Chapter Seventeen


"So, Jack, that was filling." Rosemary's stomach was full to the brim.

"Yeah, this hotel serves the best food, doesn't it?" He wiped his chin with a napkin.

"You got that right. So, tell me how you and Rose met?"

"Well, to cut a long story short, I met her on Titanic--the ship that sank. She was trying to commit suicide, and I convince her not to. She told me about this guy named Cal. He was rich, but what an attitude. He tried to rule her, and she didn't like that. So I took her away from that, and married her not long ago after."

"Wow. What a story, Jack." Rosemary was astonished.

"What about you? Have you found love like that?" Jack asked.

"Nope. Not at all." She looked at him sadly.

"You can have the bed. I will sleep here tonight."

"All right. Thanks, Jack."

"You're welcome."

She walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek. He looked into her eyes, wanting to kiss her deeply. He turned his mouth to hers. Their passion was almost as hot as his and Rose's. He pulled away, resisting temptation.

"I would love to, Rosemary, but I have a wife. I just can't."

"I know, Jack. Believe me, I know." She walked to the bedroom, closing the door, and slept the rest of the night.


Jack tossed and turned most of the night, not sleeping in a comfortable position. He had to call Rose, but it was late. Aw, what the hell. It was urgent.

He dialed the numbers.

"Hello?" A sleepy voice answered.

"Hi, honey. Sorry to call so late, but I miss you badly."

"What's wrong, Jack?"

"I need you badly tonight, Rose, and I can't sleep without you."

"Really? You're that hot and bothered, Jack? What did you do?"

"Nothing, Rose, really. I just have to have you now."

"You sound like a desperate man."

"Believe me, I am." Jack was hoping Rose didn't suspect him to be unfaithful.

"All right. I will tell you what I am wearing," Rose teased Jack.


"I am wearing nothing under these blankets, Jack."

His temperature rose, and so did other parts of his body. Jack's breathing increased as he imagined Rose naked, lying on soft, green grass.

"Rose, honey, I better hang up now and dream of my Rosie's offering. If you get my drift?"

"I do, honey. Sweet dreams."

"You, too, my love."

He dreamed many things that night, and none of them were Rosemary.


In the morning, Jack woke up, opened the door to Rosemary's room, since the shower was in there, and did his business, although the attraction between him and her was still there.

He left, and headed to the Corporation of New York's insurance specialist, a company he took interest in at the time he was looking for insurance without a failure to pay clause.

He walked in, heading to the door located at the right, which was the office of the insurance company.

He headed to the receptionist's desk.

"Hi. I have an appointment with Fred Singer."

"All right. Hold on." She grabbed the phone and announced to the man that Jack Dawson was here for their appointment. "All right. Go in." The receptionist was very nice to him. He knew why.


Jack opened the door.

"Hello, Jack. Nice to see you. Sorry about your gallery."

"That's quite all right. So, how much will I get back?"

"Well, let me see your folder." The man looked into the folder and started adding numbers on his adding machine. "Okay, after the damages and art were lost, your total has come to ten thousand dollars."

"All right. Gives me some chump change," Jack said.

"Sorry it wasn't more for a twenty thousand dollar claim you put." Fred looked at him sadly.

"Quite all right, Fred, really. I appreciate what you have done for my business."

"All right. Here's your check."

"Thanks, Fred." Jack shook his hand and went back to the hotel.


By that time, Rosemary was up.

"Yeah, Rosemary, ready to go to Philadelphia?"

"About ready as I will ever be."


Meanwhile, Rose was outside of the DeWitt Bukater Cottage.

She knocked on the door.

A man opened it.



She hugged him tightly.

"I finally found you, Daddy."

"Come in, Rose. We have lots to talk about."

"Okay, but I want you to meet someone. Here's Jack Christopher Dawson and Lauren Josephine Dawson."

"They're so beautiful, Rose. Where's your husband?"

"On business in New York."

"Oh. Well, I hope to meet him."

"You will."

"Where are my manners? Please, come in. Let me help you with one of the little ones."

They discussed everything from Titanic to the future.


From then on, everyone was complete Rose had her family, and a full life ahead of her. Jack had everything he ever wanted--a family, and then some, after a few years. Jack and Rose continued to be happy, having Rosemary as their friend, and Cal finally wised up after the stock market had crashed and fell in love with Rosemary, getting married and having two children also. Little Jack Dawson became a artist, just like his father, and sold his first painting for half a billion dollars, and Lauren became an actress, winning for best actress in the Emmys. Robert and Ruth finally settled off into retirement, and went to Hawaii. Rose's Dad and Jack ran the Boston Dawson Cafe in Boston, and had a chain of them around the world. So everything was absolutely fine, and never did any of them regret the past. So this was Heaven. Not quite perfect, but then, what is?

The End.
