Chapter Four

"Jack!" Rose fairly screamed as he enveloped her in his embrace.

"Rose, I thought I would never see you again!" He squeezed Rose tightly and planted a kiss firmly on her lips.

"Oh, Jack, I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to let you go. Honest, I didn’t."

"Shh…Rose, it’s okay. It’s okay. I know. I was so cold and frozen. I heard you call my name and I didn’t have the strength to respond. It’s okay. It’s not your fault," Jack said, and then they kissed more passionately than they ever had before.

"How did you survive? I didn’t see you in the boat," Rose said as they embraced tightly again.

"Rose, as soon as the waters closed over my head, I knew that I had to survive. I floundered my way to the surface with my arms and climbed up onto the piece of wood I put you onto. Another boat, Boat 14, came past an hour later. I got here shortly after dawn, but I had to be taken care of. Luckily, no one saw my chopped up handcuffs. I went and looked around for you upstairs, but you weren’t there. And as Cal asked, ‘Why are you down here with the gutter rats?’"

Rose groaned. "You heard that?"

Jack grinned. "Every insipid word that peacock uttered. We’ll have to thank Patrick and his friends later." He led Rose over to the bench she had been sitting on earlier. Jack and Rose sat, and Patrick happened upon them moments later.

"Jack?" he cried incredulously. "Rose thought ya didn’t make it!"

"Oh, Rose…" He turned toward Rose in particular. "…we took care of that Cal character for ya. We just told the cap’n of this fine ship that he was botherin’ a young lady who didn’t want his attentions. He said he would make sure Cal didn’t leave first class."

"Thank you very much, Patrick." Rose thanked him and wrapped the blanket she was using partially around Jack, because he still seemed freezing cold, even though he told her he was fine.

"I’ll tell you all my story later," Jack promised, pulling Rose close to him. "Right now, Rose and I have some catching up to do." Patrick grinned and walked away. "Where do we go from here?" Jack asked Rose.

"Let’s see what Cal managed to stuff into his pockets." Rose smiled. She felt in the pockets of Cal’s wool coat and produced several wads of cash and the necklace--the Heart of the Ocean. "I knew that Cal had to have put something valuable in this coat after he yelled something to Killjoy about putting the coat on me. This is my money, anyway. The necklace was in my safe, so he must have grabbed my money, too."

Jack laughed. "Isn’t it Lovejoy?" he asked playfully.

"Technically, yes," Rose responded, giving Jack the necklace to hold until she stuffed the money back into her pockets.

"There they are!" She heard Cal’s voice booming from the direction of the stairs. He and two officers approached Jack and Rose. "There! He has it in his hand!"

Jack rolled his eyes. "Not the dumb necklace thing again, Mr. Hockley," he said.

Rose stood with fire in her eyes, snatching the necklace from Jack’s hands. "Officers, this man has done nothing wrong. Mr. Hockley is simply a sore loser."

"That necklace is mine," Cal said tersely.

"As I recall, Mr. Hockley," Rose said, "you gave that necklace to me the night I almost fell from the Titanic."

"No, I didn’t," Cal scoffed. "I simply placed it in your safe because my safe had a faulty catch. I wanted it to be secure."

"Who is this young lady?" one of the officers asked Cal, as if Rose wasn’t even there.

"My name is Rose Dawson--" Rose began, but Cal cut her off.

"Her name is Rose DeWitt Bukater, and she is my fiancée."

Rose gasped. "I am not! I really never was, either."

"Sir--" one officer addressed Jack.

"Jack Dawson," Jack supplied.

"Mr. Dawson, you will have to come with us."

"No! I won’t stand for this!" Rose cried. "Jack is innocent!" She took a step forward, but Cal stuck his foot in her path. Rose fell to the deck and struck her head.

The last thing she heard was, "Take him away, please."

Chapter Five