Chapter Fourteen

Gwen sat in silence, sitting on her grandmothers sofa. She was slowly taking sips of the hot raspberry tea that had been specially brewed for her, raspberry being Gwen's favorite.

Her younger siblings had been told to go upstairs and her grandparents and brother Peter sat beside her, watching her.

"Gwen dear?" her grandmother asked.

"Yes grandmother?" she replied.

"Dear can you talk about it at all?" she asked.

Gwen looked from her grandmother, to the lemon in her tea, then to her feet.

"I'd prefer not to. To many things happened that night, if I begin to tell you the tale then I might begin to make a fool of myself in your living room," Gwen answered finally.

Her grandmother nodded, "Very well dear, that’s probably the best."

"I do want to return to Liverpool. To home, and raise Matthew and Colette," Gwen stated after a few moments.

"Gwen dear, I don't know if that’s wise. You have had such a horrible month," her grandmother said.

"Grandmother I need to return to Liverpool, first I would like to go down to Scotland to visit someone but I need to be home in Liverpool. To feel close to father and mother. I believe that they would want me to raise Matthew and Colette. Peter is sixteen, he does not need me. But...I think I need my brother and sister," Gwen replied.

"Well dear, what’s in Scotland?" her grandmother asked.

Gwen was silent, she did not want to answer the question.

"When I was on Titanic I made friends with a man from Scotland. I...I would like to go and visit with his family. He d-died," she said slowly.

"Oh, well that’s very lovely of you. To want to pay your respects to his family. Very well then, your grandfather and I will go to the train station, buy you three tickets. One to your destination in Scotland, then one from Scotland to Liverpool. Where in Scotland do you need to go?" she asked her granddaughter.

"Dalbeattie," Gwen answered.

"Very well. While your grandfather purchases the tickets I will get you some pocket money. Enough to last you for a few days in Scotland and until you get home to Liverpool. In your fathers desk drawer is his bank information so you will be able to access the money. Being his oldest he left most of his fortune to you. Seeing now as how my only son has died then our fortune will go to you and your brothers and sister," her grandmother replied.

Gwen nodded, "Thank you so much grandmother," she said.

"Alright, if you need anything just ask Martha or Ben. We will go out now," her grandmother said as they rose to their feet.

Gwen stood and hugged them both and then her grandparents went out into the car and left. Once they were gone she sat back down on the couch. Colette came downstairs and silently watched her sister. Peter stood up, thinking she wanted to be alone and he left for the yard to sit in the garden. As Gwen sipped her tea she saw her reflection in a mirror.

Since the accident she had seemed to of lost weight, not eating as much. If eating anything at all, when she did eat it would always just be soup. She had not bothered with wearing any type of makeup for her face, Will was dead. There was no point in it anymore. As she thought about it she had not worn any makeup since the night of the sinking. As she stood and looked at this girl she realized something. She was not seeing Gwendolyn Wilde. This was some stranger, a woman she had never seen before. The Gwen Wilde that she knew was a cheerful, strong, outspoken, confident woman.

But this woman that stood before her was sad, confused, broken hearted, and depressed. As she continued to observe herself she felt the tears coming.

Why? Why had she met Will Murdoch? If God knew that Will would die along with her father then why had he sent Will to her? Why would he make her go through this pain, the pain that she now felt every day and just might feel for the rest of her life. Then the tears came up and she broke down onto the floor in sobs.

Colette saw her sister and went running to her.

"Gwen? What’s the matter?" she asked soothingly.

Gwen looked up at her younger sister, but the tears continued to fall.

"Colette I've lost the two men that meant the most to me in the world. They both died because of that damn ship! I hate Titanic, I hate the ice berg, I hate the ocean. I do not know what to do anymore," she sobbed.

Colette wrapped her arms lovingly around her sister.

"It's alright? God has a plan. I do not know who the second man was but the first man I know was daddy. It will be fine, I promise," Colette continued to say soothingly.

"How will everything be alright? God sent me a man who I fell in love with on that ship. Then he took Will away from me. To make it all worse the last few days on that ship I spent them upset with daddy. I was angry with him and he put me on the lifeboat and I did not even tell him I love him! The last thing he said to me was 'I'll try to get on a boat' then Will he...the last thing that he s-said to me was 'Tie that tightly!' He didn't want me on the ship anymore though. But I couldn't just leave him!" Gwen said to her sister in between sobs.

"Y-you fell in love with a man on the ship? No wonder your even more messed up. What happened to him?" Colette asked as she rocked her sister.

"He s-shot himself. I do not know why but he did. Right in front of me," Gwen answered.

Just then Matthew and Peter walked into the room.

"Gwen?" Matthew asked in a small voice.

She looked up at her little brother and then to Peter and burst out into harder sobs.

Peter walked over to his sister and sat down on the floor with her.

"Gwen it will be alright. I promise you it will. I know you are having a difficult time looking at me since I look like father. But I promise you, it will be alright," Peter said.

Gwen tried to nod and stop the tears but she couldn't.

"If...if you say so," Gwen said through the cries.

Peter hugged his sister and she calmed down a bit. Just then they heard the front door open. Gwen wiped at her face to hide she was crying and she stood up.

"Children?" her grandmothers familiar voice called out.

"Yes grandmother?" they all called.

The four went into the main hall and saw their grandmother and grandfather waiting for them.

"Well Peter when we were buying the tickets I know you do not need to rely on Gwen but I thought you may want to go home to Liverpool. So we bought you all tickets. One for you all to go to Scotland which leaves first thing tomorrow morning. Then in two days we bought tickets for you all to get on a train leaving Scotland which will take you all the way to Liverpool," their grandfather said.

"Oh thank-you grandfather," Peter said.

"Oh grandmother, grandfather, I can't thank you enough," Gwen said.

Her grandmother opened her purse and handed Gwen a stack of notes.

"That should be enough money to get you all through the week," her grandmother stated.

"Thank you again," Gwen replied as she took the money.

"Now put that in a safe place and get changed. Supper will be in a short while," her grandmother said.

Gwen nodded and after hugging each of her grandparents she went upstairs to her room and changed into a gown, but not bothering with her hair or makeup. Gwen stuffed the money in her bag where it would be safe and then she went downstairs for dinner.

The next morning the four Wilde children woke early so that they would reach the train station in time. They ate a breakfast and then they all got into the car with their grandparents. When they reached the train station they said a goodbye to their grandparents and then got onto the train. As they sat in their compartments Matthew colored and Colette read a book with Peter. But Gwen was silent, she was going to meet the man she loved parents. Usually when a woman met their loved ones parents it was because they were engaged. But she was going to these people who were probably grieving over their son and what was she going to say to them?

'Hi I'm Gwendolyn Wilde, except now I'm using your son’s name because I fell in love with your son on the Titanic,' yes she could see the conversation now. As the train rolled along she slowly found sleep taking over her. Hoping that maybe when she woke up this would of all been a nightmare.

Chapter Fifteen