Chapter Three

Rose looked past Cal and saw Patrick Ryan, Tommy’s friend, who had watched with awe as Rose had risen onto her toes that night in steerage. "Hello, Patrick," Rose addressed him, smiling. "I would appreciate it greatly if you taught this fine first class gentleman how to mind his manners."

"A fight?" Patrick looked surprised that Rose was instigating a fight after all that had happened.

"No," she said. "I just want you and your friends to return him to first class, where he belongs. Don’t you dare fistfight after last night."

Patrick nodded and motioned for two of his friends to come over. The three of them overpowered Cal before he knew what they were doing. They dragged him, kicking and yelling, back to first class.

The crewman who had spoken to Cal before was indignant that three rough and tumbling Irishmen were manhandling one of the most affluent survivors. "What’s going on?" he cried.

"This nice gentleman here was botherin’ a young lady who didn’t want his attentions. We’re just takin’ him back to first class."

The crewman stood aside and let them pass. Rose laughed when she saw Cal being dragged up the stairs.


It began to rain, not much, but enough to need an umbrella. The Carpathia docked in New York and Rose saw the Statue of Liberty. "Look, Jack. Look how tall she is," she whispered.

An official came up to her and asked, "Can I take your name, please, love?"

Rose thought for about ten seconds about changing her life forever and confusing the passenger list beyond belief, and then said, "Dawson. Rose Dawson." Rose barely heard the official thank her. She stepped backward and stumbled into someone behind her.

"I like the name," a voice Rose had dreamed of hearing again breathed into her ear.

Chapter Four