Chapter Three


Technicians were carefully removing some papers from the safe and placing them in a tray of water to separate them safely. Nearby, other artifacts from the staterooms were being washed and preserved.

Buell was on the satellite phone with the investors. Lovett was yelling at the video crew.

"You send out what I tell you when I tell you. I'm signing your paychecks, not 60 Minutes. Now get set up for the uplink."

Buell covered the phone and turned to Lovett.

"The partners want to know how it's going?"

"How it's going? It's going like a first date in prison, what do you think?!"

Lovett grabbed the phone from Buell and went instantly smooth.

"Hi, Dave? Barry? Look, it wasn't in the safe...no, look, don't worry about it, there're still plenty of places it could be...in the floor debris in the suite, in the mother's room, in the purser's safe on C Deck..."

Buell interjected, "Jimmy's office briefcase..."

Lovett glared at him, then noticed something the technicians had found.

"Hang on a second."

A tech coaxed some letters in the water tray to one side with a tong...revealing a conte crayon drawing of a woman.

Brock looked closely at the drawing, which was in excellent shape, though its edges had partially disintegrated. The woman was beautiful, and beautifully rendered. In her late teens or early twenties, she was nude, though posed with a kind of casual modesty. She was on an Empire divan, in a pool of light that seemed to radiate outward from her eyes. Scrawled in the lower right corner was the date: April 14, 1912. And the initials JD.

The girl was not entirely nude. At her throat was a diamond necklace with one large stone hanging in the center.

"Give me the photo of the necklace!"

Buell glanced at the drawing. "Looks like we might have something here."

Lovett grabbed the reference photo from the clutter on the lab table. It was a period black-and-white photo of a diamond necklace on a black velvet jeweler’s display stand. He held it next to the drawing. It was clearly the same piece, a complex setting with a massive central stone which was almost heart-shaped.

Lovett looked at the two pictures, realizing what he had found.

"I'll be God damned."

Chapter Four