Chapter Nine

Rose stood and tried to see where he had gone, but he had disappeared. She sighed and boarded the next available train. Rose had told Jack she was going to own up to her actions, but she realized she didn’t want to marry Cal. She paid for her ticket when the conductor approached her, but she didn’t even ask where the train was headed. She found out much later as they pulled into a station that the train was bound for Cedar Rapids, Iowa. She settled in for the long ride and fell into a deep sleep.

When they reached Cedar Rapids, she saw a handsome young man waiting for someone. Her heart sank when she saw a young woman disembarking and heading straight for the man, but then another man appeared, and the woman greeted the new man with a kiss on the lips.

Rose realized she had absolutely no luggage, and so she got off the train. She looked around for the ticket window to obtain information about lodging. "Meeting someone?" a deep voice nearby asked. She spotted the young man right away.

"No, and I haven’t any bags."

"I’m Charles. Charles Calvert," he introduced himself. "And you are?"

"Rose D-Dawson." Rose almost said Rose DeWitt Bukater but remembered just in time that she had changed her name.

"That’s a lovely name," Charles said.

Chapter Ten