class.

She didn't even know where Jack's cabin was, she just knew she had to find it.

And what was she going to say to him? What would he think? Would he be mad? She would soon find out.

Luckily, she found one of Jack's buddies she met last night at the party.

"Oh, can you please help me? I'm looking for Jack Dawson's room."

"Ah, yes. The pretty first class girl. Room 360."

"Thank you," Rose said as she started to search.

Rose found it about seven minutes later. She knocked slightly on the door, not wanting to wake anyone. She was hoping Jack was still awake.

Jack opened the door quickly, almost knowing that it was Rose.

Jack came out into the hallway and shut the door.

"Oh my God Rose, what happened?" Jack said as he lovingly touched her already bruised face.

"It was Cal.." Rose said through her crying. "He hit me...I'm sorry I came, I didn't know what to do."

"Oh Rose," Jack said as he cradled her in his arms. "I'm glad you came to me. You did the right thing. It will be alright. I'm here for you."

Rose smiled slightly. "Thank you Jack."

"Do you think you can go to sleep?" Jack asked.

Rose nodded and they quietly opened the door and took off there shoes.

Without any light, it was hard to find their way around, but they managed.

Jack helped Rose get into the bunk bed with him. He helped Rose cover up. He kissed her gently on the face.

It was small, very small, to what Rose was use to. Especially for two people. All that mattered was that she was with Jack, and she was.

Before Rose went to sleep, she knew that there was something she had.

"Jack?" Rose whispered.


"I love you."

"I love you too."

Chapter Three