Chapter Three

Rose woke up facing Jack. She smiled as she watched him sleep peacefully. As she watched him breathe, she thought of how much she loved him. She knew that nothing on earth could come between them.

Rose turned over and saw Fabrizio smiling at her from across the small room. Rose smiled shyly at him.

"Good morning," Rose said quietly.

"You and Jack had a sleep over, no?" Fabrizio whispered.

Rose smiled. "Kind of. Do you know what time it is?"

"Well, they already served lunch," Fabrizio said.

"Wow, I guess we slept late," Rose said as she looked down at Jack sleeping.

"Well, I'm off to find a poker game," Fabrizio said as he left the room.

Rose waved goodbye and looked over at Jack turning in his sleep. She heard him mumble something. She whispered his name a couple of times before he opened his eyes.

"Good morning angel," Jack said as he sat up.

"Good morning sleepy head."

"Did you sleep well?" Jack asked.


Jack leaned over and gave Rose a kiss and asked if she knew what time it was. When she told him Jack couldn't believe he had slept so late.

"Jack, what am I going to do about Cal?" Rose asked.

"What are we gonna to about Cal, Rose. We. We're in this together. You're not alone," Jack said as he squeezed Rose's hand.

Jack paused. "Well Rose, I know one thing for sure, I'm not letting you go back there. Not with him."

"Jack, will you come with me so I can get my things?" Rose asked.

"Of course I will," Jack said. "When do you wanna go?"

"I just want to get this over with as soon as possible."

About 35 minutes later...

Jack and Rose walked hand in hand to the first class section of the ship. It was a beautiful day. It reminded Rose so much of the day of the deck conversation.

Once they got to the room, they knocked on the door. Spicer Lovejoy answered it.

"Ah, miss, Mr. Hockley as been looking for you," he said as Jack and Rose pushed through the door.

"I don't care," Rose said as she took Jack to her stay room.

She took out one of her suitcases she brought and started to fill it up with things she needed. Mostly dresses and some things that meant a lot to her.

After Rose was done, she and Jack went back to the sitting room and saw that now, Cal was there. Lovejoy must have gone and got him.

"Well, well, well, isn't this a pretty site," Cal said as he looked at Jack holding Rose's hand.

"Cal, I'm leaving, with Jack," Rose paused, and then went on. "I'm calling off the engagement and any relation I had with you."

Jack and Rose started to leave, but Cal took Jack by the arm and said, "Don't think you're going to get away with this Dawson. I always win Jack, one way or another."

Chapter Four