Chapter Four

After breakfast they took a stroll around the ship. They looked at the ocean from their favorite spot, the bow. They had ended up there without even thinking about it. Jack had his arms around Rose, just staring into the beautiful blue water.

"Excuse me, sir," a voice said from behind.

"Yes?" Jack said.

"I have a telegram for you. Are you Mr. Jack Dawson?"

"Yes, I am."

He handed the message to him. It read:

Dear J. Dawson. Stop. The gallery is doing fine. Stop. Received Mr. Astor's check for the endorsement that he promised. Stop. Will see you when you get back. Stop. Mr. Bowman.

Jack told Rose he didn't know anyone named Mr. Bowman. He had no idea what this person was talking about. So he ignored it. He told Rose to stand a little bit to the right, that the scenery was as beautiful as she was. He started to draw. The black charcoal pencil he used was more expensive than the ones he used to use. Rose asked where he had found them. He told her that he had found them on the table next to the fireplace. It was already night when he finished. He wasn't dressed in anything fancy; he still wore his old clothes. The people around him thought he was strange to wear those clothes, especially since he was rich. Jack thought just because he was rich was no reason why he should change into something he was not. Rose didn't care what others thought. They went to their room. This time, something was different. Her mother's door was locked when they left, but now it was open. They went in. Jack told Rose to stay back, and go call the Master-at-Arms to say that someone was stealing from them.

She left. As soon as Rose was gone, he went to the fireplace and got a fire poker. He slowly walked to the room. When he peeked in, he saw Rose's mother. She turned around.

"Well, if it isn't the thief."

"What are you doing in my room?"

"Your room! This is mine, you thief."

"No, it is not. These rooms are registered to me and Rose. So I would appreciate it if you'd not take anything that isn't yours."

"So, you finally got her and took her away from me, didn't you, Jack?"

"I did no such thing. She was tired of you running her life. Didn't you want her to marry into wealth? Well, now she has it. So, now do you like me?"

"Maybe. I love Rose. I always have."

"Then show it."

Rose arrived with the Master-at-Arms. She was surprised to see that her mother was there.

Jack said, "Never mind. It was a mistake."

"Mother, where have you been? I looked for you, and they said you weren't aboard."

"I have been here, Rose, but under another name."

"But why, Mother?"

"Because, after Titanic sank, I became a seamstress, and I worked for a man named Robert O'Riley. He offered to marry me if I became his financial advisor. He called me his good luck charm, so I took his offer."

"So, you are Ruth O'Riley now?"

"Yes, Rose. And, I presume, Rose Dawson."

"Yes, Mother. See, you were wrong. Jack took care of me. Unlike Cal, who tried to shoot me when I decided I didn't want his money or him."

"What? He tried to shoot you? Oh, Rose, you should have told me."

"But, Mother, you never listened to me. I tried to tell you. All you thought about at that time was money."

Chapter Five