Chapter Three


John had been startled, of course. He thought Rose had been married to the love of her life, who had died in her arms. Now, he found out differently.

Rose was worried about him. He refused to speak with her, for she was going to have a child out of wedlock, and John thought it was improper. She was terrified of what was about to take place in her life, and really wished John would help her. She didn't need him to be stubborn right now. She walked down the stairs in a robe that used to belong to John's wife, Maria. It suited Rose perfectly, perfect enough to get John's attention as she came into the kitchen. "John, we really have to talk. Don't be mad at me. I was planning on marrying Jack as soon as the Titanic docked. I promise you, we were in love."

"It doesn't matter. You weren't married. That child has no father."

"Yes, it does, and his name is Jack!"

"Do you know what people will say? They will think I am the father because you are living here. People will ridicule me. You can't stay here anymore."

"What?" Rose cried. "I can't leave now! Do you expect me to give birth on the street?"

"Do what you must. But you must not remain in my house!"

"John, please. I will tell people it's not your child. I know I said I would leave within a week, but I have been ill. Do you understand? Please, help me! I can't work in this condition. Please!" She was begging now, and had fallen to her knees out of weakness.

John just looked at her with anger and sipped his coffee. He poured some vodka in it and drank some more. He looked back at Rose. She was extremely pale, and her lips were turning blue. He did care for this poor girl. She had lost the man she loved and the father of her child. She had no place to go, and it was cold in the city. She knew not how to work for money to care for herself.

"Please, John."

"You must promise to stay in the house, and rarely go outside. Do you understand me?"

"Anything. I just want to have Jack's child. He's gone now, and I love him. I still do."

"Go upstairs. Sleep. You look awful."

Rose did as she was told. She wanted sleep, for she had been up all night trying to find out what she could possibly do. She was the epitome of confusion. John noticed this and took pity on her. Besides, he had feelings for her. He didn't know why. She was beautiful and kind, and depended on him for everything. He knew he had an advantage...


"I can't eat that!" Rose told John. "I'll never keep it down. This morning is worse than any other."

"You have to eat something. You haven't eaten in days. What about the baby? It needs nutrition. Please eat something."

"I'll just have some tea, if it's all right with you. I can't eat, John. I'm sorry."

The past month have been a nightmare. This pregnancy looked at though it wouldn't last long. But Rose was determined to give birth to Jack's child. It would be a memory of him, forever. John's feelings had grown more and more for Rose. Moreso than his feelings for Maria. He was frightened of what had come over him. He shouldn't be doing this. Not when he should be preserving his thoughts of his deceased wife. But he couldn't control himself. He wanted Rose to be his forever.

"Are you all right, John? You just are staring into space. Are you sure you're all right?"

"I'm fine. I'm just worrying about you too much. I think we should call the doctor back."

"Oh, nonsense! I will be perfectly fine. My mother lay in bed with me for six months before I was born, and look how I turned out!"

"Where is your mother, Rose?"

"My mother?" Rose stopped drinking the tea and looked up at John. She realized she had been lying to him these entire two months. Nothing she had told him about her previous life was true. "My mother's died." In a way, she was dead for Rose. She didn't exist. Even though her mother was extant didn't mean she had to exist.

"Oh, so sorry."

"Don't be."

The pain in her stomach grew stronger, and she placed the tea on the table. "I think I'll go back to bed, John. I still feel a little ill."

"All right, Rose. I'll see you at dinner. You must eat sometime today. For the baby."

Rose placed her hand on her stomach and massaged the pain. "For the baby," she repeated.

Eating had become a real pain. Rose couldn't keep anything down except for some drinks and dry toast. But that wasn't going to help the baby. It was hungry, while Rose was not. She hadn't even begun to show yet. As a matter of fact, she was losing weight.


John entered the bedroom and looked at his beautiful Rose. She was sitting up and reading a novel.

"Oh, hello, John. I'm not hungry."

"Yes, I know. You always say that. Rose, I am very worried about you. Four months into pregnancy. You should be showing now."

"Do you think I'm a fool?! I know that! John, I am so worried about my baby, and I have no idea what labor is going to be like. Or even if I will ever experience labor. Tell me my child will live, John. Please tell me!"

Rose had begun to weep, and John rushed over to her side to comfort her. He wanted any excuse to hug this woman whom he had grown strong feelings for. He wanted to marry her, but knew she wasn't ready. Not after Jack...

"I want this baby," Rose's muffled voice said into his chest. "I love Jack, and I want his child. Lie to me if you must, but tell me my baby will live!"

"I'll tell you anything," John replied, running his fingers through Rose's silky hair. "Anything you want, I'll do."

Rose felt nauseous and leaned back against the headboard of the large bed. "I feel awful. It was bad enough losing Jack, but his child—"

She placed her hand on her stomach and tried to will the baby to live. Rose wanted to be a mother. She wanted Jack to be the father of her children, and she wanted this to be it. It was her only chance to give Jack a legacy of his own.

"It hurts. It hurts so much, John. Please, call the doctor. I want all the help I can get so that this baby will live."


Rose donned her black bonnet and simple black dress. It was Jacqueline Ruth Dawson's funeral, and Rose wanted her daughter to see her mother one last time.

"Are you ready, Rose?" John asked, placing a hand on Rose's shoulder. He could see how weak she was, and how frail she had become.

"I'll never be ready for the funeral of my own daughter," Rose replied sadly. She looked in the mirror one last time before they headed towards the cemetery.

Five months. It had been an entire five months since she had met and lost Jack. She had survived, but not the way Jack had probably wanted her to. I lost his child, Rose thought to herself in the car. How will he ever forgive me?

She placed a lily on Jacqueline's grave, a tiny diadem for the angel she loved. "I love you," Rose whispered to the coffin as it was lowered. "Tell your father in heaven that I love and miss him, too."

These words stung John, who had thought perhaps Jack was forgotten. But no. Jacqueline's birth and death after only five months had only made Rose love and miss Jack himself more.

They drove home. The rain pounded on the earth, leaving an echoing sound on the inside of the black car.

Chapter Four