Chapter Sixty-Two


Bodies were whirled and spun, some limp as dolls, others struggling spasmodically, as the vortex sucked them down and tumbled them.

Jack kicked hard for the surface...holding tightly to Rose, pulling her up.

At the surface was a roiling chaos of screaming, thrashing people. Over a thousand people were now floating where the ship went down. Some were stunned, gasping for breath. Others were crying, praying, moaning, shouting...screaming.

Jack and Rose surfaced among them. They barely had time to gasp for air before people were clawing at them. People were driven insane by the water, four degrees below freezing, a cold so intense it was indistinguishable from death by fire.

A man pushed Rose under, trying to climb on top of her...senselessly trying to get out of the water, to climb onto anything. Jack punched him repeatedly, pulling her free.

"Swim, Rose! Swim!"

She tried, but her strokes were not as effective as his were because of her lifebelt. They broke out of the clot of people. He had to find some kind of flotation, anything to get her out of the freezing water.

"Keep swimming. Keep moving. Come on, you can do it."

All about them there was a tremendous wailing, screaming and moaning...a chorus of tormented souls. And beyond that...nothing but black water stretching to the horizon. The sense of isolation and hopelessness was overwhelming.


Jack stroked rhythmically, the effort keeping him from freezing.

"Look for something floating. Some debris...wood...anything."

"It’s so cold."

"I know. I know. Help me, here. Look around."

His words kept her focused, taking her mind off the wailing around them. Rose scanned the water, panting, barely able to draw a breath. She turned and...screamed.

A devil was right in front of her face. It was the black French bulldog, swimming right at her like a sea monster in the darkness, its coal eyes bugging. It motored past her, like it was heading for Newfoundland.

Beyond it Rose saw something in the water.

"What’s that?"

Jack saw what she was pointing to, and they made for it together. It was a piece of wooden debris, intricately carved. He pushed her up and she slithered onto it belly down.

But when Jack tried to get up onto the thing, it tilted and submerged, almost dumping Rose off. It was clearly only big enough to support her. He clung to it, close to her, keeping his upper body out of the water as best he could.

Their breath floated around them in a cloud as they panted from the exertion. A man swam toward them, homing in on the piece of debris. Jack warned him back.

"It’s just enough for this lady...you’ll push it under."

"Let me try at least, or I’ll die soon."

"You’ll die quicker if you come any closer."

"Yes, I see. Good luck to you then." He swam off. "God bless."


The boat was overloaded and half-flooded. Men clung to the sides in the water. Others, swimming, were drawn to it as their only hope. Cal, standing in the boat, slapped his oar in the water as a warning.

"Stay back! Keep off!"

Fabrizio, exhausted and near the limit, made it almost to the boat. Cal clubbed him with the oar, cutting open his scalp.

"You don’t...understand...I have...to get...to America."

Cal pointed with the oar. "It’s that way!"

Fabrizio floated, panting, each breath agony. Cal could see the spirit leave him.

Cal seemed to move in slow motion, yelling and wielding the oar. A demon in a tuxedo. The image faded to black.

Chapter Sixty-Three