Chapter Six

"Where have you been?" shouted Cal as loudly as he could. He had found Rose around noon and promptly dragged her back home.

Rose sat stiffly in a chair; she had been hoping that she would never be found, at least not by Cal or her mother. But she had, and now she was going to pay.

"Well, answer me!" yelled Cal.

Rose just stared back at him with wide, frightened eyes.

Cal sighed. "Well, I think I know the answer already, Rose," he said quietly. He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a picture.

Rose actually gasped. She had hidden it so well! He must have turned her room upside down trying to find it.

"Well?" he asked, keeping his voice deadly quiet. "Did you go and see him, Rose?"

She shook her head frantically. "No," she managed to squeak.

Cal leaned right over her, his face close to hers. "You are my fiancée!" he whispered furiously, "and you will not make a fool of me, Rose!" He stood there, forcing her to look into his cold eyes. "If you didn’t see him, then where did you go?"

Rose was so frightened she could hardly talk, but she decided to tell the truth. Cal could sense when she was lying. "A bar," she said simply.

Cal actually stood back. "A bar?" he asked quietly. "A bar?" He was yelling now. Picture still in hand, he ripped it into tiny shreds in Rose’s face. "You will never leave this house again without me or your mother accompanying you ever again!" he shouted. "Do you understand?" Rose nodded her head. "Good," he said, suddenly smug. He turned and threw the last remaining bit of paper into the fire. Slowly, Rose watched as the words I love you, Rose burned away into blackness.


As Jack entered the bar, he noticed it was more crowded than usual. Looking around, he spotted Mark.

"Hey, Mark. What’s going on here?" he asked, glancing around.

Before Mark could answer, a young woman came running up to him. "Jack!" she shouted happily. "Jack, guess what? A society lady came here!"

"What?" asked Jack and Mark at the same time. It was apparent that Mark had no idea what was going on.

The woman smiled. "It was the debutante in your pictures." She grabbed Jack’s portfolio out of his hands and opened it. "See?" she asked, showing Jack one of his many pictures of Rose.

"Oh, shit!" Jack couldn’t help himself. He turned to Mark. "Rose was here last night!"

Mark raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Are you serious? She must have been looking for you..."

Jack turned quickly to the woman. "Sarah, did you see where Rose--the society lady went?"

Sarah nodded her head. "Yes. She went outside, and then a man with black hair took her away."

Once again, Cal had Rose.


Two weeks slowly passed with nothing but thoughts of Rose. Jack looked for her every day, but never once did he find her, or even see Lucy Bernard, who must have known where Rose was staying. Then, one sunny day, something caught his eye...picking up a discarded newspaper, he gaped at what was front page news.

Caledon Hockley and Fiancée Rose DeWitt Bukater to Wed

Rose stared up at him, just as beautiful as ever, but the smile she wore was fake. Rose might be smiling, but her eyes showed just how miserable she was. Beside her stood Cal, showing her off like some grand item he had bought. Turning to page six, Jack quickly read the article.

Caledon Hockley, the wealthiest man in Philadelphia, will wed fiancée Rose DeWitt Bukater today at 1:30 PM at St. John of God Church...

The article went on to explain in more detail the splendor of the occasion, but Jack couldn’t care less about that...somehow he just couldn’t understand why Rose was going through with it. His Rose was getting married--to Cal!


Rose stood and stared at herself in the mirror. She was dressed in the most beautiful wedding gown money could buy, covered in jewels, the Heart of the Ocean weighing heavily on her neck. Her hair was pinned up stylishly with a veil on top. She looked like a princess, yet she felt like a prisoner. She didn’t love Cal. She couldn’t love Cal, even when she tried. Yet here she was, being forced to marry him, but she couldn’t. She couldn’t! How could she do this to Jack, to herself? Jack was the only person in the world who she could ever love as a husband. She was going to die without him. She couldn’t do this!

Suddenly, the door opened and the wedding march sounded. As much as Rose wanted to run away, she felt her feet dragging her towards Cal. Every step seemed like an eternity. Each breath of air she took in seemed to make breathing even harder. Her stomach felt sick and queasy, and the Heart of the Ocean seemed to be pulling her down.

Suddenly, a loud voice erupted, breaking the silence.


Rose didn’t need anyone to tell her who that voice belonged to, who the person was who had come to save her--she heard that voice every night in her dreams. Without hesitation, she spun around and saw him.


Running as fast as the stupid gown would allow, she threw herself into Jack’s arms and he spun her around joyfully.

"Jack! Oh, Jack!" She sobbed with relief and happiness. "Oh, Jack, I love you. I love you so much..."

She hugged him tighter and closer than she had ever hugged anyone before.

"I love you, too, Rose." She heard Jack’s muffled response.

All around her, she could hear yelling, whispering, and gasps of surprise, but she didn’t care. All she wanted to do was stand there, safe in Jack’s warm and loving embrace.

"No!" Rough hands grabbed her, trying to pull her away from the love of her life.

"No! Jack!" Rose fought Cal’s strong grip desperately.

"No! You’re marrying me!"

Cal lost it. He was pulling at her so hard he was bruising her arm. There were shouts of outrage, and Rose heard one man yell, "Now, really!"

She felt Jack tense, ready for a fight, but before either he or Cal could do anything, Rose spun around and spat hard into Cal’s face. The room went deathly quiet. Cal staggered back, shocked that she would do that again, in public, in front of five hundred guests, but Rose didn’t care. She was with Jack, and that meant happiness and freedom. She heard Jack laugh behind her. After all, who had expected her to do that? The crowd was whispering in shock, but she heard at least one person laughing loudly--Molly Brown.

"C’mon!" she yelled, almost laughing as she grabbed Jack’s hand.

The two ran through the church and its shocked occupants and out into the street.


People stared as they ran, one a beautiful society lady in jewels and a wedding gown, the other a poor man dressed in simple clothes. Rose could hear Jack laughing behind her as they ran wildly without purpose, and she found that she was laughing, too, so hard that her stomach hurt. But nothing could spoil this moment, nothing could take away the joy, happiness, and freedom she felt.

Chapter Seven