Chapter Thirteen

Rated NC-17 for Content
Rose's Quest

The following days seemed slow to Rose. She couldn’t wait to see her dad. She loved him so much. As for her mother and Cal she just didn’t think of them as much. She remembered when he uses to call her his little Rosebud. She hated it, but she let him call her anything he wanted. During the last days of his life in his deathbed. He told her "Don’t cry my Rosebud because I will see you again." Those were his last words. It was so hard for her to see him like that.

Richard DeWitt Bukater had married Ruth O’Connell in spring. Ruth and Richard had often fought about his gambling that was his obsession and Ruth’s was social position. She always acted rich and proper. Rose was neither. She just wanted to be herself. Her parents were good together on their best days. When Rose was born her father was so happy. He didn’t gamble at all then. He played with her every chance he got. Then the Hockley’s moved in next door. Mary and Nathan Hockley "Pittsburgh Steel Tycoon". They also brought along their son Caledon. Ruth and her family had gone over the first day they moved in and introduced themselves. Rose looked at Cal he was sitting straight, he wasn’t slouching whatsoever. Rose made faces at him. He just stared at her. When they grew up he was still the same. Rose was free spirited when she would want something cheap he told her "No" and bought her the most expensive thing in the store. She didn’t like that. Rose thought all through this where was Jack.

Jack and Lauren were asleep at their grandma’s house. Rose had wanted Jack home at that moment. It had been six weeks since she had the babies. She decided two weeks was too soon to visit her father she needed strength before she could go anywhere.

Rose wanted a special night with Jack. So she asked Violet to take care of the babies it was their anniversary. She put on her favorite white dress and later she set down her nightgown. She had got it from Molly and she had got it from Lucille Duff Gordon’s new luxury collection. Rose wondered if Jack remembered their anniversary.

It was seven o'clock p.m. Jack had just parked his car. Rose stood in the doorway.

Hi, Honey.

Hi, Rosie.

Well you look beautiful. What’s the occasion?

Rose looked sad.

Don’t worry I remember our anniversary.

Jack had been waiting all day to give her his present. They both sat down to a nice dinner candles lit and everything.

Rose smiled across the table at Jack. She didn’t know what he was going to give her as a present, but the first year is always paper so it had to be something like that. A drawing, a ticket…who knew?

Okay Jack I’m ready for my gift now.

He gave her his gift. She opened the paper and inside was a blanket portfolio with a blank piece of paper inside.

What’s this Jack? I don’t get it.

Oh I forgot this goes with it. He took out another package. She opened it and pulled out a scarf.

Is there more?


So what’s the meaning of this? I can’t draw.

Put the scarf around your neck and lie down. I want to draw you Rose with this scarf and nothing else.


Where’s mine? Jack was all excited.

You’ll get it later, dear.

Is it something I’m gonna like?

Look who’s so impatient?

I’m just asking for a clue, Rosie.

Well go to the bedroom then.

Rose went into the bedroom before him and changed.

When she came out Jack was waiting for her.

She had her robe on and Jack thought. Well where is it?

Come and unwrap your present Jack she hinted toward her robe ties.

He got up off the bed and walk over to her. He slowly slid the ties free. When the robe opened he saw a lace nightgown. His eyes glimmered.

Is this all for me?

Yes It’s all for you. You’re free to do what ever your mind could think of.



He pressed her close to his body and kissed her softly. She put her arms around his neck and brought him even closer to her.

She could feel his manhood pressed against her stomach. She sighed in sexual excitement.

Rose loved Jack so much she wanted to freeze time. An old familiar line came to mind.

"Put your hands on me, Jack."

She brought him to the bed. He put his hand on her breast. Her breath was hot as she kissed his neck. She brought him down with her kissing him madly. Even though she had his children Jack was an incredible lover. Unfortunately, she would never know any other man’s touch, but she didn’t need another man because Jack satisfied her in every way possible.

A few days later they were headed to Philadelphia. They had got a compartment a fancy one at that. Rose was looking forward to seeing her dad again. A tear poured down her cheek.

Rose? Jack had seemed puzzled by her sadness.

What? Rose broke out of her sad mood.

Why are you crying? Had he done something wrong to make her cry?

I’m not. I’m just happy that’s all. See the whole meaning of this trip was so I could see my father.

You must really love him.

Yes more than you know, Jack.

We were both alike just like you and I he completed me.

Well, Rose he must be one interesting person and I would be more than glad to meet him.

I’m sure he would love his son in law and his grandchildren.

I just can’t wait until we get there, Jack.

Are you sure he’s still in Philadelphia?

I remember he said he would never go anywhere else.

Well, I hope your mother knows where he is.

Don’t worry everything is gonna turn out just fine. You’ll see Jack.

She put her hand on his shoulder.

Gosh Jack you’re so tense.

Care to relieve it?

Absolutely my love.

Rose went to kiss Jack, and then all of a sudden they heard a cry.

I’ll get it. Jack said.

You sure. Rose didn’t want him to go.


He got up off the berth.

Who’s crying is it Lauren or Jack?

He switched on the lights; it was Jack who was crying. Lauren lay there all nestled in her pink blanket she didn’t move with Jack’s crying. She was sound asleep.

Jack picked up the baby and brought him to Rose.

How’s Lauren? Rose asked as Jack gave her the baby.

She’s fine. She’s still asleep.

Rose unbuttoned her nightdress and offered her darkened nipple to Jack. He suckled on it as if she hadn’t fed him in a hundred years.

Well, Well what a hungry little boy you’re just as bad as your father.

She looked over to Jack who was sitting down reading the newspaper.

You got that right Rose we can never get enough of you.

Jack winked at her.

The Dawson’s were going to be all right. Life had given them a second chance. Even though it had took an eternity to be together. Rose and Jack together in Heaven. What else could they ask for?

Chapter Fourteen