Chapter One

April 14, 1919
From the Diary of Rose Dawson

It was freezing cold that night. All I can recall clearly was that it was freezing cold. I was lying on top of a piece of wood of some sort with the man I loved with all of my heart clutching my hand for dear life. I saw lights, and then heard, "Is there anyone alive out there? Can anyone hear me?"

I called out my love’s name repeatedly but, to my horror, realized that he had frozen to death. I realized that I had to keep my promise to him to survive, but I didn’t want to leave him. I also realized that our hands were frozen together. I pulled, and after what seemed like hours, disconnected my hand from his. I saw a frozen officer nearby and saw a whistle in his mouth. I had to get that whistle, but to get it I would have to let Jack’s body sink to the bottom; he wasn’t wearing a lifebelt.

I whispered that I would never let go of my promise and let Jack’s hand slip from mine. His body, frozen yet limp, sank. I crawled off the door and slipped into the cold water. Shivering, I made my way over to the officer--and his whistle.

I snatched the whistle from the officer’s lips, shoved it into mine, and blew as hard as I could. The boat turned around and came back. Someone lifted me into the boat and covered me with a blanket. I thought of Jack, of our passionate kiss on the sinking stern, and of how he had changed the course of my life. What I didn’t know in that moment was that I had not lost anything at all.

Chapter Two