Chapter Twenty


"What do you mean the baby's coming now?" Ruth asked in a panic, almost pushing Rose onto the bed. "And you didn't say anything?"

"I thought--I thought--"

"Don't think anymore!" Ruth yelled. Thomas was outside, pacing the hall. Rose had been having contractions for almost thirty minutes now, and hadn't said a word. "Look, just lay there and do what I tell you to do."

"Sounds like my childhood, Mother." Rose sighed. "Always just sitting there and listening to what you have to say."

"Well, if you don't do it this time, you and your baby are going to die!"

Rose was stunned by her mother's harsh words, and leaned against the backboard. "It hurts so much. I think I'll just explode if the pain doesn't stop."

Ruth placed a few towels at the foot of the bed. "These will come in handy." Rose winced in pain as another contraction came and passed.

"Now, I'm going to need you to push," Ruth said.

"You are going to need me to push?" Rose asked. "No, I think I'm going to need me to push."

"Just do it." Ruth sighed.


Rose awoke from her slumber, sore and still tired. Thomas lay next to her, holding her hand. "We thought we'd lost you," he said.


"You fainted on us," Thomas explained, kissing her hand. "That is, after the baby was born."

"Oh, the baby. What is it?"

"It's a boy," Thomas proudly answered. "And he's sleeping downstairs. Your mother has taken care of him all day for you."

"I'm not so sure that's a good thing," Rose stated. "But, anyway, please bring him upstairs. I'd love to hold him."

"Are you strong enough?"

"Perfectly. Just sore. Has the doctor been here yet?"

"A few hours ago. He said everything is well."

"Thank God."

The little boy was carried to the room by Ruth, who was happy to show off her grandson. "He's the cutest little thing," she cooed.

Rose took her son in her arms, looking at his little cherubic features. At only a few hours old, he had a full head of deep brown hair, just like his father. And, indeed, he was the cutest little thing.

"And to think he caused so much pain." Rose laughed. "This--this tiny--baby."

"It's a shame you don't have a name yet," Ruth commented.

"Oh, but I do," Rose replied with a smirk. "Myrtle and I have come up with such wonderful names for our babies. When she had Emily Elaine, I firmly decided what the names would be for a boy and girl. And since it is a strapping young boy, his name is Andrew."

Ruth stepped back. "You named him after your father?"

"It was fitting and convenient, wasn't it? I miss Daddy so much, so my child will be his namesake."

The act touched Ruth's heart in a way, but it is hard to change once you are set in your ways. Every time she would look at that little baby, she would only remember her husband and cry.

Rose handed Andrew to Thomas, who held him with care. "I've never really been around babies before. All my brothers and sisters were older than me."

"It's time you learned, then," Ruth told him. "But it looks as though you're doing fine."

"Mother, please send word to the Sinclairs about my baby, will you? I know Myrtle has been anxious for him to be born so our children could be playmates."

"They're too young to be playmates, dear." Ruth pulled Andrew away from her daughter, Rose still grasping for him. "Now, you rest, and I'll go put Andrew in his crib to sleep. It's getting late, and babies sleep very much."

"But, Mother, I--"

"Let me handle this," Ruth snapped. Rose recoiled into Thomas' arms and lay her head against his shoulder.

"We need to send her away, Thomas. Now or never. She'll try to raise him, and tell me what to do and say that everything I'm doing is wrong."

"Let her be for now. She'll get over it, and soon everything will be back to normal."

"Thomas, we have a son. Nothing will ever be normal again!"


"Oh, isn't he darling?" Myrtle asked, tickling the sides of the newborn Andrew. Rose was up and about again, and had invited Myrtle over with baby Emily.

Myrtle looked fabulous for a new mother, and was already down to her original size. She wore a flowing white dress, her blonde hair pulled back in a French twist. In her arms lay Emily Elaine.

"Let's get them married," Myrtle suggested. "Or set them up now so that they can never love anyone but each other."

"Where do you get your ideas?" Rose asked with a laugh, giving Andrew a bottle and holding him up.

"It's how everyone used to do things," Myrtle replied, holding a toy over Emily. The baby kept reaching for it, and falling back again.

"Your daughter is older than my son," Rose teased. "Maybe he wouldn't like that when he seeks a girl for marriage."

"Oh, well. I do hope Emily is pretty when she grows up. I want her to be popular with her peers, and have young boys fawning over her."


"There was a girl in my school growing up who was teased to no end for her looks, Rose. She never married."

"Are you sure it was only because she wasn't gorgeous? Everybody has something beautiful in them."

"Well, she did punch a boy in the face, once. Perhaps that's why they stayed away. And maybe now she’s married, for I haven't seen her in years."

"See? Anyhow, I want Andrew to be handsome. Just because. No other reason."

"You will have the handsomest family in town, Rose. With you and Thomas' good looks, your genes will certainly be passed to your children."

"As long as they all have ten fingers and ten toes, I'll be happy."

"Me, too. I want to have hundreds of children, but for now, only one is fine."

"Andrew kept us awake all night. He just kept crying and crying."

"Babies want their mothers constantly," Myrtle said. "All the time, if I'm not around, Emily wails for me."

"Andrew, as well. But he has also taken to Thomas and my mother. And we haven't been around many strangers to notice how he acts around them."

"He seems to be a good baby, Rose. Children are a blessing."

Chapter Twenty-One