Chapter Six

As the miles sped by, Rose fingered the money she had tucked away into her pocketbook. She snapped it closed as a thought came to her. How hard could getting off the train and taking one in the opposite direction be? Not really hard, Rose guessed.

"I need to excuse myself." Rose stood.

"Just wait, Rose," her mother instructed. "We are pulling into the next station. You may powder your nose there."

Rose waited and walked off the train when it stopped. "Do you need anything, Cal, Mother?" she asked.

Ruth and Cal shook their heads. "We’ll stay here and discuss wedding plans. You go ahead."

Rose knew that this was the perfect station to switch back to New York at because the next leg of the journey would be an hour-and-a-half-long express to just outside Philadelphia.

Rose walked up to the ticket window and asked for a one-way ticket to New York. She paid for it and boarded the train in the opposite direction. The train sped off, with Rose on it.


Meanwhile, Cal and Ruth were beginning to wonder where Rose was. The call came for all-aboard and soon the train was underway. Rose had paid a porter to come to Cal and Ruth and tell them that Rose would be there in a moment; she had to sit down further away because the train was starting up. Cal and Ruth were satisfied with that, and got back to wedding plans.

As they came to a stop more than an hour later, they realized that Rose hadn’t returned. "Where did she go?" Cal was exasperated.

Ruth shook her head. "You don’t suppose she went back to New York?" she queried.

"She must have--to get that dirty rat out of prison!" Cal exclaimed. He rushed over to the ticket window. "Two tickets to New York City, quickly!" Cal demanded. "When does the next train leave?"

The ticket man handed Cal the tickets. "You just missed one by about ten minutes, sir. The next one doesn’t leave for two hours, at least."

Chapter Seven