Chapter One

September, 1912

"Please raise your glasses to the happy couple, Jack and Rose." Ruth DeWitt Bukater’s voice echoed through the parlor of our small house, a smile on her normally severe face. She turned to me, her eyes mellow.

"To Jack and Rose!" our friends shouted in response to Ruth’s toast.

"I’d like to say a few words, too," she said warmly. "Jack is the best thing that ever happened to Rose and myself. We owe him everything. I wish them and my new grandchild every happiness in their coming marriage and their future."

People applauded her and Ruth turned away, quite pink.

I saw Molly Brown laughing. My boss, Hamish, from the art gallery, was even cracking a smile as he listened to Molly’s anecdotes.

People were laughing, joking, and happy. It was lovely to mix with our new friends. Even Mrs. Jackson, Rose’s former landlady, was making conversation with Ruth quite amicably.

Finally, I turned my eyes from the sight of our happy family and friends to rest on the vision that was my Rose.

Our eyes met, and the unexplainable connection between us lifted my heart as our gazes met. I only had to look at her. She came towards me and took my hand, our baby making her beauty bloom even more. Her red curls were bouncing off her shoulders, her skin white and flawless.

"You look radiant," I murmured in her ear. I kissed her cheek and placed my hand on her bump.

Our child, kicking furiously inside her, was lucky to be here at all after our near drowning when the Titanic went down. So much anxiety had occurred afterwards as we had gone our separate ways, me in the hospital, half-dead and suffering from amnesia, and her picked up by the omnipresent, brooding Caledon Hockley, who was always in our minds,, hovering like a malevolent black spider ready to cast his web of evil and control.

His snooty family had already cast its tentacles into the lives of the Bukater family, causing death, pain, and heartache. Word had it that he wasn’t through with us yet. We had just managed to evade him for now.

"How’s Baby Dawson?" I whispered. She giggled, her green eyes shining, still holding my hand.

"Kicking hard." She laughed. "I can’t wait until the new year when it arrives!"

Molly Brown came over to my side. "Is the house okay for you, Jack and Rose?" she asked. She was a trooper. She was an inspiration. She had been nicknamed the Unsinkable Molly Brown by the press after her actions and selflessness in helping others less fortunate in the Titanic disaster, and she certainly was. We owed her so much.

She had rented us a house in Santa Monica. It was modest, with three bedrooms, a parlor, a dining room, two bathrooms, and a kitchen. She also paid for hired help to come in daily. As lovely as Ruth DeWitt Bukater was, she definitely did not have domestic skills, as she was still a lady, through and through. I found it funny that Ruth had become a totally different person from the snob that she had been on the Titanic. I suppose finding out that your husband had sold his soul to the devil, i.e. the Hockleys, and that that had caused your downfall, his death, and the loss of your fortune was sobering enough to alter anyone.

She and Rose were slowly rebuilding their fractured relationship. She lived with us, but kept herself busy. She sometimes helped Molly with her charity work. After all, Molly had rescued her after Cal had kicked her out of the Hockley house. Mrs. Amoy, the housekeeper, was teaching her new skills in her spare time. Funny, the great Ruth DeWitt Bukater peeling potatoes. I chuckled to myself at the picture.

I turned to Molly. "The house is fantastic. We can never thank you enough," I said. Rose agreed.

"Oh, poppycock. It’s reward enough to see how happy the two of you are together. My, how things change. So much to look forward to. A baby due in the new year, the wedding next week. I couldn’t be happier for y’all. I’ve got money. I’m quite relieved to see it go to people who deserve it."

Rose added, "Don’t forget that Hamish is hosting Jack’s exhibition in Inspired, his art gallery. Starting in October, everyone will know who Jack Dawson is. The famous artiste." She laughed.

Molly frowned and said in a low voice, "A word to the wise, Jack. Maybe you should exhibit under another name, a pen name. We don’t want Cal spotting you in the press if you go national."

Rose and I looked at each other in horror. Cal had nearly cost Rose and me our lives. We had been hounded into the bowels of the sinking ship when he had chased us with a gun, narrowly missing Rose with a bullet. We didn’t want to attract his attention. He was crazy enough.

"I know," I suddenly announced. "That is a brilliant idea, and because Molly suggested it, I will borrow her friend’s name in her honor, if you like. Calvert! I shall be Jacques Calvert!"

Molly laughed heartily. "Jack, you are crazy, but that is so sweet. That sounds swell."

Rose whispered to me. "I love you, Jacques Dawson Calvert." Then she raised her glass of water. "To our future success!" she called. "And to our baby." Then, in a soft voice to me, she said, "We are so lucky, Jack, to have had this second chance. Let’s not waste another minute, ever."

Chapter Two