Chapter Fifty-Three


A large number of First Class passengers had gathered near the staircase. They were getting indignant about the confusion. Molly Brown snagged a passing young steward.

"What’s doing, sonny? You’ve got us all trussed up and now we’re cooling our heels."

The young steward backed away, actually stumbling on the stairs.

"Sorry, mum. Let me go and find out."

The jumpy piano rhythm of Alexander’s Ragtime Band came out of the first class lounge a few yards away. Band leader Wallace Hartley had assembled some of his men on Captain’s orders, to allay panic.

Hockley’s entourage came up to the A-deck foyer. Cal was carrying the lifebelts, almost as an afterthought. Rose was like a sleepwalker.

"It’s just the God damned English doing everything by the book."

"There’s no need for language, Mr. Hockley." Ruth turned to Trudy. "Go back and turn the heater on in my room, so it won’t be too cold when we get back."

Thomas Andrews entered, looking around the magnificent room, which he knew was doomed. Rose, standing nearby, saw his heartbroken expression. She walked over to him, and Cal went after her.

"I saw the iceberg, Mr. Andrews. And I see it in your eyes. Please tell me the truth."

"The ship will sink."

"You’re certain?"

"Yes. In an hour or so...all this...will be at the bottom of the Atlantic."

"My God."

Now it was Cal’s turn to look stunned. The Titanic? Sinking?

"Please tell only who you must. I don’t want to be responsible for a panic. And get to a boat quickly. Don’t wait. You remember what I told you about the boats?"

"Yes, I understand. Thank you."

Andrews went off, moving among the passengers and urging them to put on their lifebelts and get to the boats.


Lovejoy and the Master-at-Arms were handcuffing Jack to a four inch water pipe as a crewman rushed in anxiously and almost blurted to the Master-at-Arms, "You’re wanted by the Purser, sir. Urgently."

"Go on. I’ll keep an eye on him."

Lovejoy pulled a pearl handled Colt .45 automatic from under his coat. The Master-at-Arms nodded and tossed the handcuff key to Lovejoy, then exited with the crewman. Lovejoy flipped the key in the air. Caught it.


Junior Wireless Operator Bride was relaying a message to Captain Smith from the Cunard Liner Carpathia.

"Carpathia says they’re making seventeen knots, full steam for them, sir."

"And she’s the only one who’s responding?"

"The only one close, sir. She says they can be here in four hours."

"Four hours!"

The enormity of it hit Smith like a sledgehammer blow.

"Thank you, Bride."

He turned as Bride exited, and looked out onto the blackness.

Smith whispered to himself. "My God."

Chapter Fifty-Four