Chapter Twenty-Eight


Two Months Later

Rose sat in the waiting room of the doctor’s office, thinking about that day two months earlier. She had half-expected Thomas to be angry, to refuse to forgive her for her past, or for keeping it a secret. But, while he had been angry for a while, he had understood, and had forgiven her for keeping secrets from him. He had also given up the idea of selling the Heart of the Ocean, acknowledging that it was Rose’s, to keep or sell as she saw fit.

That night, after Lora had taken Andrew to the kitchen to eat, Rose and Thomas had made love, renewing their love and trust in one another. Rose had sensed that night that they had created a new life, and as the weeks passed, she became more and more certain of it.

"Mrs. Calvert?"

Rose looked up, seeing the doctor gesturing to her. Standing, she made her way to the door of the examining room, going inside and sitting down on the examining table.

"What seems to be the problem, Mrs. Calvert?"

"I think I may be in the family way," Rose told her, blushing a little. She’d had two babies before, but acknowledging that she thought she was pregnant had always been a little embarrassing for her.

"Well, let’s examine you and see. I’ll also have a few questions for you."

"Of course." Rose lay back, letting the doctor complete his examination and answering his questions.

When the doctor was finished, Rose sat up, pulling her skirt down over her legs. "What’s the diagnosis?" she asked, looking at him, half-hopeful and half-fearful. What if she was wrong?

"Mrs. Calvert, you are most definitely pregnant," the doctor told her, washing his hands and writing something on a piece of paper. "Here are some instructions for you."

Rose smiled, pleased that she had been right, that there was another baby on the way. "Thank you."

"You’re welcome, Mrs. Calvert. I will need to see you back here in about a month. You can make the appointment with my nurse."

Rose nodded, a wave of excitement going through her. She couldn’t wait to tell Thomas.


As Rose had hoped, Thomas was overjoyed to know that she was having another baby. He coddled her, trying to get her to rest, while he did her work for her, amusing Rose no end. Finally, Lora pointed out that it was better if Rose did her own work and got enough exercise—too much rest was unnecessary and even harmful for a woman going through a normal pregnancy.

That night, Rose lay contentedly in Thomas’s arms after making love. He had been especially careful and gentle with her, knowing that she was pregnant, and Rose counted herself as lucky to have found such a loving, caring man.

She snuggled closer against him as she fell asleep, relishing his warm, loving presence.



Rose turned, her eyes widening in astonishment. "Jack! What are you doing here?" She looked around, surprised to find that she was in her suite aboard the RMS Titanic.

"I thought it was time for a visit." Jack lounged against the wall, his portfolio in his hand. "Anyway, I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Have a seat."

As Rose sank down onto the couch, Jack sat beside her, pulling her into his arms. She laughed softly, delighted.

After they kissed for a couple of minutes, Rose pulled back, looking him in the eyes. "What was it you had to tell me?"

"It’s about the baby." He gestured to her abdomen.

"What about it? It’s all right, isn’t it?"

Jack laughed softly. "More than all right. In fact, ‘it’ doesn’t describe the baby at all. It’s more like ‘they’."

"They?" Rose’s eyes widened. "Oh, Jack…you mean…"

"You’re having twins, Rose. A boy and a girl."

Rose’s hands flew to her stomach. "Twins!"

"Yes. And our daughter’s spirit is in the girl. She was too young to come here—but she’s going to have another chance, being born to you and Thomas."

Rose looked up at him, stunned. "Jacquelyn is going to be born to me again?"


"But…but, how?"

"I don’t know. That’s up to God. But I do know that it’s true."

"Jacquelyn…I’ll have a second chance to raise her, and love her, and watch her grow up…oh, Jack, this is the most wonderful gift I have ever been given. Thank you!"

"Thank God, Rose, not me."

"Oh, I will…but you told me about it. You let me know that this is happening." She threw her arms around him, kissing him soundly.

When they parted, Jack moved away from her a little. "It’s time for you to go back, Rose."

"Jack, no. Not yet."

"It’s almost morning. Your husband will be worried if you don’t wake up."

Rose nodded sadly, acknowledging that he was right. "I’ll miss you, Jack."

"I’ll miss you, too, Rose, but always remember that I’m watching over you."

"I know." Rose hugged him. Then she frowned. "I thought I wasn’t supposed to see you until the time was right."

He laughed softly, a littler sheepishly. "Well, this came up, and it kind of seemed necessary."

"You’re right. It was." Rose kissed him one more time. "Will I see you again anytime soon?"

"I don’t know, Rose. But if we don’t meet again soon, remember that I’ll be waiting for you at that clock when the time is right."

Rose’s eyes softened. "I know. I love you, Jack."

"And I love you, Rose."


Rose opened her eyes to the early morning light. Thomas was standing beside her, watching her with amusement.

"You must have been having a happy dream, sleepyhead," he commented. "You’ve been smiling so widely…"

Suddenly full of energy, Rose leaped out of bed and pulled on her robe. Throwing her arms around Thomas, she told him, "Yes. It was wonderful." She grinned unable to keep her secret. Putting Thomas’s hand on her middle, she whispered, "We’re having twins."

"Twins? How do you know?"

Rose smiled, knowing that she couldn’t tell him about her conversation with Jack, but wanting to tell him anyway. "The doctor said so. And, Thomas, I have it on good authority that it will be a boy and a girl."

He laughed. "Good authority, hmm? That was quite a dream. And do you have names for them, too?"

Rose stopped. She wanted to name the girl after her first baby, but knew that it wouldn’t be right. "For the boy, I do."

"And what is that?"

"Jack Taylor Calvert."

He frowned slightly. "Jack?"

"In honor of my first baby, Thomas, nothing more. I leave the name of the girl to you."

"Well, then, if you’re honoring your firstborn, they’ll both hold her name. The girl—if there is one—will be Lora Jacquelyn Calvert."

Chapter Twenty-Nine